Now showing items 1-20 of 209

    • A fully coupled elastic–plastic hydromechanical model for compacted soils accounting for clay activity 

      Della Vecchia, G.; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Jommi, Cristina (2012-01-11)
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      A constitutive model, accounting for multiphase and multiscale coupling, is proposed for the water retention domain and the stress–strain response of compacted clayey soils. The model is based on a conceptual interpretation ...
    • A microstructural cam clay model for hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils 

      Cordao Neto, Manoel Porfirio; Lima Lopes, Bruna de Carvalho Faria; dos Anjos Mascarenha, Marcia Maria; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar (2017-01)
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      In this paper, two new state variables are included in a conventional elastoplastic model, Modified Cam-clay, to incorporate the influence of pore size distribution changes in the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. ...
    • A microstructural model on the link between change in pore size distribution and wetting induced deformation in a compacted silt 

      Casini, Francesca; Vaunat, Jean; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2013)
      Conference report
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      The water retention curve expressed in terms of water content or degree of saturation and suction is hysteretic, stress path dependent (on void ratio), and depends on pore network. To properly describe its evolving nature, ...
    • A multi-scale insight into gas transport in a deep Cenozoic clay 

      González Blanco, Laura; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar (2022-09)
      Open Access
      The migration of gases is crucial to ensure the long-term feasibility of argillaceous formations for the deep disposal of radioactive waste. This paper presents an experimental investigation with a multi-scale perspective ...
    • A new column collapse apparatus for the characterisation of the flowability of granular materials 

      Torres Serra, Joel; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Rodríguez Ferran, Antonio (2020-02)
      Open Access
      The packaging industry is lacking a standard methodology to characterise the granular flow of a wide range of powders and grains in actual handling conditions. We present a new fully-instrumented granular column collapse ...
    • A new granular column collapse device to characterise flowability of bulk materials 

      Torres Serra, Joel; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Rodríguez Ferran, Antonio (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2018-07)
      Open Access
      A wide range of bulk materials with different physical properties are nowadays handled in the packaging industry using different material conveying techniques. Nevertheless, experimental methodologies to characterise ...
    • A new high-pressure triaxial apparatus for inducing and tracking hydro-mechanical degradation of clayey rocks 

      Pineda Jiménez, Jubert Andrés; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Alonso Pérez de Agreda, Eduardo; Pérez Revilla, Tomás (2014-11)
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      This paper presents the development of a new high-pressure triaxial apparatus specifically prepared for inducing and tracking the degradation of clayey rocks. Total suction—used to induce the hydraulic degradation—is applied ...
    • A practical method for suction estimation in unsaturated soil testing 

      Amaral, M.F.; Viana da Fonseca, A.; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Arroyo Alvarez de Toledo, Marcos (CRC Press, 2013)
      Conference report
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      This research presents an alternative methodology to estimate suction in triaxial tests carried out under constant water content. A preliminary determination of the retention curve is proposed using two complementary ...
    • A review of expansive phenomena in Wagenburg North Tunnel 

      Berdugo de Moya, Iván Rafael; Alonso Pérez de Agreda, Eduardo; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Gens Solé, Antonio; Albis, María (2009-12-31)
      Open Access
      The paper deals on tunnelling and swelling in anhydritic-gypsiferous claystones. The geology of the Gipskeuper in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and the phenomenology of expansions in Wagenburg North tunnel are described. ...
    • A rockfill triaxial cell with suction control 

      Chavez, C.; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Alonso Pérez de Agreda, Eduardo (2009-05)
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      This paper describes the development of a new triaxial cell specifically built to test coarse granular material under partially saturated conditions. The partial saturation is achieved by imposing a total suction that is ...
    • Ageing effects on the small-strain stiffness of a bio-treated compacted soil 

      Morales, Laura; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Jommi, Cristina; Garzón Garzón, Eduardo; Giménez, Antonio (2015-09)
      Open Access
      The effect of ageing on the small-strain shear stiffness of compacted silty-clayey sand following a ‘soft’ biological treatment is discussed. Samples were prepared by static compaction, adding urea-degrading bacteria to ...
    • Ageing effects on the stiffness behaviour of a microbiologically treated and compacted soil 

      Morales, Laura; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Pineda Jiménez, Jubert Andrés; Garzon, E.; Giménez, Antonio (Springer, 2012)
      Conference report
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      The paper describes an experimental study aimed at evaluating the evolution of some mechanical properties, specifically small-strain stiffness and unconfined compressive strength, induced by ageing after a microbiological ...
    • Air injection experiments on Opalinus clay: experimental techniques, results and analyses 

      Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Marschall, P (2012)
      Conference report
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    • Air injection tests in two argillaceous rock formations: experimental results and modelling 

      González Blanco, Laura; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Li, Xiang Ling; Sillen, X.; Marschall, Paul; Jommi, Cristina (CRC Press, 2016)
      Conference report
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      Air flow through two argillaceous rock formations is investigated on the basis of laboratory work and its modelling to help in the interpretation of the results. Priority in the experimental program has been given to study ...
    • Air permeability measurements in low porosity clayey rocks 

      Pineda Jiménez, Jubert Andrés; Viet, Hoang Nguyen; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Sheng, Daichao; Gens Solé, Antonio (2023)
      Conference report
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      The paper describes the development of a high-pressure isotropic cell for studying the environmental degradation of low porosity clayey rocks. Air permeability measurements are used in this device as a tool to evaluate ...
    • Air tests on low-permeability claystone formations: experimental results and simulations 

      Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Senger, R.K.; Marschall, P; Gómez Bonilla, Rodrigo Andrés (Springer, 2012)
      Conference report
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      The paper presents the results of an experimental investigation aimed at characterising the water and air permeability properties of low-permeability claystone formations from a Mesozoic sequence in Northern Switzerland. ...
    • ALERT Doctoral School 2012: advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics 

      Viggiani, Gioacchino; Hall, Stephen A.; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Tudisco, E.; Musso, G.; Jommi, C.; Santamarina, J. Carlos (ALERT Geomaterials, 2012-10)
      Open Access
      The twenty-second session of the European Graduate School 2012 (called usually ALERT Doctoral School) entitled Advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics is organized by Cino Viggiani, Steve Hall and Enrique Romero.
    • An experimental study on the compaction and collapsible behaviour of a flood defence embankment fill 

      El Mountassir, G.; Sánchez, Marcelo; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar (2014-09)
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
      With renewed interest in the performance of flood embankments globally, it is important that the performance of fills in conditions similar to 'as-constructed' are scrutinised. The fill material investigated in this study ...
    • An insight into the water retention properties of compacted clayey soils 

      Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Della Vecchia, G.; Jommi, Cristina (2011-04)
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      Experimental data from different testing methodologies on different compacted clayey soils, with dominant bimodal pore size distribution, are presented and analysed, to provide a comprehensive picture of the evolution of ...
    • Analysis of swelling in tunnels excavated in sulphate claystones 

      Berdugo de Moya, Iván Rafael; Guimarães, Leonardo do N; Alonso Pérez de Agreda, Eduardo; Gens Solé, Antonio; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar (2009)
      Conference report
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      The paper summarizes the main phenomenological aspects of swelling in tunnels excavated in sulphate claystones and formulates a series of theoretical consideration for their coupled hydro-mechanical-chemical analysis. The ...