Now showing items 1-20 of 36

    • A set simulation approach to the computation of invariant sets for nonlinear systems 

      Cugueró Escofet, Josep; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Escobet Canal, Teresa (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Given a nonlinear discrete-time system, previous works exist that compute invariant sets as finite unions of boxes. Set inversion algorithms based on interval arithmetic are used to obtain inner approximations of the one ...
    • Automatic validation of flowmeter data in transport water networks: Application to the ATLLc water network 

      García Valverde, Diego; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Espín, Santiago; Roquet, Jaume; Valero, Fernando (2014)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this paper, a methodology for data validation and reconstruction of flow meter sensor data in water networks is presented. The raw data validation is inspired on the Spanish norm (AENOR-UNE norm 500540). The methodology ...
    • Automatic validation of flowmeter data in transport water networks: application to the ATLLc water network 

      García Valverde, Diego; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Espín, Santiago; Roquet, Jaume; Valero, Fernando (Springer International Publishing, 2014-09-10)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper, a methodology for data validation and reconstruction of flow meter sensor data in water networks is presented. The raw data validation is inspired on the Spanish norm (AENOR-UNE norm 500540). The methodology ...
    • CÀLCUL 3 (Examen 1r quadrim) 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-01-15)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • CÀLCUL 3 (Examen 1r quadrim) 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-01-19)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • CÀLCUL 3 (Examen 1r quadrim) 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008-01-11)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • Càlcul 3 2n quadrimestre 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-07-02)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • Càlcul 3. PRoblemes 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi; Dalmau Vilaldach, Miguel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1996)
      Lecture notes
      Open Access
    • Comparison of two non-linear model-based control strategies for autonomous vehicles 

      Alcalá, Eugenio; Sellart, Laura; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Vázquez, David; López, Antonio (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper presents the comparison of two nonlinear model-based control strategies for autonomous cars. A control oriented model of vehicle based on a bicycle model is used. The two control strategies use a model reference ...
    • Continuous symmetry and shape measures 

      Perarnau Llobet, Guillem; Pfeifle, Julián; Saludes Closa, Jordi (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, 2010-06)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Open Access
    • Data validation and reconstruction of flowmeters to provide the annual efficiency of ATLL transport water network in Catalonia 

      Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Pascual Pañach, Josep; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Espin, S; Roquet, J (2012)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - author's decision
      The purpose of this paper is to provide a data validation/reconstruction of flowmeters that allow to determine the annual economic and hydraulic efficiency of the water transport network of Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL) ...
    • Demand forecasting for real-time operational control 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (Springer, 2017)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This book presents a set of approaches for the real-time monitoring and control of drinking-water networks based on advanced information and communication technologies. It shows the reader how to achieve significant ...
    • Detection of replay attacks in cyber-physical systems using a frequency-based signature 

      Sánchez Corrales, Helem Sabina; Rotondo, Damiano; Escobet Canal, Teresa; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin (2019-03-01)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a frequency-based approach for the detection of replay attacks affecting cyber-physical systems (CPS). In particular, the method employs a sinusoidal signal with a time-varying frequency (authentication ...
    • Digital Workflow for Exercises Using E-Readers 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi (2010)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      For most of the teachers, paper-based exercises still account for most of the student assessment in science and engineering degrees. Meanwhile, e-readers with annotation capabilities are blooming. These devices can be ...
    • Docència 3.0 de matemàtiques 

      Pulido, Estrella; Pozo Montero, Francesc; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Susín Sánchez, Antonio; Sancho, Teresa; Guàrdia Rubies, Jordi (2016-06-20)
      Open Access
      10:00h a 11:00h Conferència Plenària "Cómo darle la vuelta al aula usando SPOCs y dispositivos móviles" A càrrec de Estrella Pulido, professora de la Escuela Politécnica Superior (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). 11:30h ...
    • Exercicis paramètrics via web 

      Saludes Closa, Jordi (2004-06-29)
      Open Access
      "... vam plantejar-nos d'automatitzar la tasca de correcció dels resultats. Si construiem un sistema informàtic pels estudiants que pogués supervisar llurs respostes, el personal podria dedicar-se exclusivament a la tasca ...
    • Fault diagnosis of wind turbines using a set-membership approach 

      Blesa Izquierdo, Joaquim; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Romera Formiguera, Juli; Saludes Closa, Jordi (2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - author's decision
      In this paper, the problem of fault diagnosis in wind turbines will be addressed applying a setmembership approach. Fault detection is based on the use of parity equations and unknown but bound description of the noise and ...
    • Identification and fault diagnosis for LPV uncertain systems 

      Blesa Izquierdo, Joaquim; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Saludes Closa, Jordi (IEEE, 2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper, identification and fault diagnosis methods for uncertain Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Linear Parameters Varying (LPV) models is presented. The fault detection methodology is based on checking if ...
    • Identification for passive robust fault detection using zonotope-based set-membership approaches 

      Blesa Izquierdo, Joaquim; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Saludes Closa, Jordi (2011-11)
      Open Access
      In this paper, the problem of identification for passive robust fault detection, when a bounded description of the modelling uncertainty is considered, is addressed. Two set-membership identification methods are introduced ...
    • Jornada de Docència 2017 

      Daza Fernandez, Vanesa; Pascual Gainza, Pere; Carmona Mejías, Ángeles; Salavedra Molí, Josep; Barrera, Marc de la; Sáez Moreno, Germán; Saludes Closa, Jordi; Antonijuan Rull, Josefina; Prat Farran, Joana d'Arc (2017-06-27)
      Open Access
      9h45 h: Obertura de la jornada 10:00 -11:00 h: Conferència plenària “Estudiants participatius: realitat o ficció” Vanesa Daza (Univ. Pompeu Fabra). Parlarem de diferents experiències portades a terme a l’Escola Superior ...