Now showing items 1-20 of 62

    • 6a Jornada d'Igualtat de la UPC. III Pla. On som i On anem. 

      Casanellas Rius, Marta; Castell Ariño, Núria; Lusa García, Amaia; López Beltrán, Mireia; Ferrer Balas, Dídac (2019-02-06)
      Open Access
    • A decision support system and a mathematical model for strategic workforce planning in consultancies 

      Llort Gual, Núria; Lusa García, Amaia; Martínez Costa, Carme; Mateo Doll, Manuel (2018-01-01)
      Open Access
      Strategic staff planning in consultancies is a major problem that directly affects the firm’s performance and capacity for dealing with projects appropriately. Furthermore, the decisions taken now will have long term ...
    • A detailed workforce planning model including non-linear dependence of the capacity on the size of the staff and cash management 

      Corominas Subias, Albert; Lusa García, Amaia; Olivella Nadal, Jordi (2010-01)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This paper introduces an original planning model which integrates production, human resources and cash management decisions, taking into account the consequences that decisions in one area may have on other areas and ...
    • A framework for designing a supply chain distribution network 

      Ribas Vila, Immaculada; Lusa García, Amaia; Corominas Subias, Albert (Taylor & Francis, 2018-10-08)
      Open Access
      Based on the analysis of the pertinent literature, we propose a framework to serve as a guide in designing a distribution network as a component of a supply chain (SC). It consists of three steps that are common to goods ...
    • A MILP Model for the Long Term Academic Staff Size and Composition Planning in Public Universities 

      Torre Martínez, María del Rocío de la; Lusa García, Amaia; Mateo Doll, Manuel (2015-10)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a model for dealing with the long term staff composition planning in public universities. University academic staff is organized in units (or departments) according to their field of expertise. The staff ...
    • A MILP model for the teacher assignment problem considering teachers’ preferences 

      Domenech Léga, Bruno; Lusa García, Amaia (Elsevier, 2016)
      Open Access
      The Teacher Assignment Problem is part of the University Timetabling Problem and involves assigning teachers to courses, taking their preferences into consideration. This is a complex problem, usually solved by means of ...
    • A multistage scenario optimisation procedure to plan annualised working hours under demand uncertainty. 

      Lusa García, Amaia; Corominas Subias, Albert; Muñoz, Norberto (Elsevier, 2008-06)
      Open Access
      The annualisation of working hours (i.e., the irregular distribution of the total number of working hours over the course of a year) makes it possible to adapt production capacity to fluctuations in demand. The required ...
    • A proposal for a green supply chain strategy 

      Pinto Taborga, Carola; Lusa García, Amaia; Coves, Anna (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Organització d'Empreses (OE), 2018)
      Open Access
      Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish a set of steps for helping companies to create a Green Supply Chain Strategy based on the reduction of their carbon footprint. The aim is to put forward a simple guideline ...
    • A Proposal for a Green Supply Chain Strategy 

      Pinto Taborga, Carola; Lusa García, Amaia; Coves Moreno, Anna Maria (OmniaScience, 2018-09)
      Open Access
      Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish a set of steps for helping companies to create a Green Supply Chain Strategy based on the reduction of their carbon footprint. The aim is to put forward a simple guideline ...
    • A scenario optimisation procedure to plan annualised working hours under demand uncertainty 

      Corominas Subias, Albert; Lusa García, Amaia; Muñoz, Norberto (2006-03)
      Research report
      Open Access
      Annualising working hours (i.e., the possibility of irregularly distributing the total number of working hours over the course of a year) enables to adapt production capacity to fluctuations in demand. The demand, which ...
    • A survey of the literature on the multiple or parallel assembly Line balancing problem 

      Lusa García, Amaia (Inderscience, 2008-01)
      Open Access
      This paper focuses on production systems that consist of multiple parallel assembly lines. The main literature contributions are briefly described and used to present a summary of the state of the art. The advantages and ...
    • A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the constrained task allocation problem 

      Lusa García, Amaia; Potts, Chris N. (2006-01)
      Research report
      Open Access
      A Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm is proposed for solving a task allocation problem whose main characteristics are: (i) each task requires a certain amount of resources and each processor has a finite capacity to ...
    • A variable neighbourhood search algorithm for the constrained task allocation problem 

      Lusa García, Amaia; Potts, Chris N. (Nature Publishing Group, 2008-03)
      Open Access
      A Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm that employs new neighbourhoods is proposed for solving a task allocation problem whose main characteristics are: (i) each task requires a certain amount of resources and each ...
    • An exact procedure to plan holidays and working time under annualised hours considering cross-trained workers with different efficiencies 

      Lusa García, Amaia; Corominas Subias, Albert; Pastor Moreno, Rafael (Taylor & Francis, 2008-04)
      Open Access
      Annualising working hours (AH) is a means of achieving flexibility in the use of human resources to face the seasonal nature of demand. Some existing planning procedures are able to minimise costs due to overtime and ...
    • Annualised Hours: A Real Flexibility Tool 

      Corominas Subias, Albert; Lusa García, Amaia; Pastor Moreno, Rafael (Operational Research Society, 2005-03)
      Open Access
      Annualising working hours (AH) is a mean to face the seasonal nature of the demand. AH provides much flexibility to the production system, so the company is allowed to plan the staff working time more efficiently. However, ...
    • Application of genetic algorithms to assembly sequence planning with limited resources 

      Bautista Valhondo, Joaquín; Lusa García, Amaia; Suárez Feijóo, Raúl; Mateo Doll, Manuel; Pastor Moreno, Rafael; Corominas Subias, Albert (IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS), 1999-07-24)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Heuristic procedures based on priority rules are quite frequently used to solve the multiple resource-constrained project-scheduling problem (RCPSP), i.e. task programming with limited resources. The rules are based on the ...
    • Assigning Orders to Suppliers with Linear Piecewise Concave Costs 

      Corominas Subias, Albert; Lusa García, Amaia (OmniaScience, 2019-12)
      Open Access
      Purpose: Once a set of suppliers has been determined, according to criteria of quality, price and reliability, among others, there remains the problem of assigning orders to the selected suppliers, in order to cover the ...
    • Assigning orders to suppliers with linear piecewise concave costs 

      Corominas Subias, Albert; Lusa García, Amaia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Organització d'Empreses (OE), 2019-01-01)
      Open Access
      Purpose: Once a set of suppliers has been determined, according to criteria of quality, price and reliability, among others, there remains the problem of assigning orders to the selected suppliers, in order to cover the ...
    • Characteristics and classification of the annualised workings hours planning problems 

      Corominas Subias, Albert; Lusa García, Amaia; Pastor Moreno, Rafael (Inderscience, 2004-12)
      Open Access
      Annualising working hours (i.e., the possibility of irregularly distributing throughout the year the total amount of the employees working hours) is one of the means to face the seasonal nature of the demand. Annualising ...
    • Computing voter transitions: The elections for the Catalan Parliament, from 2010 to 2012 

      Corominas Subias, Albert; Lusa García, Amaia; Calvet Puig, Maria Dolors (OmniaScience, 2015-04)
      Open Access
      Purpose: To estimate the transition rates corresponding to the 2010 and 2012 elections to the Catalan Parliament for the four constituencies in which Catalonia is divided for this purpose. The main features of the results, ...