Now showing items 1-20 of 35

    • A New Parametric Regenerator Allocation Scheme taking into account Inaccurate Physical Information 

      Marín Tordera, Eva; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Serral Gracià, René; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Sánchez López, Sergio (2010-06-08)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Regenerator allocation consists on selecting which of the already installed regenerators in a translucent network may be used according to the dynamic traffic requests in order to maximize the quality of the optical ...
    • A study of packet losses in the EuQoS network 

      Jakab, Lorand; Serral Gracià, René; Domingo Pascual, Jordi (2006)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      As Internet usage grows, more efforts are put into analyzing its internal performance, usually such analysis comes through simulation using different models. While simulation can provide a good approximation of network ...
    • A survey and taxonomy of ID/Locator Split Architectures 

      Ramirez Almonte, Wilson; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Serral Gracià, René; Martínez Manzanilla, Anny Gabriela; Siddiqui, Muhammad Shuaib (2014-02-26)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The IP-based addressing scheme currently supporting the whole routing architecture embeds some well-known limitations that may significantly hinder the deployment of new applications and services on the Internet. Indeed, ...
    • A survey on the recent efforts of the Internet standardization body for securing inter-domain routing 

      Siddiqui, Muhammad Shuaib; Montero Banegas, Diego Teodoro; Serral Gracià, René; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Yannuzzi, Marcelo (2015-04-07)
      Open Access
      The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the de facto inter-domain routing protocol in the Internet, thus it plays a crucial role in current communications. Unfortunately, it was conceived without any internal security mechanism, ...
    • An Approach to a Fault Tolerance LISP Architecture 

      Martínez Manzanilla, Anny Gabriela; Ramírez, Wilson; Germán Duarte, Martín; Serral Gracià, René; Marín Tordera, Eva; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Masip Bruin, Xavier (Springer Verlag, 2011)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Next Generation Internet points out the challenge of addressing "things" on both a network with (wired) and without (wireless) infrastructure. In this scenario, new efficient and scalable addressing and routing schemes ...
    • An overview of quality of experience measurement challenges for video applications in IP Networks 

      Serral Gracià, René; Cerqueira, E; Curado, Marilia; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Monteiro, Edmundo; Masip Bruin, Xavier (Springer, 2010-06-01)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The increase in multimedia content on the Internet has created a renewed interest in quality assessment. There is however a main difference from the traditional quality assessment approaches, as now, the focus relies on ...
    • Cross-layer multimedia quality enforcement through user aware information in wireless networks 

      Serral Gracià, René; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Marín Tordera, Eva; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Sánchez López, Sergio (2010-06-14)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Quality assessment of multimedia traffic is a hot topic. In this paper we present a Multimedia Management System, which can be used on-line to assess and guarantee the quality of multimedia traffic in a wired and wireless ...
    • Cross-talk effects on the Regenerator Allocation optimization 

      Marín Tordera, Eva; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Serral Gracià, René; Sánchez López, Sergio (2011)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper studies the impact of considering crosstalk effects in the IA-RWA process and in the regenerator allocation algorithms. First of all, we evaluate if the regenerator allocation optimization is still useful when ...
    • Diagnosis of route leaks among autonomous systems in the Internet 

      Siddiqui, Muhammad Shuaib; Montero Banegas, Diego Teodoro; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Serral Gracià, René; Masip Bruin, Xavier (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
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      Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the defacto inter-domain routing protocol in the Internet. It was designed without an inherent security mechanism and hence is prone to a number of vulnerabilities which can cause large ...
    • Distributed Sampling for On-line SLA Assessment 

      Serral Gracià, René; Barlet Ros, Pere; Domingo Pascual, Jordi (IEEE Communications Society, 2008-09-30)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      New business infrastructures over the Internet pose a new set of traffic constraints. In particular, multimedia and interactive contents require guarantees of bandwidth and delivery time. The broad deployment and real-time ...
    • Effcient network performance assessment using Inter-Packet Arrival Times 

