Browsing by Author "Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo"
Now showing items 1-20 of 52
A methodological framework for selecting an optimal sediment source within a littoral cell
Gracia García, Vicente; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Caballero, Alberto; García León, Manuel; Mösso Aranda, César (2021-10)
Open AccessOne of the most used measures to counteract coastal erosion is beach nourishment. It has advantages with respect to the use of rigid structures that sometimes entail non desired impacts on the surrounding areas. However, ... -
A physical-based statistical method for modeling ocean wave heights
Casas Prat, Mercè; Wang, Xiaolan L; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo (2013-10-30)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis study proposes a computationally inexpensive statistical method for modeling ocean wave heights, focusing particularly on modeling wave heights in near-shore areas. A multiple linear regression is used to predict ... -
A review of potential physical impacts on harbours in the Mediterranean Sea under climate change
Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Brown, Sally; Casas-Prat, Mercè; Nicholls, Robert J.; Lionello, Piero; Conte, Dario (2016-12)
Open AccessThe potential impact of climate change on port operations and infrastructures has received much less attention than the corresponding impact for beach systems. However, ports have always been vulnerable to weather extremes ... -
A synergetic combination of measurements and models to assess renewable wind energy in semi enclosed domains
Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín; González Marco, Daniel; Sospedra Iglesias, Joaquim; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Espino Infantes, Manuel; Grifoll Colls, Manel; Pallarès Segarra, Esteve (SARTI, 2013)
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Analysis of the optimal deployment location for tidal energy converters in the mesotidal Ria de Vigo (NW Spain)
Mestres Ridge, Marc; Griño Colom, Maria; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Mösso Aranda, César (2016-11)
Open AccessThe potential power output expected from the installation of a tidal farm near the mesotidal Ria de Vigo (NW Spain) is assessed using two different tidal stream energy converters (TEC). For this, the results of a previous ... -
Assessing the impact of sea level rise on port operability using LiDAR-derived digital elevation models
Gracia García, Vicente; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Gómez, Marta; Pedrol, Mònica; Sampé, Sara; García León, Manuel; Gironella Cobos, Xavier (2019-10)
Open AccessOne of the main consequences of climate change is the sea level rise (SLR), which impacts coastal areas affecting many infrastructures, particularly seaports, whose operations may be jeopardized. In this paper, a methodological ... -
Assessment of green measures as coastal defences using numerical models
Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín; García León, Manuel; Gracia García, Vicente; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo (2017)
Conference report
Open AccessClimate change may reduce the performance and design life of “grey” coastal engineering interventions. Green solutions can be combined with present infrastructures providing extra flexibility to adapt our present beaches ... -
Assessment of harbour inoperability and adaptation cost due to sea level rise: application to the port of Tangier-Med (Morocco)
Jebbad, Raghda; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Mösso Aranda, César; Mestres Ridge, Marc; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín (2022-01)
Open AccessThis paper intends to assess the potential impacts of the future SLR on the operability of berthing structures and to estimate in monetary terms the adaptation costs to it. To do this, three scenarios of SLR are considered, ... -
Assessment of the intra-annual and inter-annual variability of the wave energy resource in the Bay of Biscay (France)
Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; White, Adam; Mösso Aranda, César; Mestres Ridge, Marc (2017-12)
Open AccessIn this paper, the wave energy potential in the western coast of France is assessed, analyzing 58 years of data from numerical models at 10 points located between latitudes 43º30'N and 47ºN. The study focuses on the temporal ... -
Beach profile changes induced by surrogate Posidonia Oceanica: laboratory experiments
Astudillo Gutiérrez, Carlos Salvador; Gracia García, Vicente; Cáceres Rabionet, Iván; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín (2022-08)
Open AccessNew flume experiments with surrogate seagrass meadows are presented. The experiments included the creation of a full-scale and realistic Posidonia Oceanica model to evaluate the effect over wave attenuation, sediment ... -
Coastal flooding and erosion under a changing climate: implications at a low-lying coast (Ebro delta)
