Browsing by Author "Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
1. Aprenent Minitab: Introducció i eines bàsiques
Marco Almagro, Lluís; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (2008-11)
Open Access -
2. Aprenent Minitab: Estudis de capacitat
Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Marco Almagro, Lluís (2008-11)
Open Access -
3. Aprenent Minitab: Comparació de 2 i més de 2 tractaments
Marco Almagro, Lluís; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (2008-11)
Open Access -
4. Aprenent Minitab: Disseny d'experiments
Marco Almagro, Lluís; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (2008-11)
Open Access -
A mixture model application in monitoring error message rates for a distributed industrial fleet
Plandolit López, Bernat; Puig de Dou, Ignacio; Costigan, Gráinne; Puig Oriol, Xavier; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Martínez Martínez, José Miguel (2022-11-01)
Open AccessRemotely monitoring industrial printers for an unexpected increase of warning and error messages reduces equipment downtime and increases customer satisfaction. Directly tracking raw error messages rates during a given ... -
Brewing by-products as a source of natural antioxidants for food preservation
Codina Torrella, Idoia; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Almajano Pablos, María Pilar (2021-09-23)
Open AccessBrewer’s spent grain (BSG) and brewer’s spent hops (BSH) are the major solid by-products of the brewing industry. The present work evaluated their potential as an alternative source of natural antioxidants. The efficacy ... -
Comparativa de mètodes per l'anàlisis dels assatjos de captures de ceratitis capitata
Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2002-06)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessL'objectiu del projecte és fer una passejada pels diferents mètodes estadístics tot veient quines són les limitacions i els riscos d'aplicar-los i no conèixer el que a priori seria més correcte. Les metodologies van ... -
Comparison between mathematical models for roughness obtained in test machine and in industrial machine in semifinish honing processes
Buj Corral, Irene; Vivancos Calvet, Joan; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Marco Almagro, Lluís (2015-12)
Open AccessIn the present work second order mathematical models for semifinish honing are presented for average roughness Ra as a function of abrasive stone characteristics and honing parameters. Several tests were performed in both ... -
Considering the risk of ignoring active factors in industrial experiments
Grima Cintas, Pedro; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier (2021-07-01)
Open AccessThis article draws attention to the importance of considering type II error in Design of Experiments contexts and shows, through two examples, an easy way to do that. -
Design of pastes for direct ink writing of zirconia parts with medical applications
Buj Corral, Irene; Padilla Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Minguella Canela, Joaquim; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Marco Almagro, Lluís; Xuriguera Martin, Elena (Scientific.Net, 2023-10-05)
Restricted access - publisher's policyDirect ink writing (DIW) is an extrusion additive manufacturing (AM) technique in which inks are extruded through a nozzle and then deposited layer-by-layer. This technology allows 3D printing many different materials such ... -
Development of an open application for teaching statistics: conception and results
Serrahima de Cambra, Eduard; Marco Almagro, Lluís; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier; Grima Cintas, Pedro; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (2015)
Conference report
Open AccessDifferent commercial statistical software packages exist that are appropriate for teaching statistics. However, free alternatives are scarce, and those existing suffer from problems (such as difficult installations and ... -
Disseny i implementació d’un cas pràctic d’introducció a l’estadística basat en la presa de decisions realistes sobre dades simulades
Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier; Camps Lorente, Oriol; Grima Cintas, Pedro; Marco Almagro, Lluís; Puig Oriol, Xavier; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Sánchez Espigares, Josep Anton; Solé Vidal, Ignasi; Riba Civil, Alexandre; Berenguer Guerra, Victor; Jurado Margarit, Adriana; Magriñà Amat, Carlos (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2013-02-08)
Conference report / Conference lecture
Open AccessUn diagnòstic de les pràctiques d'estadística va portar a proposar per a una nova assignatura un joc competitiu en línia de presa de decisions basades en l'estadística. Aquest utilitza dades simulades i un web en què ... -
Effectively integrating research argumentation in syllabus learning: A case study of reading journal articles in four fourth-year engineering fluid mechanics courses
Gámez Montero, Pedro Javier; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (SAGE publishing, 2023-08-10)
Open AccessIn an emerging trend in engineering education students are engaged in the scientific discovery process through reading about research published in articles rather than textbooks. A research-based and curriculum-oriented ... -
Elaboració de material docent per a assignatures d'estadística industrial
Marco Almagro, Lluís; Grima Cintas, Pedro; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier; Sánchez Espigares, Josep Anton; Solé Vidal, Ignasi; Valls i Colom, Moisès; Corredoira González, Laura; Clot Razquin, Guillem; Fontdecaba Rigat, Sara (2009-02-12T13:11:17Z)
Conference lecture / Conference report
Open AccessLa finalitat del projecte és elaborar material d'ajuda i suport a la docència per assignatures relacionades amb l'estadística industrial. Ens centrem fonamentalment en les assignatures “Mètodes estadístics de l’enginyeria ... -
Explaining the Importance of Variability to Engineering Students
Grima Cintas, Pedro; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier (2015-07-09)
Open AccessOne of the main challenges of teaching statistics to engineering students is to convey the importance of being conscious of the presence of variability and of taking it into account when making technical and managerial ... -
Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-01)
Restricted access to the UPC academic community -
Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-01-13)
Restricted access to the UPC academic community -
Guia d'estudi
Marco Almagro, Lluís; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010)
Lecture notes
Open Access -
Influence of fused deposition modeling (FDM) parameters on surface finish of plastic parts
Buj Corral, Irene; Marco Almagro, Lluís; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes; Domínguez Fernandez, Alejandro (2018)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the present paper, influence of FDM (fused deposition modeling) parameters on surface finish of printed parts is presented. Cylindrical specimens were printed in PLA (Polylactic Acid). Five variables ... -
Interdisciplinary Engineering Project: Experimental and Numerical Optimization of a Sandwich Panel
Roure Fernández, Francisco; Pastor Artigues, María Magdalena; Bonada Bo, Jordi; Rodero de Lamo, Lourdes (2015-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyA teaching-learning experience focused on the promotion of specific transversal competencies (self-learning, efficient oral and written communication and team working) integrated into the curriculum of Bachelor in Industrial ...