Now showing items 1-20 of 93

    • A 3D model for building condition assessment 

      Banaszek, Anna; Banaszek, Sebastian; Cellmer, Anna; Gibert Armengol, Vicente; Serrat Piè, Carles (2020)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The aim of the paper is to analyze practical aspects with use of 3D Model for accurate building condition assessment. Use of fully interactive visualization methods from a technical condition assessment platform going to ...
    • A fully interactive visualization method for building condition assessment 

      Banaszek, Anna; Banaszek, Sebastian; Cellmer, Anna; Gibert Armengol, Vicente; Serrat Piè, Carles (2019)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The aim of the paper is to introduce a tool for the accurate assessment of the technical condition of buildings. The proposed methodology is becoming an efficient strategy for the massive inspection of building stocks, in ...
    • A fully interactive visualization method for building condition assessment 

      Banaszek, Anna; Banaszek, Sebastian; Cellmer, Anna; Gibert Armengol, Vicente; Serrat Piè, Carles (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2019-09)
      Open Access
      The aim of the paper is to introduce a tool for the accurate assessment of the technical condition of buildings. The proposed methodology is becoming an efficient strategy for the massive inspection of building stocks, in ...
    • A nonparametric statistical model for the selection of significant variables acting in the deterioration of built façades 

      Serrat Piè, Carles; Gibert Armengol, Vicente; Casas Rius, Joan Ramon; Rapinski, Jacek (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2020)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Serrat and Gibert (2011) introduced the use of survival analysis techniques for the study of time-to-failure in the facades of a building stock. Those techniques have been implemented in a predictive system that incorporates ...
    • A semi-parametric joint model for two sequential times to events and one longitudinal covariate 

      Serrat Piè, Carles; Abel Huertas, Jaime; Gómez Melis, Guadalupe (2012)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      The present work proposes a joint model for two sequential times to events together with longitudinal information, as an extension of the joint model by Wolfsohn and Tsiatis (1997) for one time to event and one longitudinal ...
    • A shared-parameter joint model for prostate cancer risk and psa longitudinal profiles 

      Serrat Piè, Carles; Rué, Montserrat; Perpiñán Fabuel, Hèctor; Forte, Anabel; Armero, Carmen; Piulachs Lozada Benavente, Xavier; Páez, Álvaro; Gómez Melis, Guadalupe (Fundación Mapfre, 2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The paper describes the use of frequentist and Bayesian shared-parameter joint models of longitudinal measurements of prostate specific antigen (PSA) and the risk of prostate cancer (PCa). The motivating dataset corresponds ...
    • A simheuristic for the unmanned aerial vehicle surveillance-routing problem with stochastic travel times and reliability considerations 

      Panadero, Javier; Juan Pérez, Ángel Alejandro; Serrat Piè, Carles; Grifoll Colls, Manel; Freixes, Alfons (2019)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveillance-routing problem, a limited fleet of UAVs with driving-range limitations have to visit a series of target zones in order to complete a monitoring operation. This operation ...
    • A statistical learning based approach for parameter fine-tuning of metaheuristics 

      Calvet Liñán, Laura; Juan Pérez, Ángel Alejandro; Serrat Piè, Carles; Ries, Jana (2016-06)
      Open Access
      Metaheuristics are approximation methods used to solve combinatorial optimization problems. Their performance usually depends on a set of parameters that need to be adjusted. The selection of appropriate parameter values ...
    • A UAV-based 3D model for building condition monitoring 

      Banaszek, Anna; Banaszek, Sebastian; Cellmer, Anna; Gibert Armengol, Vicente; Serrat Piè, Carles (Koszalin University of Technology Publishing House, 2019)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Open Access
      The aim of the paper is to introduce a tool for the accurate assessment of the technical condition of buildings. The proposed methodology is becoming an efficient strategy for the massive inspection of building stocks, in ...
    • A vector scale of severity of damages in buildings 

