Now showing items 1-20 of 21

    • A full Stokes imaging polarimeter based on a consumer CMOS camera 

      Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Royo Royo, Santiago (International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Nowadays, taking advantage of polarization allows enhancing the contrast of a detected object and extending the information of the scene compared to conventional intensity imagery, as the information added by polarimetric ...
    • A LiDAR imaging system using temporal and polarization discrimination for turbid media 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Rodríguez Aramendía, Ana; García Gómez, Pablo; Rodrigo Arcay, Noel; Royo Royo, Santiago (2023)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In recent times, there has been a surge of interest in LiDAR imaging systems, particularly in outdoor terrestrial applications associated with computer vision. However, a significant hurdle preventing their widespread ...
    • Activities in imaging through fog at CD6: polarimetric imaging 

      Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Royo Royo, Santiago (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The CD6 has recently developed a powerful line of research on polarimetric imaging. This field covers several applications in which the addition of polarization properties enables to enhance the contrast in detection. ...
    • Activities in imaging through fog at CD6: polarized light propagation modelling 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Royo Royo, Santiago (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Currently, in CD6, a new line of research devoted to polarimetric imaging is being developed. The use of polarization adds new information that is not reachable using other conventional imaging modes. In addition, recent ...
    • An overview of lidar imaging systems for autonomous vehicles 

      Royo Royo, Santiago; Ballesta Garcia, Maria (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2019-10-01)
      Open Access
      Lidar imaging systems are one of the hottest topics in the optronics industry. The need to sense the surroundings of every autonomous vehicle has pushed forward a race dedicated to deciding the final solution to be ...
    • Analysis of the performance of a polarized LiDAR imager in fog 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Rodríguez Aramendía, Ana; García Gómez, Pablo; Rodrigo Arcay, Noel; Bobi Olmo, Aleix Ramón; Royo Royo, Santiago (2022-11-07)
      Open Access
      This paper focuses on exploring ways to improve the performance of LiDAR imagers through fog. One of the known weaknesses of LiDAR technology is the lack of tolerance to adverse environmental conditions, such as the presence ...
    • Detección de luz en medios turbios: simulaciones de Monte-Carlo para imagen activa usando luz polarizada o detección resuelta en el tiempo 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Royo Royo, Santiago (Universidad de Zaragoza (UZA), 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      La obtención de imágenes en condiciones climatológicas adversas (como niebla, lluvia y neblina), es uno de los problemas que afecta actualmente la investigación en el campo de la navegación, como resultado del creciente ...
    • Endocardial infarct scar recognition by myocardial electrical impedance is not influenced by changes in cardiac activation sequence 

      Amoros Figueras, Gerard; Jorge, Esther; Alonso Martín, Concepción; Traver, Daniel; Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Rosell Ferrer, Francisco Javier; Cinca, Juan (2017-12-02)
      Open Access
    • Evaluación de modos de imagen polarimétrica en una cámara de niebla mediante el uso del contraste de imagen 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Val Martí, Aina; Royo Royo, Santiago (Comité de Optoelectrónica, 2021)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Mediante el uso de una cámara polarimétrica y una fuente de luz linealmente polarizada, se ha realizado una comparativa entre distintos modos de imagen polarimétrica e imagen de intensidad en un entorno de niebla controlado. ...
    • Evaluation of new methods to assess infarcted myocardial tissue by measuring electrical impedance 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      In order to obtain successful catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with chronic myocardial infarction is essential the precise identification of the infarct scar. Nowadays, endocardial voltage mapping ...
    • Experimental characterization of polarized light backscattering in fog environments 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Garcia Gómez, Pablo; Royo Royo, Santiago (2023-11-01)
      Open Access
      This paper focuses on the experimental characterization of the polarization behavior of light backscattered through fog. A polarimetric orthogonal state contrast imager and an active, purely polarized white illuminator ...
    • Imaging through fog: polarized light propagation modelling 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Royo Royo, Santiago (2021-05-13)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
    • Long-range polarimetric propagation in turbid media 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-09-06)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Imaging through nebulous media encountered in nature, like fog, rain, and light haze, is on the most up-to-date research problems in the field of navigation as a result of the recent increasing interest in autonomous ...
    • Medida de superficies 3D mediante imagen polarimétrica 

      Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Maynou Ribas, Paula; Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Royo Royo, Santiago (Comité de Optoelectrónica, 2021)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      La polarización de la luz reflejada en un objeto aporta información sobre su índice de refracción, su rugosidad, y también de su forma. Así, esta propiedad de la luz puede ser útil en visión artificial para recuperar la ...
    • Método de calibración de una cámara CMOS comercial para su uso como cámara polarimétrica 

      Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Royo Royo, Santiago (Universidad de Zaragoza (UZA), 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      La imagen polarimétrica puede mejorar notablemente el contraste de un objeto, ampliando la información detectada de la escena mediante imágenes de intensidad convencionales. La información obtenida, además, es complementaria ...
    • Modeling the use of LiDAR through adverse weather 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Mas Giménez, Gerard de; Royo Royo, Santiago (2023-07-12)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Open Access
      Due to the outstanding characteristics of LiDAR imaging systems, they seem essential for the consolidation of novel applications related to computer vision, in fields such as autonomous vehicles, outdoor recognition, and ...
    • Modelling polarized pulsed LiDAR signals in scattering media: an approach for optimizing systems in real-world scenarios 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Royo Royo, Santiago (Optical Society of American (OSA), 2024-06-17)
      Open Access
      Adverse weather conditions present a primary challenge for ground-based LiDAR imaging systems in outdoor applications. The use of polarization has been proposed as an effective filtering mechanism. However, the number of ...
    • Polarimetric imaging vs. conventional imaging: evaluation of image contrast in fog 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria; Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Val Martí, Aina; Royo Royo, Santiago (2021-06-24)
      Open Access
      We compare conventional intensity imaging against different modes of polarimetric imaging by evaluating the image contrast of images taken in a controlled foggy environment. A small-scale fog chamber has been designed and ...
    • Propagation of polarized light through turbid media: application of LiDAR technology in foggy environments 

      Ballesta Garcia, Maria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-06-07)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      (English) In recent times, there has been a growing interest in LiDAR imaging systems for outdoor applications involving computer vision, such as automotive systems, surveillance, and robotics. LiDAR sensors have the ability ...
    • Quantitative demonstration of the superiority of circularly polarized light in fog environments 

      Peña Gutiérrez, Sara; Ballesta Garcia, Maria; García Gómez, Pablo; Royo Royo, Santiago (2022-01-15)
      Open Access
      The polarization behavior of light transmitted through scattering media is studied quantitatively. A division of focal plane (DOFP) imaging polarimeter modified with a wideband quarter-wave plate (QWP) is used to evaluate ...