Ara es mostren els items 1-20 de 35

    • A distortion measure to validate and generate curved high-order meshes on CAD surfaces with independence of parameterization 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Peraire Guitart, Jaume; Sarrate Ramos, Josep (John Wiley & Sons, 2016-06)
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      A framework to validate and generate curved nodal high-order meshes on Computer-Aided Design (CAD) surfaces is presented. The proposed framework is of major interest to generate meshes suitable for thin-shell and 3D finite ...
    • A globalized and preconditioned Newton-CG solver for metric-aware curved high-order mesh optimization 

      Aparicio Estrems, Guillermo; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2024-03)
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      We present a specific-purpose globalized and preconditioned Newton-CG solver to minimize a metric-aware curved high-order mesh distortion. The solver is specially devised to optimize curved high-order meshes for high ...
    • A hybrid meshing framework adapted to the topography to simulate atmospheric boundary layer flows 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Avila, Matias; Folch, Arnau (Elsevier, 2022)
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      A new topography adapted mesh generation framework tailored to simulate Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) flows on complex terrains is presented. The mesher is fully automatic given: the maximum and minimum surface mesh ...
    • A level set-based actuator disc model for turbine realignment in wind farm simulation: meshing, convergence and applications 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Revilla Mut, Gonzalo; Avila Salinas, Matías Oscar; Houzeaux, Guillaume (2022-11-24)
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      We present a novel meshing and simulation approach for wind farms, featuring realignment and mesh adaptation. The turbines are modeled with actuator discs, which are discretized by means of an adaptation process to represent ...
    • A new procedure to smooth and untangle meshes on parameterized surfaces 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Sarrate Ramos, Josep (Vienna University of Technology, 2012)
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      We present a technique to extend any distortion (quality) measure for planar meshes to meshes on parameterized surfaces. The resulting distortion (quality) measure is expressed in terms of the parametric coordinates of the ...
    • A surface mesh smoothing and untangling method independent of the CAD parameterization 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Sarrate Ramos, Josep (2014-04-01)
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      A method to optimize triangular and quadrilateral meshes on parameterized surfaces is proposed. The optimization procedure relocates the nodes on the surface to improve the quality (smooth) and ensures that the elements ...
    • Adaptive points to estimate the Lebesgue constant on the simplex 

      Jiménez Ramos, Albert; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca, Xevi (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2022-05)
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      We present a novel adaptive sampling method to estimate the Lebesgue constant of nodal sets in n-dimensional simplices. The main application of this estimation is to assess the interpolation capabilities of a nodal ...
    • An augmented Lagrangian formulation to impose boundary conditions for distortion based mesh moving and curving 

      Ruiz Gironès, Eloi; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Sarrate Ramos, Josep; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2017)
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      We formulate a mesh morphing technique as mesh distortion minimization problem constrained to weakly satisfy the imposed displacement of the boundary nodes. The method is devised to penalize the appearance of inverted ...
    • Automatically imposing incremental boundary displacements for valid mesh morphing and curving 

      Ruiz Gironès, Eloi; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Sarrate Ramos, Josep; Roca, Xevi (2019-07)
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      We present a new incremental mesh morphing method obtained by proposing and discretizing a solution procedure for the continuous morphing problem. Our method seeks a diffeomorphism that transforms an initial domain to a ...
    • Combining high-order metric interpolation and geometry implicitization for curved r -adaption 

      Aparicio Estrems, Guillermo; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca, Xevi (Elsevier, 2023)
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      We detail how to use Newton’s method for distortion-based curved -adaption to a discrete high-order metric field while matching a target geometry. Specifically, we combine two terms: a distortion measuring the deviation ...
    • Conformal marked bisection for local refinement of n-dimensional unstructured simplicial meshes 

      Belda Ferrín, Guillem; Ruiz Gironés, Eloi; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca, Xevi (Elsevier, 2022)
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      We present an n-dimensional marked bisection method for unstructured conformal meshes. We devise the method for local refinement in adaptive n-dimensional applications. To this end, we propose a mesh marking pre-process ...
    • Conformal marked bisection for local refinement of n-dimensional unstructured conformal meshes 

      Belda Ferrín, Guillem; Ruiz Gironès, Eloi; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Gargallo Peiró, Abel (Elsevier, 2023-01-01)
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      We present an n-dimensional marked bisection method for unstructured conformal meshes. We devise the method for local refinement in adaptive n-dimensional applications. To this end, we propose a mesh marking pre-process ...
    • Curved geometry modeling: interpolation of subdivision features 

      Jiménez Ramos, Albert; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2021-05)
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      We present a nodal interpolation method to approximate a subdivision model. The main application is to model and represent curved geometry without gaps and preserving the required simulation intent. Accordingly, the ...
    • Defining a stretching and alignment aware quality measure for linear and curved 2D meshes 

      Aparicio Estrems, Guillermo; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2019-05-07)
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      We define a regularized shape distortion (quality) measure for curved high-order 2D elements on a Riemannian plane. To this end, we measure the deviation of a given 2D element, straight-sided or curved, from the stretching ...
    • Defining a stretching and alignment aware quality measure for linear and curved 2D meshes 

      Aparicio Estrems, Guillermo; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier (Springer, 2018)
      Text en actes de congrés
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      We define a regularized shape distortion (quality) measure for curved high-order 2D elements on a Riemannian plane. To this end, we measure the deviation of a given 2D element, straight-sided or curved, from the stretching ...
    • Defining metric-aware size-shape measures to validate and optimize curved high-order meshes 

      Aparicio Estrems, Guillermo; Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2024-03)
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      We define a regularized size-shape distortion (quality) measure for curved high-order elements on a Riemannian space. To this end, we measure the deviation of a given element, straight-sided or curved, from the stretching, ...
    • Defining quality measures for validation and generation of high-order meshes 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Peraire Guitart, Jaume; Sarrate Ramos, Josep (Springer, 2013)
      Text en actes de congrés
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      A procedure to quantify the distortion (quality) of a high-order mesh composed by curved tetrahedral elements is presented. The proposed technique has two main applications. First, it can be used to check the validity and ...
    • Distortion and quality measures for validating and generating high-order tetrahedral meshes 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Peraire Guitart, Jaume; Sarrate Ramos, Josep (2015-07-01)
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      A procedure to quantify the distortion (quality) of a high-order mesh composed of curved tetrahedral elements is presented. The proposed technique has two main applications. First, it can be used to check the validity and ...
    • High-order mesh generation on CAD geometries 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Peraire Guitart, Jaume; Sarrate Ramos, Josep (Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), 2013)
      Text en actes de congrés
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      We present a technique to extend Jacobian-based distortion (quality) measures for planar triangles to high-order isoparametric elements of any interpolation degree on CAD parameterized surfaces. The resulting distortion ...
    • Inserting curved boundary layers for viscous flow simulation with high-order tetrahedra 

      Gargallo Peiró, Abel; Roca Navarro, Francisco Javier; Sarrate Ramos, Josep; Peraire Guitart, Jaume (Springer, 2013)
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      We propose an a posteriori approach for generating curved meshes for viscous flow simulations composed by high-order tetrahedra. The proposed approach is performed in the following three steps: (1) generate a linear ...