Browsing by Author "Mudarra López, Miguel"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
A model to explain the TSDC spectrum of XLPE insulation in mid voltage cables based on a virtual electrode
Belana Punseti, Juan; Diego Vives, José Antonio; Orrit Prat, Jordi; Mudarra López, Miguel (2007)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe analysis by TSDC of a large variety of cables subjected to long annealing times, has resulted in spectra that sometimes show an oscillation of the current peak observed at 99°C. This process has been observed in some ... -
Broad-band electrical conductivity of carbon nanofibre-reinforced polypropylene foams
Antunes, Marcelo de Sousa Pais; Mudarra López, Miguel; Velasco Perero, José Ignacio (2011)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe influence of foaming a semi-crystalline polymer reinforced with different concentrations of carbon nanofibres (0–20 wt.%) on the formation of an electrically conductive network was studied at room temperature using an ... -
Charge storage and retention in electret dielectric layers for energy harvesting applications
Diáz-Ballester, A.; Castillo-Anguera, S; Rafi, J. M.; Gómez-Martínez, R.; Abadal, G.; Figueras, E.; Plaza, J.A.; Esteve, J.; Mudarra López, Miguel; Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyBy providing a permanent electric polarization, electrets have a wide range of applications in different fields like sensors and actuators, energy harvesting or biomedicine. Stable electrets with silicon-based compatible ... -
Comparative dielectric and thermally stimulated-depolarization-current studies of the liquid crystal dimers 1¿,9¿-bis(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yl) nonane and heptane and a binary mixture between them, close to the glass transition
Sellarès González, Jordi; Diego Vives, José Antonio; López Pérez, David Orencio; Salud Puig, Josep; Robles Hernández, Beatriz; de la Fuente Lavin, Maria Rosario; Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos; Mudarra López, Miguel; López de Rioja, Víctor; Levit Valenzuela, Rafael; Díez Berart, Sergio (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2022-11-21)
Open AccessWe have performed dielectric spectroscopy and thermally stimulated-depolarization-current experiments to study the molecular dynamics of the twist-bend nematic phase close to the glass transition of two members of the ... -
Comparative study of mechanical and electrical relaxations in poly(etherimide). Part 2
Diaz Calleja, Ricardo; Friederichs, S.; Jaímes, C.; Sanchis, Jose Maria; Belana Punseti, Juan; Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos; Diego Vives, José Antonio; Mudarra López, Miguel (1998-05)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe curves describing the relaxation behaviour of poly(etherimide) at several frequencies shows in the dielectric lossÈtemperature plot c and b relax- ations centred at [95¡C and 100¡C, respectively, at 10 Hz. The glassÈrubber ... -
Comparison of pulsed electroacoustic and thermally stimulated depolarization current measurements of thermally poled PET electrets
Parsa, Seyedeh Elaheh; Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos; Diego Vives, José Antonio; Mudarra López, Miguel; Sellarès González, Jordi (Elsevier, 2022-09-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe have compared measurements of a set of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) electret samples by means of pulsed electroacoustic method (PEA) and thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) techniques. Samples where ... -
De les tutories-coaching als estudis atractius... Eines per al foment dels estudis d'enginyeria
Salán Ballesteros, Maria Núria; García-Almiñana, Daniel; Mudarra López, Miguel; Griful Ponsati, Eulàlia (2008)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEn aquesta comunicació es presenta el pla de tutories de l’ETSEIAT (Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa) que ha servit per “acompanyar” l’estudiantat, especialment el de nou ingrés, ... -
Double glass transition in polyethylene naphthalate by MDSC, BDS, and TSDC
Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos; Diego Vives, José Antonio; Díez Berart, Sergio; López Pérez, David Orencio; Mudarra López, Miguel; Salud Puig, Josep; Sellarès González, Jordi (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2024-08-07)
Open AccessIn this work, we present an experimental study of the primary and secondary relaxations of the semi-crystalline polymer polyethylene naphthalate by modulated differential scanning calorimetry, Thermally Stimulated ... -
EEES: adeqüació de les metodologies docents i consolidació de les tutoritzacions on-line a l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa
Griful Ponsati, Eulàlia; Mudarra López, Miguel; Amer Ramon, Rafael; Andreu Terrén, Glòria; Astals Coma, Francesc; Capdevila Pagés, Ramón; Cortes, Pilar; Doménech, Josep Maria; Gassó Domingo, Santiago; Ferrari Padrós, Emanuele; Font, Josep Lluís; Salán Ballesteros, Maria Núria; Victori Companys, Joan (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2008-02-07)
Open AccessL'índex d'estudiants exclosos durant la fase selectiva ha estat un tema de preocupació per part dels equips directius, i els estudis que s'han fet indiquen que són comparables a d'altres titulacions de la UPC. Per tal ... -
Effects of UV radiation on the charge trapping capability of PET
Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos; Diego Vives, José Antonio; Mudarra López, Miguel; Parsa, Seyedeh Elaheh; Sellarès González, Jordi (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2019-02-06)
Open AccessPoly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is able to retain space charge in traps, as is usual in dielectric materials. This allows the material to attain an almost permanent polarization when space charge is displaced by an ... -
El programa INSPIRE3: la promoción del talento en ingeniería
González Díez, David; Griful Ponsati, Eulàlia; Mudarra López, Miguel; Ortiz Marzo, José Antonio; Font Andreu, Jorge; Angulo Navarro, Emilio; Salán Ballesteros, Maria Núria; Díaz González, Carlos Gustavo (2010)
Conference report
Open AccessEl programa INSPIRE3 es una iniciativa de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Industrial y Aeronáutica de Terrassa (ETSEIAT, dirigida al estudiantado para el desarrollo de proyectos ... -
Estudio de la carga de espacio en polímeros amorfos por espectroscopia dieléctrica
Mudarra López, Miguel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2000-01-17)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessEl término carga de espacio describe el estado eléctrico de un material, mal conductor, que mantiene una distribución de cargas eléctricas relativamente inmóviles. El estudio del efecto de la carga de espacio sobre las ... -
Extracurricular learning program for professional skills development in engineering schools
González Díez, David; Griful Ponsati, Eulàlia; Mudarra López, Miguel; Serrano Maestre, Maria del Pilar (2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents an extracurricular program called INSPIRE3 that has been implemented by the ETSEIAT (Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeries Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa), a center belonging to the UPC-BarcelonaTech ... -
II Jornada Técnica Seguridad Vial Inauguració
Ortiz Marzo, José Antonio; Mudarra López, Miguel; Isern Carbonell, Joan (2015-03-18)
Open Access -
Implantació i consolidació d'un servei d'orientació i tutorització on-line pels estudiants de fase selectiva en l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Terrassa
Griful Ponsati, Eulàlia; Mudarra López, Miguel; Amer Ramon, Rafael; Andreu Terrén, Glòria; Astals Coma, Francesc; Capdevila Pagés, Ramón; Domènech Mas, Josep Maria; Gassó Domingo, Santiago; Ferrari Padrós, Emanuele; Salán Ballesteros, Maria Núria; Victori Companys, Joan; Casadesús Pursals, Salvador (2005-02)
Conference report
Open AccessL’índex d’estudiants exclusos durant la fase selectiva de la titulació d’enginyeria industrial ha estat un tema de preocupació per part dels equips directius, i els estudis que s’han fet indiquen que és comparable a altres ... -
Influence of internal flexibility on the double glass transition in a series of odd non-symmetric liquid crystal dimers characterised by dielectric measurements
Diego Vives, José Antonio; Sellarès González, Jordi; Díez Berart, Sergio; Salud Puig, Josep; Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos; Mudarra López, Miguel; López Pérez, David Orencio; de la Fuente Lavin, Maria Rosario; Ros, M Blanca (2017-04-11)
Open AccessDielectric measurements (thermally stimulated depolarisation currents and broadband dielectric spectroscopy) have been performed near the glass transition to study the glass transition on the odd non-symmetric liquid crystal ... -
Influence of Polymethylmethacrylate microstructure on its conductive properties at high temperature
Guarrotxena Arlunduaga, Miren Nekane; Mudarra López, Miguel (2019)
Open AccessThe influence of a set of tacticity-governed microstructures on the conductive properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) has been studied at high temperatures. Those structures are specially the mmmr and the mmmmrx (x = m ... -
Insights into the structural and dielectric behavior of composites produced from EPDM waste processed through a devulcanization method and SBR
Marín Genescà, Marc; García Amorós, Jordi; Mudarra López, Miguel; Massagués Vidal, Lluís; Cañavate Ávila, Francisco Javier; Colom Fajula, Xavier (American Chemical Society (ACS), 2023-03-30)
Open AccessEthylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) is one of the most used polymers in the world. It is an elastomer, which means that the existing cross-linking between the main chains of the polymer created during the vulcanization ... -
Integració curricular d'assignatures per al disseny del nou màster d'enginyeria aeronàutica
García-Almiñana, Daniel; Rodríguez Donaire, Silvia; Sureda Anfres, Miquel; Fajula, Anna; Castellblanque, Mariano; Colomer, Pere; Nualart, Pau; Mudarra López, Miguel; Casals, Miquel; Gassó Domingo, Santiago; Domènech, Josep Maria; Pérez, Luis Manuel; López, Lucía (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2013-02-08)
Conference report / Conference lecture
Open AccessAquest projecte ha implementat una prova pilot d’un pla transversal de coordinació de diferents assignatures (Projectes d’Enginyeria Aeronàutica (UPC-enginyeria aeronàutica), Direcció Estratègica (UPC-enginyeria ... -
La transició del batxillerat a la universitat: reflexions des de l'ETSEIAT
García-Almiñana, Daniel; Griful Ponsati, Eulàlia; Mudarra López, Miguel (V CIDUI, 2008)
Conference lecture
Open AccessEn aquesta presentació es volen dur a terme un conjunt de reflexions obertes en relació a aquella transició Batxillerat-Universitat, a la vista del que l’oportunitat de l’EEES pot significar, tenint present la experiència ...