Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    • Actiontrucker : sistema de control de estabilidad y condición de carga 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-12)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
    • Alternative manoeuvres to reduce ship scour 

      Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Moncunill Marimon, Jorge; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Martínez de Osés, Francesc Xavier (Cambridge University Press, 2020-08-03)
      Open Access
      Scouring and sedimentation effects on the seabed induced by ship propellers during ship manoeuvring near harbour structures affect both structure stability and ship manoeuvring capabilities. This contribution proposes ...
    • Analysis of vessel induced erosion through manoeuvre simulation and AIS data 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Moncunill Marimon, Jorge; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Gironella Cobos, Xavier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, 2022-06-21)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      This manuscript presents an erosion induced by manoeuvring ships assessment methodology in harbour basins with low bed clearance conditions. From the evolution of the bottom morphology, obtained from bathymetric surveys ...
    • Anàlisi del port de Palma com a port comercial 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-03-06)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
    • Composite methodology to prevent ship propeller erosion 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Gironella Cobos, Xavier (2020-01)
      Open Access
      The jet flow generated by manoeuvring ships nearby vertical structures is known to erode the seabed sediment but is still difficult to predict the effects of a particular ship operating in a harbour basin. This paper ...
    • COVID-19 impact on maritime traffic and corresponding pollutant emissions. The case of the Port of Barcelona 

      Mujal Colilles, Anna; Nieto Guarasa, Javier; Fonollosa Magrinyà, Jordi; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la (2022-02)
      Open Access
      The impact of the SARS-CoV pandemic has gone well beyond health concerns, reaching the maritime industry. The study on the environmental impact of shipping industry during COVID-19 pandemic can provide useful insights to ...
    • Hybrid tool to prevent ship propeller erosion 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Martínez de Osés, Francesc Xavier; Martín Mallofré, Agustí; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2018)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The present contribution aims to implement a new methodology to prevent Roll on-Roll off vessels (RO-RO) from causing severe scouring actions. The methodology combines field, experimental, theoretical and numerical tools ...
    • Low-cost vessel motion monitoring: Inertial measurement unit validation and calibration 

      Carrasco Serra, Oriol; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Swift, René; James, Mark (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, 2024-06-07)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The importance of the study of ship motion characteristics lies not in the motions themselves, but rather the effects caused by these dynamic motions. Motions are significantly influenced by a multitude of factors, including ...
    • Manoeuvre analysis and simulation to prevent seabed scour due to ship propellers 

      Mujal Colilles, Anna; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència i Enginyeria Nàutiques, 2020-09)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Erosion of the seabed is produced by cargo and passenger vessels when manoeuvring in a harbour basin due to the high-speed jet flow generated by the main propellers. In case of twin propeller vessels, the ability to perform ...
    • Relationship between eroded volume and main scour hole dimensions near quay walls caused by internal counter-rotating twin-propellers 

      Curulli, Giuseppe; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Penna, Nadia; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Sánchez Arcilla, Agustín; Gaudio, Roberto (2022-07-14)
      Open Access
      The present study aims at computing and analysing the eroded sediment volumes induced by twin-propeller jets near a vertical quay wall from the main geometric characteristics of the scour hole. Two different scouring ...
    • Ship manoeuvre analysis and simulation to obtain scouring related propeller variables 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Martínez de Osés, Francesc Xavier; Martín Mallofré, Agustí; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2018)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      The evolution of shipping industry in terms of bigger and more powerful ships, is causing several issues in existing ports and marinas designed, initially, to host smaller vessels with smaller propulsion systems and lower ...
    • Ship manoeuvre patterns to prevent propeller scouring effects 

      Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Martínez de Osés, Francesc Xavier; Martín Mallofré, Agustí; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín (World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC), 2018)
      Conference report
      Open Access
    • Ship manoeuvring effects on propeller induced erosion 

      Mujal Colilles, Anna; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Martínez de Osés, Francesc Xavier; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín (2018)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The shipping industry evolution over the last decades has led to growing structural and operational problems, in particular, for old marinas with lower depths to hosts present ships and with higher drafts and power of ...
    • Ship propeller effects on harbours 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Gironella Cobos, Xavier (Texas Digital Library, 2020)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The increase in marine traffic during the last decades has led to important changes in ship designs. These changes have been directly affecting harbor structures designed to host smaller and less powerful ships. One of the ...
    • Ship propeller induced scour of non-cohesive sediment in low bed-clearance conditions 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-01-13)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      Ships maneuvering in low bed clearance conditions induce sediment scour due to the high speed jet generated by a rotating propeller. Sediment scour is known to cause instability to quay structures, damage to the bed ...
    • Stern twin-propeller effects on harbor infrastructures. Experimental analysis 

      Mujal Colilles, Anna; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Martínez de Osés, Francesc Xavier (2018-11-02)
      Open Access
      The growth of marine traffic in harbors, and the subsequent increase in vessel and propulsion system sizes, produces three linked problems at the harbor basin area: (i) higher erosion rates damaging docking structures; ...
    • Twin propeller time-dependent scouring processes: physical experiments 

      Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci; Mujal Colilles, Anna; Gironella Cobos, Xavier (2021-09)
      Open Access
      We present a new set of experiments in local scour due to confined twin propeller jets aiming to include propeller driving characteristics to the analysis of the scouring action during in-port manoeuvres. The maximum scour ...