Browsing by Author "García Vilana, Silvia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
A new technique for curved rod bending tests based on digital image correlation
García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos (2021-11-19)
Open AccessBackground. The study of the deformation of curved rods subjected to bending and its associated stress state is a complex task that has not been treated in depth in the literature, which makes difficult to obtain constitutive ... -
A predictive model for fracture in human ribs based on in-vitro acoustic emission data
García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Fernández Osete, Ismael; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Martínez González, Eva (2021-09-01)
Open AccessPurpose The aim of this paper is to propose a fracture model for human ribs based on acoustic emission (AE) data. The accumulation of microcracking until a macroscopic crack is produced can be monitored by AE. The ... -
A probabilistic model for murder weapon identification using stab-marks in human ribs
Sánchez Molina, David; Galtés Vicente, Ignasi; García Vilana, Silvia; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan (2023-02-10)
Open AccessThe aim of this article is to provide a scientific and statistical basis to identify the murder weapon in stabbing cases from the geometric characteristics of the stab-marks left on human ribs. For this purpose, a quantitative ... -
A strain rate dependent model with decreasing Young’s Modulus for cortical human bone
Sánchez Molina, David; García Vilana, Silvia; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2023-05-11)
Open AccessThis research studies the dynamic behavior of human cortical bone specimens and investigates their mechanical properties using uniaxial tensile tests. The main experimental finding is that in the range of strain rate ... -
Acoustic emission applied to stochastic modeling of microdamage in compact bone
Sánchez Molina, David; García Vilana, Silvia (2024-03-29)
Open AccessExploring the stochastic intricacies of bone microstructure is a promising way to make progress on the practical issue of bone fracture. This study investigates the fracture of human complete ribs subjected to bending and ... -
Age effects on the mechanical behavior of human cerebral bridging veins
García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David (Elsevier, 2022-12)
Open AccessBackground. It is well established that the probability of occurrence of acute subdural hematomas in traumatic situations increases with age, since the main cause of such hematomas is the mechanical failure of cerebral ... -
Aplicación de la emisión acústica como método para anticipar el fallo de tejidos colaginosos (1ª parte)
García Vilana, Silvia; Martínez González, Eva; Sánchez Molina, David; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Rebollo Soria, María Carmen (2016-07-01)
Open AccessSe usa un montaje experimental basado en Emisión Acústica (EA) para detectar la energía elástica liberada durante el proceso de tracción y rotura de tejidos colaginosos. Se localizan las señales y se cuenta el número de ... -
Aplicación de la emisión acústica como método para participar el fallo de tejidos colaginosos (2a parte)
García Vilana, Silvia; Martínez González, Eva; Sánchez Molina, David; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Rebollo Soria, María Carmen (2016-10-01)
Open Access -
Caracterización de tejido óseo humano sometido a impacto con objeto punzante, arma blanca
García Vilana, Silvia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-06-08)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Characterization of cutting parameters in the minimum quantity lubricant (MQL) machining process of a gearbox
Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio; Gómez Gras, Giovanni; García Vilana, Silvia; Mainau Noguer, Ferran; Jerez Mesa, Ramón (IGI Global, 2015-02-09)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper aims to find the key process parameters for machining different parts of an automobile gearbox, commissioned by a company that needs to replace with the MQL lubrication system their current machining process ... -
Chest wall mechanics during mechanical chest compression and its relationship to CPR-related injuries and survival
Azeli, Youcef; Barbería, Eneko; Fernandez, Alberto; García Vilana, Silvia; Bardají, Alfredo; Madsen Hardig, Bjarne (Elsevier, 2022-06-01)
Open AccessAim To determine compression force variation (CFV) during mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and its relationship with CPR-related injuries and survival. Methods Adult non-traumatic OHCA patients who had been ... -
Constitutive relationships for osteonal microcracking in human cortical bone using statistical mechanics
García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David (2023-10-11)
Open AccessThe post-elastic mechanical behavior of cortical bone, which is represented by extensive microcracking once the elastic regime is exceeded, has been characterized by a nonlinear constitutive relationship for osteonal ... -
Determinación de propiedades mecánicas en láminas de aluminio de grano nanocristalino
García Vilana, Silvia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-06-11)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionEl present projecte té per objectiu analitzar les propietats del material d'estudi, en aquest cas, alumini de gra nanocristal·lí. A partir de làmines elaborades mitjançant la tècnica Ball Milling per compactació, es ... -
Dinámica de sólidos y partículas
Sánchez Molina, David; García Vilana, Silvia (Iniciativa Digital Politècnica. Oficina de Publicacions Acadèmiques Digitals de la UPC, 2023-09)
Restricted access to the UPC academic communityDinámica de sólidos y partículas es un texto de nivel universitario de dinámica clásica que usa un tratamiento matemáticamente riguroso, con énfasis en las generalizaciones. Cada capítulo tiene numerosos ejemplos prácticos ... -
Efectes de l'edat en els traumatismes cranioencefàlics: propietats mecàniques
Sánchez Molina, David; García Vilana, Silvia (2022-01-14)
Research report
Open Access -
Estudio de la frecuencia de ocurrencia de accidentes de tráfico mediante procesos estocásticos de Pascal-Pólya
Sánchez Molina, David; García Vilana, Silvia; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos (Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales, 2018)
Open AccessObjetivo: (1) Plantear un modelo estocástico adecuado para la frecuencia de accidentes, que permita analizar tanto la peligrosidad, como la exposición al riesgo. (2) Introducir los conceptos de macroaccidentalidad y ... -
Impact of printing orientation on inter and intra-layer bonds in 3D printed thermoplastic elastomers: A study using acoustic emission and tensile tests
Adrover Monserrat, Bàrbara; García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Martínez González, Eva; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio (Elsevier, 2023-09)
Open AccessThe use of the Material Extrusion technique with Thermoplastic Elastomers is currently growing because of the large number of benefits of this family of materials. They are processable materials with high flexibility, which ... -
Impact of printing orientation on inter and intra-layer bonds in 3D printed thermoplastic elastomers: a study using acoustic emission and tensile tests
Adrover Monserrat, Bàrbara; García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Martínez González, Eva; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio (Elsevier, 2023-09-22)
Open AccessThe use of the Material Extrusion technique with Thermoplastic Elastomers is currently growing because of the large number of benefits of this family of materials. They are processable materials with high flexibility, which ... -
Influence of anthopometric variables on the mechanical properties of human rib cortical bone
Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Martínez González, Eva; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Rebollo-Soria, M. Carmen; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2021-05-01)
Open AccessObjective. The mechanical properties of ribs from a large number of post-mortem human subjects (PMHS) were analyzed to search for variation according to age, sex or BMI in the sample. A large sample of specimens from ... -
Injury metrics for assessing the risk of acute subdural hematoma in traumatic events
García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi (2021-12-17)
Open AccessWorldwide, the ocurrence of acute subdural hematomas (ASDHs) in road traffic crashes is a major public health problem. ASDHs are usually produced by loss of structural integrity of one of the cerebral bridging veins (CBVs) ...