Grases, Albert; Gracia García, Vicente; García León, Manuel; Lin Ye, Jue; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo (2020-02)
Open AccessEpisodic coastal hazards associated to sea storms are responsible for sudden and intense changes in coastal morphology. Climate change and local anthropogenic activities such as river regulation and urban growth are raising ... -
Coastal sustainability for uncertain futures: a Spanish Mediterranean case from the RISES-AM- project
Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Gracia García, Vicente; García León, Manuel; Jiménez Quintana, José Antonio; Mösso Aranda, César; Valdemoro Garcia, Herminia (2015)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis document presents the impacts of future climatic conditions as a function of coastal typology. The impact assessment is carried out at decadal and storm scales showing how such a combination produces the worst levels ... -
Comportamiento del nitrógeno y fósforo en el estuario y en la pluma del río Ebro
Romero, I.; Falco, S.; Río, J.G. del; Rodilla, Miguel; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Pérez, M.C.; Mösso Aranda, César (Fundación para el Fomento de la Ingeniería del Agua, 2007)
Open AccessLa desembocadura del río Ebro es un estuario estratificado que cuando desemboca en el mar Mediterráneo forma una pluma cuya distribución está controlada fundamentalmente por la descarga del río y los vientos locales. Para ... -
Composite modelling of interactions between beaches and structures
Gerritsen, Herman; Sutherland, James; Deigaard, Rolf; Sumer, Multlu; Fortes, C.J.E.M.; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Schmidtke, Ulrike (2011-12)
Restricted access - publisher's policyAn overview of Composite Modelling (CM) is presented, as elaborated in the EU/HYDRALAB joint research project Composite Modelling of the Interactions Between Beaches and Structures. An introduction and a review of the main ... -
Desarrollo de una herramienta operacional de control de la calidad del agua en zonas portuarias mediante simulación numérica y observaciones
Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín; Espino Infantes, Manuel; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; García Sotillo, Marcos; Álvarez Fanjul, Enrique; Romo, Javier; Solé, Xavier; Basora, Joan; Hernáez, Mario; Grifoll Colls, Manel; Jordà Sánchez, Gabriel (2008-06)
Open AccessEl trabajo que se presenta se desarrolló dentro de un Convenio de Colaboración entre Puertos del Estado, las AAPP de Barcelona, Tarragona y Bilbao y el Laboratorio de Ingeniería Marítima de la UPC (LIM/UPC) y es la base ... -
Economic impact of overtopping and adaptation measures in Catalan ports due to sea level rise
Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo (2019-07)
Open AccessIn this paper, the impact of sea level rise (SLR) throughout the 21st century in the overtopping of port breakwaters is analyzed at a regional scale, focusing on the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). The study is made ... -
Estudio hidrodinámico de la zona costera mediante el análisis digital de imágenes
Díez, M.; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; Redondo Apraiz, José Manuel; Mösso Aranda, César; Bezerra, M. O. (Fundación para el Fomento de la Ingeniería del Agua, 1999-09)
Open AccessEn este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de la metodología necesaria para cuantificar parámetros hidrodinámicos mediante el tratamiento digital de imágenes de vídeo y su aplicación a los tests filmados en distintas campañas ... -
Future scenario simulations of wave climate in the NW Mediterranean sea
Casas Prat, Mercè; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo (2011-05-11)
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this study, 20-year wave climate simulations (1991-2010 and 2081-2100) were performed and analysed in the NW Mediterranean with a fine resolution of 1/8º. The forcing wind was obtained from the ENSEMBLES project, including ... -
Future wave-driven coastal sediment transport along the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean)
Casas Prat, Mercè; McInnes, Kathleen; Hemer, Mark A.; Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo (2016-08)
Open AccessIn the context of climate change, this study evaluates the impact on the long-shore and cross-shore sediment transport (LST and CST) along the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea) derived from climate projections obtained ... -
Green measures for Mediterranean harbours under a changing climate
Sierra Pedrico, Juan Pablo; García León, Manuel; Gracia García, Vicente; Sánchez-Arcilla Conejo, Agustín (2017-06)
Open AccessHarbour operability may be hampered by climate change. Green solutions can be used to provide extra flexibility with respect to present grey infrastructure to adapt to, and mitigate, such functional disruptions with ...