Browsing by Author "García Espinosa, Julio"
Now showing items 1-20 of 58
A calculation/simulation system of sails communicated in real time with wireless sensors
Ortigosa Barragán, Inma; García Espinosa, Julio (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (CIMNE), 2009)
Conference report
Open AccessThe model presented in this paper is part of the development and integration of a System to Support Decision (SAD) for assistance in the design and actuation of sails. The model is based on the union of a wireless sensor ... -
A computational model for the evaluation of the spray generation of a wave adaptive modular vessel
García Espinosa, Julio; Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio; Serván Camas, Borja; Nadukandi, Prashanth; Becker, Pablo Agustín (2016)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents part of the work done within the project ‘Advanced Numerical Simulation and Performance Evaluation of WAM-V ® in Spray Generating Conditions’ developed by the International Center for Numerical Methods ... -
A digital twin for assessing the remaining useful life of offshore wind turbine structures
Pacheco Blázquez, Rafael; García Espinosa, Julio; Capua, Daniel di; Pastor Sánchez, Andrés (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-03-28)
Open AccessThis paper delves into the application of digital twin monitoring techniques for enhancing offshore floating wind turbine performance, with a detailed case study that uses open-source digital twin software. We explore the ... -
A FEM fluid-structure interaction algorithm for analysis of the seal dynamics of a Surface-Effect Ship
García Espinosa, Julio; Capua, Daniel di; Serván Camas, Borja; Ubach de Fuentes, Pere-Andreu; Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio (2015-10)
Open AccessThis paper shows the recent work of the authors in the development of a time-domain FEM model for evaluation of the seal dynamics of a surface effect ship. The fluid solver developed for this purpose, uses a potential flow ... -
A general stabilized formulation for incompressible fluid flow using finite calculus and the finite element method
Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio; García Espinosa, Julio; Bugeda Castelltort, Gabriel; Idelsohn Barg, Sergio Rodolfo (2003-03)
Research report
Open AccessWe present a general formulation for incompressible fluid flow analysis using the finite element method (FEM). The necessary stabilization for dealing with convective effects and the incompressibility condition are introduced ... -
A general stabilized formulation for incompressible fluid flow using finite calculus and the finite element method
Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio; García Espinosa, Julio; Bugeda Castelltort, Gabriel; Idelsohn Barg, Sergio Rodolfo (CIMNE, 2003-11)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe present a general formulation for incompressible fluid flow analysis using the finite element method (FEM). The necessary stabilization for dealing with convective effects and the incompressibility condition are introduced ... -
A new computational method for the assessment of the passive fire protection applied to a composite containership
Pacheco Blázquez, Rafael; Capua, Daniel di; García Espinosa, Julio; Casals, Ovidi; Hakkarainen, Tuula; Tissari, Alexandra; Korkealaakso, Antti (2023)
Restricted access - author's decisionThe current paradigm in ship design is focused in producing ships that are more environmental friendly. Lightweight or advanced materials are the perfect candidate to make ship transportation more efficient, however the ... -
A non-linear finite element method on unstructured meshes for added resistance in waves
García Espinosa, Julio; Serván Camas, Borja (2018-06-15)
Open AccessIn this work a finite element method is proposed to solve the problem of estimating the added resistance of a ship in waves in the time domain and using unstructured meshes. Two different schemes are used to integrate the ... -
A real time decision support system for the adjustment of sailboat rigging
Ortigosa Barragán, Inma; García Espinosa, Julio; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la (2015)
Open AccessThe operational complexity and performance requirements of modern racing yachts demand the use of advanced applications, such as a decision support system (DSS) able to assist crew members during navigation. In this article, ... -
A second-order semi-lagrangian particle finite element method for fluid flows
Colom Cobb, Jonathan; García Espinosa, Julio; Serván Camas, Borja; Nadukandi, Prashanth (Springer, 2019-01-01)
Open AccessIn this paper, a second-order SL-PFEM scheme for solving the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations is presented. This scheme is based on the second-order velocity Verlet algorithm, which uses an explicit integration for ... -
A time-domain second-order FEM model for the wave diffraction radiation problem. Validation with a semisubmersible platform
Serván Camas, Borja; Gutiérrez Romero, José Enrique; García Espinosa, Julio (2018-03)
Open Access -
Accelerated 3D multi-body seakeeping simulations using unstructured finite elements
Serván Camas, Borja; García Espinosa, Julio (2013-11-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyBeing capable of predicting seakeeping capabilities in the time domain is of great interest for the marine and offshore industries. However, most computer programs used work in the frequency domain, with the subsequent ... -
Advances in the development of a FEM model for evaluation of a Surface-Effect Ship (SES) including skirt dynamics
García Espinosa, Julio; Serván Camas, Borja; Capua, Daniel di; Ubach de Fuentes, Pere-Andreu; Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio (2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEl “Innovative Naval Prototype Transformable Craft” (T-Craft) es un nuevo concepto de buque desarrollado por la marina de los Estados Unidos de América para la conexión de una base en alta mar con tierra. El TCraft puede ... -
Advances in the development of a FEM model for evaluation of a Surface-Effect Ship (SES) including skirt dynamics
García Espinosa, Julio; Serván Camas, Borja; Capua, Daniel di; Ubach de Fuentes, Pere-Andreu; Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio (2013-12)
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
Advances in the development of a time-domain uns ructured finite element method for the analysis of waves and floating structures interaction
Servan-Camas, Borja; García Espinosa, Julio (CIMNE, 2011)
Conference report
Open AccessBeing capable of predicting wave-structure interaction in the time domain is of great interest for the offshore industry. However most computer programs used in the industry work in the frequency domain. Therefore, the ... -
Advances in the development of a time-domain unstructured finite element method for the analysis of waves and floating structures interaction
Serván Camas, Borja; García Espinosa, Julio (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (CIMNE), 2011)
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Advances in the development of an unstructured FEM solver for fluid-structure interaction problems in marine engineering
García Espinosa, Julio; Coll Sans, Abel; Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (CIMNE), 2009)
Conference report
Open AccessThis work presents different advances in the development of a formulation for fluid-structure interaction analysis in marine applications using the FIC stabilized finite element method (FEM). The free surface evolution is ... -
An advanced finite element method for fluid dynamic analysis of America's Cup boats
García Espinosa, Julio; Luco, R; López, M; Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio; Salas, M. (Massey University, 2002)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper shows a step forward in the development of a stabilized method for solving the Reynolds equations (RANSE) including free surface effects. The starting point of this method is the modified governing differential ... -
Computational analysis of resisting marine FRP divisions exposed to fire. Application to the analysis of ship structures.
Pacheco Blázquez, Rafael; Capua, Daniel di; García Espinosa, Julio; Casals, Ovidi; Hakkarainen, Tuula; Tissari, Alexandra; Korkealaakso, Antti (University of Edinburgh, 2021)
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper a numerical model for thermo-mechanical analysis of laminated composite structures under fire exposure is presented. The analysis is solved using a decoupled approach where temperature modifies ... -
Computational of turbulent flows using a finite element formulation
Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio; Valls Tomas, Aleix; García Espinosa, Julio (2007-02)
Research report
Open AccessWe present a formulation for analysis of turbulent incompressible flows using a stabilized finite element method (FEM) based on the finite calculus (FIC) procedure. The stabilization terms introduced by the FIC approach ...