Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • A constraint-based hypergraph partitioning approach to coreference resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-05-16)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      The objectives of this thesis are focused on research in machine learning for coreference resolution. Coreference resolution is a natural language processing task that consists of determining the expressions in a discourse ...
    • A Constraint-Based Hypergraph Partitioning Approach to Coreference Resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2013-12)
      Open Access
      This work is focused on research in machine learning for coreference resolution. Coreference resolution is a natural language processing task that consists of determining the expressions in a discourse that refer to the ...
    • A global relaxation labeling approach to coreference resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2010)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a constraint-based graph partitioning approach to coreference resolution solved by relaxation labeling. The approach combines the strengths of groupwise classifiers and chain formation methods in ...
    • A graph partitioning approach to coreference resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2009-01)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This report presents a graph partitioning approach given a set of constraints to resolve coreferences. Coreference resolution is the task of determining which referring expressions in a discourse refer to the same entity. ...
    • A graph partitioning approach to entity disambiguation using uncertain information 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (Springer, 2008-08-31)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a method for Entity Disambiguation in Information Extraction from different sources in the web. Once entities and relations between them are extracted, it is needed to determine which ones are referring ...
    • A question-driven information system adaptable via information extraction techniques 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; González Pérez, Manuel; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2008-06)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This paper presents a system is composed by two main parts: The Information Extraction Process, which crawls the web and extracts all relevant knowledge that is then stored in the database, and the Question Processor which ...
    • A Question-driven Information system adaptable via Information Extraction techniques 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; González Bermúdez, Meritxell; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2008-06-13)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This paper presents a system is composed by two main parts: The Information Extraction Process, which crawls the web and extracts all relevant knowledge that is then stored in the database, and the Question Processor which ...
    • Alias assignment in information extraction 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (-, 2007-01-31)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a general method for alias assignment task in information extraction. We compared two approaches to face the problem and learn a classifier. The first one quantifies a global similarity between the alias ...
    • Coreference resolution survey 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2008-12)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This survey is an extended summarization of state of the art of coreference resolution. The key concepts related to coreference and anaphora are presented, the most relevant approaches to coreference resolution are discussed, ...
    • RelaxCor : a global relaxation labeling approach to coreference resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2010)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper describes the participation of RelaxCor in the Semeval-2010 task number 1: "Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages". RelaxCor is a constraint-based graph partitioning approach to coreference resolution ...
    • RelaxCor participation in CoNLL shared task on coreference resolution 

      Sapena Masip, Emilio; Padró, Lluís; Turmo Borras, Jorge (2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper describes the participation of RelaxCor in the CoNLL-2011 shared task: "Modeling Unrestricted Coreference in Ontonotes". RELAXCOR is a constraint-based graph partitioning approach to coreference resolution solved ...
    • SemEval-2010 Task 1: coreference resolution in multiple languages 

      Recasens Potau, Marta; Martí, Toni; Taulé, Mariona; Màrquez Villodre, Lluís; Sapena Masip, Emilio (2009)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents the task "Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages" to be run in SemEval-2010 (5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations). This task aims to evaluate and compare automatic coreference ...
    • The TALP participation at TAC-KBP 2012 

      González Pellicer, Edgar; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Turmo Borras, Jorge; Comas Umbert, Pere Ramon; Mehdizadeh Naderi, Ali; Ageno Pulido, Alicia; Sapena Masip, Emilio; Vila Rigat, Marta; Martí, Maria Antònia (2012)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This document describes the work performed by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in its first participation at TAC-KBP 2012 in both the Entity Linking and the Slot Filling tasks.