Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    • Analysis of structural second order effects on a floating concrete platform for FOWT's 

      Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Trubat Casal, Pau; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel (Elsevier, 2016-09)
      Open Access
      The irruption of the floating wind energy in the offshore engineering is changing the paradigm of the structural analysis for those new structures, which are significantly smaller and more slender than those previously ...
    • Application of Morison equation in irregular wave trains with high frequency waves 

      Trubat Casal, Pau; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Hufnagel, Philipp; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2018)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Most numerical models for the analysis of offshore wind platforms are based on one of two different approaches, depending on how waves forces are applied to the structure: 1) the potential flow theory, and 2) the Morison ...
    • Design optimization for a truncated catenary mooring system for scale model test 

      Molins i Borrell, Climent; Trubat Casal, Pau; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis (2015)
      Open Access
      One of the main aspects when testing floating offshore platforms is the scaled mooring system, particularly with the increased depths where such platforms are intended. The paper proposes the use of truncated mooring systems ...
    • Design optimization for a truncated catenary mooring system for scale model tests 

      Molins i Borrell, Climent; Trubat Casal, Pau; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis (2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      One of the main aspects when testing floating offshore platforms is the scaled mooring system, particularly with the increased depths where such platforms are intended. When the existing testing facilities do not have ...
    • Efficient preliminary floating offshore wind turbine design and testing methodologies and application to a concrete spar design 

      Matha, Denis; Sandner, Frank; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Cheng, Po Wen (Royal Society, 2015-02)
      Open Access
      The current key challenge in the floating offshore wind turbine industry and research is on designing economic floating systems that can compete with fixed-bottom offshore turbines in terms of levelized cost of energy. The ...
    • Estudi estàtic d'una estructura de formigó flotant de suport d'aerogenerador marí 

      Campos Hortigüela, Alexis (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-01-20)
      Minor thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      En la present tesina s’ha realitzat una recerca de tipologies i tecnologies actuals en el referent a estructures flotants i l’adaptació d’aquestes en l’estudi del comportament estàtic d’una torre flotant de suport per ...
    • Experimental RAO’s analysis of a monolithic concrete spar structure for offshore floating wind turbines 

      Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Trubat Casal, Pau; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel (2015)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Nowadays the offshore wind energy market is clearly oriented to be extended around the world. Bottom fixed solutions for supporting offshore wind turbines are useful in shallow waters which are available in ...
    • Experiments on a scale model of a monolithic concrete spar for floating wind turbines 

      Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Trubat Casal, Pau; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel (2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Preliminary studies of a concept consisting of a monolithic concrete SPAR platform were presented in 2014. The studies were performed in the framework of the AFOSP KIC-InnoEnergy project (Alternative Floating Platform ...
    • Monolithic concrete off-shore floating sturcture for wind turbines 

      Molins i Borrell, Climent; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Sandner, Frank; Matha, Denis (European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A new concept of a SPAR floating platform is being developed in the KIC-Innoenergy project AFOSP (Alternative Floating Platform Designs for Offshore Wind Turbines using Low Cost Materials). Members of the consortium are ...
    • Novel floating concrete platform for deeper waters 

      Molins i Borrell, Climent; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Ángel Urdinola, Santiago (2016-08)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      WINDCRETE: A new spar-type floating substructure made of concrete for offshore wind turbines could help move wind farms to deeper waters while providing a cost-effective and robust alternative to steel. Called Windcrete, ...
    • OC5 task II simulations with FloaWDyn numerical model 

      Trubat Casal, Pau; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel (2017)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A 3D aero-hydro-servo-elastic coupled finite element method (FEM) numerical model in time domain for structural analysis has been developed at the UPC-BarcelonaTech (FloaWDyn). The code integrates the environmental ...
    • Projecte bàsic d’estructura flotant ”SPAR” de formigó al litoral Mediterrani per al suport d’un aerogenerador de 5MW. 

      Campos Hortigüela, Alexis (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-01-24)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      L'objecte del present projecte bàsic és el de relacionar, definir i valorar les obres necessàries per la construcció d’un prototip d’estructura flotant de formigó per al suport d’un aerogenerador. El caràcter bàsic del ...
    • Spar concrete monolithic design for offshore wind turbines 

      Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Gironella Cobos, Xavier; Trubat Casal, Pau (2016-06)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Significant research efforts are now being directed at floating offshore wind turbines. The main challenge posed by floating wind turbines is the high construction and installation costs of the substructure, which make it ...
    • WindCrete 

      Molins i Borrell, Climent; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis (2016-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A novel concept of a floating platform for supporting wind turbines (named WindCrete) has been developed at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in order to substantially reduce the capital expenditure or CAPEX ...
    • Windcrete: estructura flotante monolítica tipo 'spar' de hormigón para aerogeneradores marinos 

      Molins i Borrell, Climent; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Trubat Casal, Pau; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel (2018-07)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Con el objetivo de lograr una plataforma flotante viable para turbinas eólicas marinas, se presenta un nuevo concepto de boya tipo “spar” flotante monolítica, de nombre Windcrete. La estructura monolítica de hormigón incluye ...