Browsing by Author "Llumà Fuentes, Jordi"
Now showing items 1-20 of 132
3D printing, complement to approach in complex lesions
Torres Cuevas, Boris Luis; Castillo Lara, Gloria; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio; Buchaca, Emilio Fidel; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Adrover Monserrat, Bàrbara (2022-03-01)
Open AccessThe use of 3D printing is a technology in increasing expansion in the area of the medical sciences. We describe it the technical characteristics of 3D printing and a protocol of obtaining of models three dimensional as a ... -
A new technique for curved rod bending tests based on digital image correlation
García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos (2021-11-19)
Open AccessBackground. The study of the deformation of curved rods subjected to bending and its associated stress state is a complex task that has not been treated in depth in the literature, which makes difficult to obtain constitutive ... -
A new theoretical model for surface roughness prediction in rotational abrasive finishing process
Azamigilan, Aref; Khoshanjam, Ali; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio (2023-07-15)
Restricted access - publisher's policyRotational abrasive finishing (RAF) is a new nano-finishing technique in which the finishing forces are applied to the workpiece by the opposite rotations of a stirring-blades and the workpiece. The RAF process allows for ... -
A predictive model for fracture in human ribs based on in-vitro acoustic emission data
García Vilana, Silvia; Sánchez Molina, David; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Fernández Osete, Ismael; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Martínez González, Eva (2021-09-01)
Open AccessPurpose The aim of this paper is to propose a fracture model for human ribs based on acoustic emission (AE) data. The accumulation of microcracking until a macroscopic crack is produced can be monitored by AE. The ... -
A stochastic model for soft tissue failure using acoustic emission data
Sánchez Molina, David; Martínez González, Eva; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Rebollo Soria, María Carmen; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos (2015-07-15)
Open AccessThe strength of soft tissues is due mainly to collagen fibers. In most collagenous tissues, the arrangement of the fibers is random, but has preferred directions. The random arrangement makes it difficult to make deterministic ... -
A strain rate dependent model with decreasing Young’s Modulus for cortical human bone
Sánchez Molina, David; García Vilana, Silvia; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2023-05-11)
Open AccessThis research studies the dynamic behavior of human cortical bone specimens and investigates their mechanical properties using uniaxial tensile tests. The main experimental finding is that in the range of strain rate ... -
Analysis of ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing process on the tribological behavior of AISI 316L cylindrical specimens
Velázquez Corral, Eric; Wagner, Vincent; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio; Dessein, Gilles (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-08-12)
Open AccessIn this study, we analyzed the effects of vibration assistance, combined with a ball burnishing process, in terms of topology, residual stresses, and tribological properties on 316L shafts. The burnishing variables consisted ... -
Análisis de la formación de uniones inter e intra capa en termoplásticos elastoméricos procesados por la técnica de impresión 3D de extrusión de material
Adrover Monserrat, Bàrbara; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Velázquez Corral, Eric; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio (2022)
Conference report
Open Access3D printing is a layer-by-layer manufacturing process with great potential in a large number of areas, for instance in technological and biomedical fields. Specifically, the Material Extrusion (MEX) technique, also known ... -
Análisis, diseño y construcción de un chasis autoportante de material composite
Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Sánchez, C; Martínez González, Eva; Ruiz, Carlos (12CUIETT 2004, 2004)
Conference lecture
Open AccessEsta ponencia presenta el análisis estructural de un chasis autoportante para un vehículo monoplaza de bajo consumo, realizada en materiales compuestos. Este estudio comprende el análisis de los modos propios de vibración ... -
Aplicació de la impressió 3D a la fabricació de pròtesis de baix cost, per persones de baixos recursos
Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Gómez Gras, Giovanni (2021)
Conference lecture
Open AccessEn aquest article es relaten els resultats d’una experiència desenvolupada a la EEBE de la UPC, per un grup d’estudiants i professors on es va construir un model de pròtesi biònica de braç de baix cost, impresa en 3D. Les ... -
Aplicación de la emisión acústica como método para anticipar el fallo de tejidos colaginosos (1ª parte)
García Vilana, Silvia; Martínez González, Eva; Sánchez Molina, David; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Rebollo Soria, María Carmen (2016-07-01)
Open AccessSe usa un montaje experimental basado en Emisión Acústica (EA) para detectar la energía elástica liberada durante el proceso de tracción y rotura de tejidos colaginosos. Se localizan las señales y se cuenta el número de ... -
Aplicación de la emisión acústica como método para participar el fallo de tejidos colaginosos (2a parte)
García Vilana, Silvia; Martínez González, Eva; Sánchez Molina, David; Arregui Dalmases, Carlos; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Rebollo Soria, María Carmen (2016-10-01)
Open Access -
Aplicación de la simulación a la optimización de procesos: optimización del consumo de combustible en una carrera de bajo consumo
Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Velázquez Ameijide, Juan; Corestein Poupeau, Georgina; Sala, Oriol (12CUIETT 2004, 2004)
Conference report
Open AccessLa simulación por ordenador es una herramienta que permite ensayar múltiples condiciones de trabajo con un coste relativamente bajo. Por otro lado el cálculo numérico permite optimizar funciones no derivables de diversas ... -
Automatic adjustment method to fit T¿LOG(T/¿0) scaling for time evolution thermal depending properties of nanocristalline iron
Solà Saracibar, Joan; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Jorba Peiró, Jordi (2009)
Conference report
Open AccessIn many forming processes the evolution of the material properties evolves with time and changes as temperature varies, forcing the use of a time-dependent thermomechanical computational model to simulate those processes. ... -
Ball burnishing of friction stir welded aluminum alloy 2024-T3: experimental and numerical studies
Amini, Cyrus; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio; Mousavi, Hojjat; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Zandi, Mohammad Damous; Hassanifard, Soran (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-08-28)
Open AccessThis paper deals with the improvement of the material surface state of friction stir welding paths modified in situ by plastic deformation through ball burnishing. The metallurgical and topological states of materials ... -
Bottoming bending process assisted by electroplasticity
Sánchez Egea, Antonio José; González Rojas, Hernán Alberto; Celentano, Diego Javier; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi (EUETIB, 2013-12)
Conference report
Open AccessEste estudio reporta la influencia de los efectos atérmicos de la electroplasticidad en el proceso de doblado por estampa. Se fabrica un generador que generar pulsos de 300A y un ancho de 50μs. Los materiales estudiados ... -
Bringing medical model scans into reality through 3D printing: materials and manufacturing parameters
Adrover Monserrat, Bàrbara; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Luis-Torres, Boris; Jerez Mesa, Ramón; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio (Trans tech publications ltd., 2023)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policy3D printing is emerging in the healthcare field. Being able to reproduce organ models with low-cost and sustainable technology is generating a big impact on professionals working in the medical industry. This work aims to ... -
CIÈNCIA DE MATERIALS (Examen 1r parcial)
Llumà Fuentes, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-10-13)
Restricted access to the UPC academic community -
CIÈNCIA DE MATERIALS (Examen 1r parcial)
Llumà Fuentes, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-10-13)
Restricted access to the UPC academic community -
Llumà Fuentes, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-10-09)
Restricted access to the UPC academic community