Browsing by Contributor "Roa Rovira, Joan Josep"
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
3D Printing of a-Al2O3 for catalytic applications
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-06)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreementLas técnicas de manufacturación aditivia (MA) de materiales poliméricos, en particular la impresión en tres dimensiones, han progresado considerablemente en los últimos años al mejorar la calidad de la impresión, la gama ... -
3D printing of solid oxide fuel cell
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-06-21)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessNowadays, 3D printing is booming as a processing technique, thanks to its versatility in the manufacture of complex geometries and with a quality finish, which cannot be obtained using traditional techniques and can reduce ... -
3D printing of zirconia-based ceramic materials
Doctoral thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement(English) Zirconia stands out among oxide ceramics for its superior mechanical properties. This approach resulted from the significant research that has been conducted since the discovery of the tbughening capabilities of ... -
3D Printing of ZnO-based Catalytic Structures
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-06-21)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
3D Printing with advanced ceramic materials.
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-06-23)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessDue to the aging of the population and the need for maintaining masticatory functionality during their life span, the number of dental replacements is growing, substituting natural teeth by artificial crows, bridges and ... -
3D-printing of 8Y-TZP solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-02-15)
Master thesis
Open Access
Covenantee: Université de LorraineIn this Master's thesis were printed electrolytes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) in yttria stabilized zirconia by additive manufacturing robocasting method and then characterized from the microstructural and mechanical ... -
3DDay EEBE. Jornada de impresión 3D para estudiantes universitarios
Conference report
Open Access -
Additive Manufacturing of Dental Prosthesis Based on 3Y-ZrO2
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-05-20)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decision
Covenantee: Straumann GroupTetragonal polycrystalline zirconia doped with 3 mol.% yttria (3Y-ZrO2) has become one of the most popular dental ceramics. Thanks to its outstanding mechanical properties (including high hardness, toughness and wear ... -
Analysis of the rheology and the relation between the microstructural and mechanical properties of 3D printed 3Y-ZrO2 for dental applications
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-07-10)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decision3D printing has been in the in last few years highlighted as the manufacturing technique of the future thanks to the advantages that it provides, enabling the fast fabrication of customized parts without the requirement ... -
Análisis microestructural y micromecánico de una aleación aluminio-silicio fabricada por SLM (Selective Laser Melting)
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07-09)
Master thesis
Open Access
Covenantee: Centre d'Integritat Estructural, Fiabilitat i Micromecànica dels Materials (CIEFMA)Las aleaciones de aluminio son ampliamente utilizadas en el sector automovilístico a causa de su baja densidad y sus buenas propiedades mecánicas. En las últimas dos décadas, la incorporación de la fabricación aditiva, ... -
Avaluació de l'efecte del laminat en l'anisotropia dels acers inoxidables dúplex mitjançant assaigs micromètrics
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-10-31)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEls acers inoxidables dúplex posseeixen una microestructura bifàsica composta de ferrita i austenita. Degut a la les bones propietats mecàniques i la alta resistència a la corrosió que presenta, provoca un gran interès ... -
Can surface modification enhance the mechanical properties through microstructural changes of magnesium alloys?
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-02-12)
Master thesis
Open AccessEl objectivo principal de este trabajo final de máster (TFM) consiste en estudiar el efecto de la modificación microestructural, así como la directa modificación de las propiedades mecánicas bajo diferentes campos de ... -
Caracterització microestructural i mecànica de multicapes base zircònia per impressió 3D
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-01-11)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessDurant els darrers 20 anys, el món de la impressió 3D està evolucionant de manera exponencial. Aquesta evolució, es tradueix en una millora de les tècniques ja conegudes i modificacions d’aquestes, degut a la incorporació ... -
Caracterización avanzada de muestras de aleación Al - Si - 10 Mg obtenidas por fabricación aditiva
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-02-09)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn las ´ultimas tres d´ecadas, la fabricaci´on aditiva se ha desarrollado significativamente. Aunque inicialmente se centr´o s´olo en los pol´ımeros, r´apidamente se diversific´o a otras familias de materiales como los ... -
Caracterización de acero metaestable con modificación superficial mediante patrones láser
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-10-21)
Master thesis
Open AccessEn este trabajo final de máster, se pretende modificar las propiedades tribológicas a nivel superficial en un acero metaestaeble TRIP (TRansformation Induced Plasticity). Para ello, se han realizado patrones láser con ... -
Characterization of 3D-printed ¿-Al2O3 used for Catalytic Applications
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionIn recent years, additive manufacturing (AM) techniques have made significant progress by increasing printing quality, the variety of printable materials, and 3D printer accessibility. In this sense, ceramic materials play ... -
Characterization of an alkali-activated cement made from incinerated weathered bottom ash
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07-06)
Master thesis
Open AccessThe urgent need of changes in the human behavior regarding the environment is an exploding area of investigation, especially for material sciences. The reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is one of the main ... -
Characterization of the effect of laser surface texturing in TRIP steels
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-10-31)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionL'ús de noves estratègies d'alleugeriment de pes en la indústria de l'automoció motiva la investigació en relació a nous materials amb millors propietats que permetin la disminució del pes dels automòbils. Per a aplicacions ... -
Characterization of the surface modification of a Metastable Stainless Steel induced by Ground Polishing
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-10-14)
Master thesis
Open AccessMetastable austenitic stainless steels are distinguished by their susceptibility to the Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) effect, where austenite (γ) to martensite (α’- and/or ε) transformation is triggered mechanically. ... -
Chemical etching of 3D printed α-Al2O3 for catalytic applications
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07-06)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessNew advances in three-dimensional (3D) printing have made such manufacturing technique suitable for a wide range of applications. The relatively short time to obtain complex geometries, the possibility to control the ...