Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • A survey on the group of points arising from Elliptic Curves with a Weierstrass model over a ring 

      Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2023-06)
      Open Access
      Review of " A survey on the group of points arising from Elliptic Curves with a Weierstrass model over a ring, Massimiliano Sala and Daniele Taufer, International Journal of Group Theory, 12 (3), (2023),177-196. "
    • A UPC innovation teaching project for the incorporation of the gender perspective in nautical, marine and naval engineering 

      Barahona Fuentes, Claudia; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Ruiz Robles, Ángela; Codina Costa, Mercè; Fernández Canti, Rosa M.; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat; Ordás Jiménez, Santiago; Isalgué Buxeda, Antonio; Martin Llopis, Álvar (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-09)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      There has been a rising awareness in recent years of the gender inequalities within STEM-related programmes and the need to overcome them and so bridge the gender gap in these academic disciplines. Different initiatives ...
    • ÀLGEBRA 2 (Examen 2n quadrim) 

      Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2004-06-03)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ÀLGEBRA 2 (Examen 2n quadrim) 

      Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2004-07-01)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • COMPUTACIÓ ALGEBRAICA (Examen 2n quadrim) 

      Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • Exploring the potential and applications of additive manufacturing in repairs during the operation of a ship 

      Jove Bueno, Marc; Fernández Canti, Rosa M.; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat; Borén Altés, Clara (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, 2024-06-07)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Future trends in marine technology include recent advances in v4.0 Industry such as 3D printing. The benefits of additive manufacturing are piece optimisation, weight reduction and ease prototyping. As a result, this ...
    • From Galois to Hopf Galois: theory and practice 

      Crespo Vicente, Teresa; Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2015-09)
      Open Access
      Hopf Galois theory expands the classical Galois theory by con- sidering the Galois property in terms of the action of the group algebra k [ G ] on K/k and then replacing it by the action of a Hopf algebra. We review the ...
    • Hopf Galois structures on symmetric and alternating extensions 

      Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat; Crespo Vicente, Teresa (2018)
      Open Access
      By using a recent theorem by Koch, Kohl, Truman and Underwood on normality, we determine that some types of Hopf Galois structures do not occur on Galois extensions with Galois group isomorphic to alternating or symmetric ...
    • Induced Hopf Galois structures 

      Crespo Vicente, Teresa; Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2016-07-01)
      Open Access
      For a ¿nite Galois extension K/k and an intermediate ¿eld F such that Gal(K/F)has a normal complement in Gal(K/k), we construct and characterize Hopf Galois structures on K/k which are induced by a pair of Hopf Galois ...
    • Inducing braces and Hopf Galois structures 

      Crespo, Teresa; Gil Muñoz, Daniel; Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2023-09-01)
      Open Access
      Let p be a prime number and let n be an integer not divisible by p and such that every group of order np has a normal subgroup of order p. (This holds in particular for .) Under these hypotheses, we obtain a one-to-one ...
    • Jornada de pràctiques d'embarcament 

      Martín Mallofré, Agustí; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat; Moreno Martinez, Juan Antonio; Garcia Soler, David (2022-05-11)
      Open Access
      Sessió informativa sobre les pràctiques pels estudiants de pont i de màquines a càrrec del degà Agustí Martin, la cap d'estudis Montse Vela, el vicedegà Josep A. Moreno, i l'exestudiant David Garcia
    • Left braces of size 8 p 

      Crespo Vicente, Teresa; Gil Muñoz, Daniel; Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2023)
      Open Access
      We describe all left braces aof size 8 p for an odd p diferent from 3 and 7.
    • Non-isomorphic Hopf Galois structures with isomorphic underlying Hopf algebras 

      Crespo, Teresa; Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2014-10-30)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      We give a degree 8 non-normal separable extension having two non-isomorphic Hopf Galois structures with isomorphic underlying Hopf algebras.
    • On a radical extension of the field of rational functions in several variables 

      Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2023-09)
      Open Access
      Review of On a radical extension of the field of rational functions in several variables, Xiang-dong Hou and Christopher Sze, Linear and multilinear algebra, 71 (6), (2023), 1015-1025
    • On the Galois correspondence theorem in separable Hopf Galois theory 

      Crespo Vicente, Teresa; Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2016-01)
      Open Access
      In this paper we present a reformulation of the Galois correspondence theorem of Hopf Galois theory in terms of groups carrying farther the description of Greither and Pareigis. We prove that the class of Hopf Galois ...
    • On the Galois embedding problem associated to the universal central extension of the alternating group of degree 6 

      Crespo, Teresa; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2013)
      Open Access
      We obtain an explicit expression for the obstruction to the solvability of the Galois embedding problem associated to the universal central extension of the alternating group of degree 6.
    • Problèmes de plongement finis sur les corps non commutatifs 

      Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2023)
      Open Access
      Review of Problèmes de plongement finis sur les corps non commutatifs, A. Behajaina, B.Deschamps and F. Legrand, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 249, (2022), 617-650.
    • Sessió informativa pràctiques a l'FNB. Curs 2023-24 

      Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat; Moreno Martinez, Juan Antonio; Arranz, Nereo; Albert Ribet, Josep; Thomas Ricos, Clàudia; Pagès Morales, Eric (2023-05-23)
      Open Access
      Sessió sobre les opcions i experiències d'estudiants en pràctiques en empreses
    • The Hopf Galois property in subfield lattices 

      Crespo Vicente, Teresa; Río Doval, Ana; Vela del Olmo, Maria Montserrat (2016-01-01)
      Open Access
      Let K/k be a finite separable extension, n its degree and (K) over tilde /k its Galois closure. For n <= 5, Greither and Pareigis show that all Hopf Galois extensions are either Galois or almost classically Galois and they ...