Now showing items 1-20 of 88

    • A Constraint-Based Hypergraph Partitioning Approach to Coreference Resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2013-12)
      Open Access
      This work is focused on research in machine learning for coreference resolution. Coreference resolution is a natural language processing task that consists of determining the expressions in a discourse that refer to the ...
    • A global relaxation labeling approach to coreference resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2010)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a constraint-based graph partitioning approach to coreference resolution solved by relaxation labeling. The approach combines the strengths of groupwise classifiers and chain formation methods in ...
    • A graph partitioning approach to coreference resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2009-01)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This report presents a graph partitioning approach given a set of constraints to resolve coreferences. Coreference resolution is the task of determining which referring expressions in a discourse refer to the same entity. ...
    • A graph partitioning approach to entity disambiguation using uncertain information 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (Springer, 2008-08-31)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a method for Entity Disambiguation in Information Extraction from different sources in the web. Once entities and relations between them are extracted, it is needed to determine which ones are referring ...
    • A hybrid approach to treebank construction 

      Marimon, Montserrat; Padró, Lluís (2012-09)
      Open Access
      Este artículo describe investigación sobre los efectos de la desambiguación morfosintáctica usada como un preproceso de un analizador sintáctico profundo basado en HPSG, en el contexto del desarrollo de un treebank del ...
    • A Hybrid Environment for Syntax-Semantic Tagging 

      Padró, Lluís (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1998-02-06)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      The thesis describes the application of the relaxation labelling algorithm to NLP disambiguation. Language is modelled through context constraint inspired on Constraint Grammars. The constraints enable the use of a real ...
    • A Machine learning approach to POS tagging 

      Màrquez Villodre, Lluís; Padró, Lluís; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (1997-12)
      Research report
      Open Access
      We have applied inductive learning of statistical decision trees and relaxation labelling to the Natural Language Processing (NLP) task of morphosyntactic disambiguation (Part Of Speech Tagging). The learning process ...
    • A Proposal for wide-coverage Spanish named entity recognition 

      Arévalo, M.; Carreras Pérez, Xavier; Màrquez Villodre, Lluís; Martí Antonin, Maria Antònia; Padró, Lluís; Simon, Maria José (2002-04)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This paper presents a proposal for wide--coverage Named Entity Recognition for Spanish. First, a linguistic description of the typology of Named Entities is proposed. Following this definition an architecture of sequential ...
    • A question-driven information system adaptable via information extraction techniques 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; González Pérez, Manuel; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2008-06)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This paper presents a system is composed by two main parts: The Information Extraction Process, which crawls the web and extracts all relevant knowledge that is then stored in the database, and the Question Processor which ...
    • A Question-driven Information system adaptable via Information Extraction techniques 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; González Bermúdez, Meritxell; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2008-06-13)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This paper presents a system is composed by two main parts: The Information Extraction Process, which crawls the web and extracts all relevant knowledge that is then stored in the database, and the Question Processor which ...
    • Adding semantic to solve ‘PP attachment’ in Spanish 

      Cuevas Rasgado, Alma Delia; Guzmán Arenas, Adolfo; Juárez Gambino, Joel Omar; Lake Moctezuma, Franz Ludwing; Padró, Lluís (2023)
      Open Access
      This paper describes a semantic module called Disambiguator of prepositions (DISPRE) in English, DESambiguador de PREposiciones in Spanish (hereinafter, DESPRE), that solves the prepositional phrase attachment for Spanish, ...
    • AETAS: A system for semanticizing temporal expressions from unstructured contents 

      Ardalan, Zagros; Martín Escofet, Carme; Padró, Lluís (Springer, 2015)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      AETAS is an online tool for converting text into RDF linked data with resolution of temporal expressions. AETAS follows fully SOA architecture and is accessible via web-service. It implements a novel approach for semantic ...
    • Alias assignment in information extraction 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (-, 2007-01-31)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a general method for alias assignment task in information extraction. We compared two approaches to face the problem and learn a classifier. The first one quantifies a global similarity between the alias ...
    • Aligning textual and graphical descriptions of processes through ILP techniques 

      Sànchez-Ferreres, Josep; Carmona Vargas, Josep; Padró, Lluís (Springer, 2017)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      With the aim of having individuals from different backgrounds and expertise levels examine the operations in an organization, different representations of business processes are maintained. To have these different ...
    • Aligning textual and model-based process descriptions 

      Sànchez-Ferreres, Josep; van der Aa, Han; Carmona Vargas, Josep; Padró, Lluís (Elsevier, 2018-01-01)
      Open Access
      Process model descriptions are an ubiquitous source of information that exists in any organization. To reach different types of stakeholders, distinct descriptions are often kept, so that process understandability is boosted ...
    • Analizadores Multilingües en FreeLing 

      Padró, Lluís (2011-12)
      Open Access
      FreeLing es una librería de código abierto para el procesamiento multilíngüe automático, que proporciona una amplia gama de servicios de análisis lingüístico para diversos idiomas. FreeLing ofrece a los desarrolladores de ...
    • Approximate computation of alignments of business processes through relaxation labelling 

      Padró, Lluís; Carmona Vargas, Josep (Springer, 2019)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      A fundamental problem in conformance checking is aligning event data with process models. Unfortunately, existing techniques for this task are either complex, or can only be applicable to restricted classes of models. This ...
    • Automatic Selection of HPSG-Parsed Sentences for Treebank Construction 

      Marimon, Montserrat; Bel, Nuria; Padró, Lluís (2014-09-01)
      Open Access
      This article presents an ensemble parse approach to detecting and selecting high-quality linguistic analyses output by a hand-crafted HPSG grammar of Spanish implemented in the LKB system. The approach uses full agreement ...
    • Basic CRF approach to DIANN 2018 shared task 

      Alvarez, Pol; Padró, Lluís (2018)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper describes the UPC 2 system participation in DIANN (Disability annotation on documents from the biomedical domain) shared task, framed in the IBEREVAL 2018 evaluation workshop1. The system tackles the detection ...
    • Challenges and opportunities of applying natural language processing in business process management 

      van der Aa, Han; Carmona Vargas, Josep; Leopold, Henrik; Mendling, Jan; Padró, Lluís (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      The Business Process Management (BPM) field focuses in the coordination of labor so that organizational processes are smoothly executed in a way that products and services are properly delivered. At the same time, NLP has ...