Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Anàlisi complexa 

      Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1997)
      Lecture notes
      Open Access
    • Canonical Homotopy Operators for @ in the Ball with Respect to the Bergman Metric 

      Andersson, Mats; Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim (1995)
      Open Access
      We notice that some well-known homotopy operators due to Skoda et. al. for the $\bar\partial$-complex in the ball actually give the boundary values of the canonical homotopy operators with respect to certain weighted Bergman ...
    • On interpolation and sampling in Hilbert spaces of analytic functions 

      Berndtsson, Bo; Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim (1995)
      Open Access
      In this paper we give new proofs of some theorems due to Seip, Seip-Wallsten and Lyubarskii-Seip on sequences of interpolation and sampling for spaces of analytic functions that are square integrable with respect to ...
    • On L^p-solutions to the Laplace equation and zeros of holomorphic functions 

      Bruna, Joaquim; Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim (1996)
      Open Access
      The problem we solve in this paper is to characterize, in a smooth domain $\Omega$ in $\Bbb R^n$ and for $1\le p\le\infty$, those positive Borel measures on $\Omega$ for which there exists a subharmonic function ...
    • On the zero sets of bounded holomorphic functions in the bidisc 

      Charpentier, Philippe; Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim (1994)
      Open Access
      In this work we prove in a constructive way a theorem of Rudin which says that if $E$ is an analytic subset of the bidisc $D^2$ (with multiplicities) which does not intersect a neighbourhood of the distinguished boundary, ...
    • Sèries de potències aleatòries 

      Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim (2014-10-08)
      Open Access
      La construcció de funcions amb propietats prefixades a partir de sèries de potencies és un tema venerable que té en Weierstrass un dels pioners. Veurem com unes variants aleatòries d'aquestes construccions han esdevingut ...
    • Zero sets of holomorphic functions in the bidisc 

      Ortega Cerdà, Joaquim (1996-11)
      Open Access
      In this work we characterize the zero sets of holomorphic functions $f$ in the bidisc such that log|f| in L^p(D^2), p>1. Moreover, we give a sufficient condition on a analytic variety to be defined by a function in ...