      Ruiz Gorrindo, Félix; Aguado de Cea, Antonio; Serrat Piè, Carles (2020)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In the context of the existing buildings, along the recent years the concept of maintenance has changed from corrective maintenance to preventive maintenance, which is based in part on periodic inspections. There is ample ...
    • An agile simheuristic for the stochastic team task assignment and orienteering problem: applications to unmanned aerial vehicles 

      Panadero, Javier; Juan Pérez, Ángel Alejandro; Grifoll Colls, Manel; Dehghanimohamamdabadi, Mohammad; Freixes, Alfons; Serrat Piè, Carles (2020)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Efficient coordination of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) requires the solving of challenging operational problems. One of them is the integrated team task assignment and orienteering problem (TAOP). The TAOP can be seen ...
    • Analysis of classification systems for the built environment: historical perspective, comprehensive review and discussion 

      Royano García, Verónica; Gibert Armengol, Vicente; Serrat Piè, Carles; Rapinski, Jacek (Elsevier, 2023-05-15)
      Open Access
      Research into the organisation of building project information began to bear fruit in the 1950s when the first classification system for the construction industry was introduced. Driven by the growing use of digital tools ...
    • Analysis of construction auctions data in Slovak Public Procurement 

      Hanák, Tomáš; Serrat Piè, Carles (2018-01-01)
      Open Access
      The requirement for efficient public spending leads contracting authorities to use electronic reverse auctions (e-RA), a tool that allows achieving financial savings. In this study, we aim to explore the relationships ...
    • Application of TLS intensity data for detection of brick walls defects 

      Suchocki, Czeslaw; Katzer, Jacek; Serrat Piè, Carles; Jagoda, Marcin (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2019-09)
      Open Access
      Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) is a well-established technique for remote acquisition of geometrical data of a tested object. For the past two decades it has been commonly used in geodesy, surveying and related areas for ...
    • Application of TLS intensity data for detection of brick walls defects 

      Suchocki, Czeslaw; Katzer, Jacek; Serrat Piè, Carles; Jagoda, Marcin (2019)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) is a well-established technique for remote acquisition of geometrical data of a tested object. For the past two decades it has been commonly used in geodesy, surveying and related areas for ...
    • Applications of discrete-event simulation to reliability and availability assesment in civil engineering structures 

      Juan Pérez, Angel Alejandro; Monteforte, A.; Ferrer Biosca, Alberto; Serrat Piè, Carles; Faulín, Javier (2009)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper discusses the convenience of predicting, quantitatively, time-dependent reliability and availability levels asso-ciated with most building or civil engineering structures. Then, the paper reviews different ...
    • Àlgebra lineal i càlcul infinitesimal 

      Bruguera Padró, Maria Montserrat; Ferrer Biosca, Alberto; Guillamon Grabolosa, Antoni; Mitjana Riera, Margarida; Pañella Brustenga, Francisco de Asís; Puerta Coll, Xavier; Rodríguez Jordana, Juan; Serrat Piè, Carles; Torrent Torrent, Juan Antonio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2003)
      Lecture notes
      Open Access
    • Àlgebra lineal i Càlcul infinitesimal. Quadern de pràctiques amb ordinador 

      Ferrer Biosca, Alberto; Guillamon Grabolosa, Antoni; Mitjana Riera, Margarida; Rodríguez Jordana, Juan; Serrat Piè, Carles (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1996)
      Lecture notes
      Open Access
    • Biometría: Estudios de supervivencia con datos no observados. Dificultades inherentes al enfoque paramétrico 

      Gómez Melis, Guadalupe; Serrat Piè, Carles (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 1999)
      Open Access
      A partir de una muestra de datos de supervivencia que contiene valores no observados en las covariantes de interés, presentamos una metodología que permite extraer toda la información contenida en covariantes completamente ...
    • BRAIN: Building Research Analysis and Information Network 

      Serrat Piè, Carles; Gibert Armengol, Vicente; Casas Rius, Joan Ramon; Rapinski, Jacek (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), 2017)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The research we introduce in the paper is intended to model and to infer on the durability of architectural fronts, composed of the facades of buildings, by designing a predictive system. The estimation is based on survival ...