      Serral Gracià, René; Marín Tordera, Eva; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Sánchez López, Sergio (IEEE Computer Society Publications, 2010)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Network performance measurements have been broadly used in order to debug and to assess the reliability of the network. In general performance measurement is a resource consuming process, which in practice derives in ...
    • HIRE: Hidden Inter-packet Red-shift Effect 

      Ciaccia, Francesco; Romero Ruiz, Ivan; Serral Gracià, René; Nemirovsky, Mario (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Over the years, different techniques have been proposed to detect bottleneck bandwidth and available bandwidth of an end-to-end path. However, to the author's knowledge, no work has been conducted on detecting which link ...
    • Improving learning automata-based routing in Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Ahvar, Ehsan; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Serral Gracià, René; Marín Tordera, Eva; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Ahvar, Shohreh (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Recent research in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has demonstrated the advantages of using learning automata theory to steer the routing decisions made by the sensors in the network. These advantages include ...
    • Improving TCP performance and reducing self-induced congestion with receive window modulation 

      Ciaccia, Francesco; Arcas Abella, Oriol; Montero Banegas, Diego Teodoro; Romero Ruiz, Ivan; Milito, Rodolfo; Serral Gracià, René; Nemirovsky, Mario (2019)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      We present a control module for software edge routers called Receive Window Modulation - RWM. Its main objective is to mitigate what we define as self-induced congestion: the result of traffic emission patterns at the ...
    • Maximum Coverage at Minimum Cost for Multi-Domain IP/MPLS Networks 

      Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Serral Gracià, René; Marín Tordera, Eva; Sprintson, Alex; Orda, Ariel (IEEE Computer Society Publications, 2008)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      At present, service providers have several incentives to extend the reach of long-lived MPLS paths across domains. Providers, however, will face a number of trade-offs while choosing the optimal set of MPLS paths to be ...
    • Methodology definition for reliable network experimentation 

      Serral Gracià, René; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Marín Tordera, Eva (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      As researchers in the networking area keep adopting experimental network testing as a valid mechanism to develop, validate, and improve their research, it becomes more apparent that an overall framework supporting and ...
    • Modeling physical-layer impairments in multi-domain optical networks 

      Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Marín Tordera, Eva; Serral Gracià, René; Masip Bruin, Xavier; González de Dios, Óscar; Jimenez Chico, Javier; Verchere, Dominique (IEEE Computer Society Publications, 2011)
      Conference report
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      The advantages of optical transparency are still confined to the boundaries of a domain, since the optical signals are subject to O/E/O conversions at the border nodes that separate two optical domains. The extension ...
    • Movilidad Ip: macromovilidad, micromovilidad, calidad de servicio y seguridad 

      Mangues Bafalluy, Josep; Cabellos Aparicio, Alberto; Serral Gracià, René; Domingo Pascual, Jordi; Gómez, A; Miguel, De T; Bagnulo, M; Garcia Olaverri, Alfredo Martin (Asociación de Técnicos de Informática, 2004-01)
      Open Access
      a actual tendencia hacia la provisión de conectvidad ubícua, independientemente del lugar, instante, aplicación utilizada, o tecnología de acceso ha contrbuÍdo a acuñar la expresión, "Always Best Connected" (ABC), para ...
    • Multi-domain optical routing: Is there life beyond extending BGP? 

      Marín Tordera, Eva; Masip Bruin, Xavier; Yannuzzi, Marcelo; Serral Gracià, René (2014-01-01)
      Open Access
      The design of new inter-domain optical routing protocols may start from scratch, or on the contrary exploits all the research already developed in IP networks with the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Even though the network ...
    • Offloading personal security applications to the Network Edge: a mobile user case scenario 

      Montero Banegas, Diego Teodoro; Serral Gracià, René (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper discusses some challenges that user mobility imposes over the user-centric protection model against security threats. This model is based on the idea of offloading the security applications from the end user ...