Now showing items 1-20 of 222

    • 3D nurbs-enhanced finite element method 

      Sevilla Cárdenas, Rubén; Fernández Méndez, Sonia; Huerta, Antonio (2009-06-08T10:12:04Z)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      An improvement of the classical finite element method is proposed in [1], the NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM). It is able to exactly represent the geometry by means of the usual CAD description of the boundary ...
    • 3D NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM) 

      Sevilla Cárdenas, Rubén; Fernández Méndez, Sonia; Huerta, Antonio (Wiley and Sons, 2011-10-14)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents the extension of the recently proposed NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM) to 3D domains. NEFEM is able to exactly represent the geometry of the computational domain by means of its CAD boundary ...
    • A comparison of two formulations to blend finite elements and mesh-free methods 

      Huerta, Antonio; Fernández Méndez, Sonia; Liu, W K (2004-03)
      Open Access
      Mesh-free methods have since their early developments been blended to the finite element formulation in order to benefit from the advantages of both numerical techniques. In this paper, two recently proposed formulations ...
    • A critical comparison of two discontinuous galerkin methods for the navier-stokes equations using solenoidal aproximations 

      Villardi de Montlaur, Adeline de; Peraire Guitart, Jaume; Huerta, Antonio (2009-06-08T07:49:26Z)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper compares two methods to solve incompressible problems, in particular the Navier-Stokes equations, using a discontinuous polynomial interpolation that is exactly divergence-free in each element. The first method ...
    • A discontinuous galerkin formulation for solid dynamics 

      Peraire Guitart, Jaume; Bonet Carbonell, Javier; Huerta, Antonio; Persson, Per Olof; Vidal Seguí, Yolanda (Omnipress, 2006)
      Open Access
    • A face-centred finite volume method for laminar and turbulent incompressible flows 

      Vieira, Luan M.; Giacomini, Matteo; Sevilla, Rubén; Huerta, Antonio (Elsevier, 2024-07-30)
      Open Access
      This work develops, for the first time, a face-centred finite volume (FCFV) solver for the simulation of laminar and turbulent viscous incompressible flows. The formulation relies on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes ...
    • A face-centred finite volume method for second-order elliptic problems 

      Sevilla Cárdenas, Rubén; Giacomini, Matteo; Huerta, Antonio (John Wiley & sons, 2018-08-24)
      Open Access
      This work proposes a novel finite volume paradigm, the face-centred finite volume (FCFV) method. Contrary to the popular vertex (VCFV) and cell (CCFV) centred finite volume methods, the novel FCFV defines the solution on ...
    • A flux-free a posteriori error estimator for the incompressible Stokes problem using a mixed FE formulation 

      Larsson, Fredrik; Díez, Pedro; Huerta, Antonio (2010-08-01)
      Open Access
      In this contribution, we present an a posteriori error estimator for the incompressible Stokes problem valid for a conventional mixed FE formulation. Due to the saddle-point property of the problem, conventional error ...
    • A fractional-step method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations related to a predictor-multicorrector algorithm 

      Blasco Lorente, Jorge; Codina, Ramon; Huerta, Antonio (1998-12)
      Open Access
      An implicit fractional-step method for the numerical solution of the time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in primitive variables is studied in this paper. The method, which is first-order-accurate in the ...
    • A local multiple proper generalized decomposition based on the partition of unity 

      Ibáñez Pinillo, Rubén; Abisset Chavanne, Emmanuelle; Chinesta Soria, Francisco; Huerta, Antonio; Cueto Prendes, Elias (John Wiley & sons, 2019-10-12)
      Open Access
      It is well known that model order reduction techniques that project the solution of the problem at hand onto alow-dimensional subspace present difficulties when this solution lies on a non-linear manifold. To overcomethese ...
    • A locking-free face-centred finite volume (FCFV) method for linear elastostatics 

      Sevilla Cárdenas, Rubén; Giacomini, Matteo; Huerta, Antonio (2019-02-01)
      Open Access
      A face-centred finite volume (FCFV) method is proposed for linear elastostatic problems. The FCFV is a mixed hybrid formulation, featuring a system of first-order equations, that defines the unknowns on the faces (edges ...
    • A multidimensional data-driven sparse identification technique: the sparse proper generalized decomposition 

      Ibáñez Pinillo, Rubén; Abisset Chavanne, Emmanuelle; Ammar, Amine; González Ibáñez, David; Cueto Prendes, Elias; Huerta, Antonio; Duval, Jean Louis; Chinesta Soria, Francisco (2018-01-01)
      Open Access
      Sparse model identification by means of data is especially cumbersome if the sought dynamics live in a high dimensional space. This usually involves the need for large amount of data, unfeasible in such a high dimensional ...
    • A new computational tool for non-linear multi-material Continuum Mechanics 

      Antonio Javier, Gil; Chun Hean, Lee; Huerta, Antonio; Matteo, Giacomini; Javier, Bonet (Scipedia, 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
    • A new damage model based on non-local displacements 

      Rodríguez Ferran, Antonio; Morata, I; Huerta, Antonio (2005-04)
      Open Access
      A new non-local damage model is presented. Non-locality (of integral or gradient type) is incorporated into the model by means of non-local displacements. This contrasts with existing damage models, where a non-local strain ...
    • A new least-squares approximation of affine mappings for sweep algorithms 

      Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Sarrate Ramos, Josep; Huerta, Antonio (2010-06)
      Open Access
      This paper presents a new algorithm to generate hexahedral meshes in extrusion geometries. Several algorithms have been devised to generate hexahedral meshes by projecting the cap surfaces along a sweep path. In all of ...
    • A note on a numerical benchmark test: an axisymmetric shell under ring loads 

      Vila Rius, Agnès; Rodríguez Ferran, Antonio; Huerta, Antonio (1997-03)
      Open Access
      In this paper, a well-known numerical benchmark test which is usually solved with displacement control for low values of the load eccentricity is examined for a complete range of eccentricities of the ring load. For a ...
    • A note on upper bound formulations in limit analysis 

      Muñoz Romero, José; Huerta, Antonio; Bonet Carbonell, Javier; Peraire Guitart, Jaume (John Wiley & Sons, 2012-08-24)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper we study some recent formulations for the computation of upper bounds in limit analysis. We show that a previous formulation presented by the authors does not guarantee the strictness of the upper bound, ...
    • A posteriori error estimation for standard finite element analysis 

      Díez, Pedro; Egozcue Rubí, Juan José; Huerta, Antonio (1998-09)
      Open Access
      A new residual type estimator based on projections of the error on subspaces of locally-supported functions is presented. The estimator is defined by a standard element-by-element refinement. First, an approximation of the ...
    • A regularised-adaptive Proper Generalised Decomposition implementation for coupled magneto-mechanical problems with application to MRI scanners 

      Barroso Gassiot, Guillem; Gil Ruiz, Antonio Javier; Ledger, Paul D.; Mallett, Mike; Huerta, Antonio (2020-01-01)
      Open Access
      Latest developments in high-strength Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners with in-built high resolution, have dramatically enhanced the ability of clinicians to diagnose tumours and rare illnesses. However, their ...
    • A robust updated lagrangian smooth particle hydrodynamics for fast solid dynamics 

      Refachinho de Campos, Paulo Roberto; Antonio Javier, Gil; Chun Hean, Lee; Huerta, Antonio; Giacomini, Matteo; Bonet Carbonell, Javier (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper introduces a new Incremental Updated Lagrangian Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) computational framework in the form of a system of first order conservation laws. Specifically, the linear momentum conservation ...