Browsing by Author "Magrí Aloy, Albert"
Now showing items 1-20 of 64
A case study on livestock waste management: Juncosa de les Garrigues (Catalonia, Spain)
Teira-Esmatges, Maria Rosa; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier; Casañé, Antoni; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Martín, Patricia; Montane, Lourdes; Tarradas, Jordi; Campos Pozuelo, Elena; Bonmatí Blasi, August (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 1999)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe objective of the present work was to characterise fue catt1e wastes produced by some 10,000 anima1s, in the municipa1ity of Juncosa de les Garrigues (Cata10nia, Spain); to stab1ish the mass balance between ... -
A comprehensive and manageable mathematical model for the composting process
Solé-Mauri, Francina; Illa Alibés, Josep; Pérez, Domingo; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Prenafeta Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Mato, Salustiano; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2006)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyMathematical modelling for composting problem -
A model for the simulation of the Sharon process: pH as a key factor
Magrí Aloy, Albert; Corominas, L; López, Helio; Campos Pozuelo, Elena; Balaguer, Marilos; Colprim, Jesus; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2007)
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A model for the simulation of the SHARON process: pH as a key factor
Magrí Aloy, Albert; Corominas, Lluis; López, Helio; Campos Pozuelo, Elena; Balaguer, Marilos; Colprim, Jesús; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2005)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe SHARON process permits the partial nitrification of wastewaters with high ammonium content and coupled with the Anammox process represents a more sustainable alternative for N removal than a typical nitrification-den ... -
An integrated biochemical and physical model for the composting process.
Solé-Mauri, Francina; Illa Alibes, Josep; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Prenafeta Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2007)
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Anammox treatment of swine wastewater using immobilized technology
Magrí Aloy, Albert; Vanotti, M.B.; Szögi, Ariel (2010)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - author's decisionppropriate land application of manure nitrogen at agronomic rates must be assured in order to preserve environmental quality of agricultural ecosystems, atmosphere, and water resources. When land ... -
Assessment of a composting process for the treatment of beef cattle manure
Magrí Aloy, Albert; Teira Esmatges, Rosa Maria (2015)
Open AccessThe intensive breeding of beef cattle in Juncosa de les Garrigues (Catalonia, Spain) leads to the production of a large volume of manure that needs appropriate management. Land application in the area at agronomic rates ... -
Assessment of economic feasibility and environmental performance of manure processing technologies
Foged, Henning; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier; Bonmatí Blasi, August; Palatsi Civit, Jordi; Magrí Aloy, Albert (2012-03-29)
Research report
Open AccessTechnical Report No. IV concerning “Manure Processing Activities in Europe” to the European Commission, Directorate-General Environment. Project reference: ENV.B.1/ETU/2010/0007. Publicat el 29.03.2012 a: ; http://ec.eur ... -
Batch enrichment of anammox bacteria and study of the underlying microbial community dynamics
Connan, Romain; Dabert, Patrick; Khalil, Hassan; Bridoux, Gilbert; Béline, Fabrice; Magrí Aloy, Albert (2016)
Open AccessThe anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) consists on the biological conversion of ammonium (NH4+) into dinitrogen gas under absence of oxygen. Nitrite (NO2-) is a substrate of the anammox reaction, but also an inhibitor ... -
Batch treatment of liquid fraction of pig slurry by intermittent aeration - process simulation and microbial community analysis
Magrí Aloy, Albert; Guivernau, Miriam; Baquerizo, Guillermo; Viñas, Marc; Prenafeta Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2009)
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C55. Physicochemical characterization of a biofilter packing for the modeling of dispersion, and sorption of ammonia
Prenafeta Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Baquerizo, Guillermo; Illa Alibés, Josep (CRC Press, 2010)
Part of book or chapter of book
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C9. Les tecnologies aplicables en el tractament dels purins: un element clau per millorar-ne la gestió
Bonmatí Blasi, August; Magrí Aloy, Albert (Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de la Vicepresidència, 2008)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - author's decisionL’Informe per a la millora de la gestió dels purins porcins a Catalunya, encarregat pel CADS a la Prof. M.R. Teira Esmatges, del Dept. de Medi Ambient i Ciències del Sòl de la UdL, s’estructura en tres blocs: • En el ... -
Caracterización respirométrica de la conversión de ácidos grasos volátiles en sistemas de fangos activados
Magrí Aloy, Albert; Juznic Zonta, Zivko; Blancafort Sabata, Anna (Editoral Fira de Barcelona, 2010)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - author's decisionLos ácidos grasos volátiles de cadena corta (AGVs) son una fuente de carbono orgánico fácilmente biodegradable habitual en corrientes residuales tales como fracciones líquidas de purines, ciertos efluentes anaerobios, etc. ... -
Characterization of a combined batch-continuous procedure for the culture of anammox biomass
Connan, Romain; Dabert, Patrick; Le Roux, Sophie; Chapleur, Olivier; Bridoux, Gilbert; Vanotti, M.B.; Béline, Fabrice; Magrí Aloy, Albert (2017-06-09)
Restricted access - author's decisionInterest in autotrophic nitrogen (N) removal through anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is high in the field of wastewater treatment as a more economic and sustainable alternative than conventional nitrification-deni ... -
Combinación de codigestión anaerobia y procesos físico-químicos para el tratamiento y valorización de deyecciones ganaderas
Pons, Ramón; Antich, Roger; Fernández García, Belén; Palatsi Civit, Jordi; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2008)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - author's decisionEl RD 2818/1998 propició el desarrollo de sistemas de tratamiento colectivo de purines de cerdo basados en la concentración térmica, de los cuales actualmente existen en España unas 20 instalaciones. La dependencia del gas ... -
Desenvolupament d’un simulador numèric del procés de compostatge i aplicació a l’optimització del compostatge de llots i mescles amb altres residuos orgànics
Sánchez, Antoni; Gea, Teresa; Baeza, Juan; Ruggieri, Luz; Puyuelo, Belén; Domínguez, Jorge; Pérez, Domingo; Cereijo, David; Mato, Salustiano; Solé-Mauri, Francina; Illa, Josep; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier; Prenafeta Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Vázquez, Felicitas; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Pérez Foguet, Agustí; Huerta, Antonio; Roca, Xavier; Oliver, Albert (Agència Catalana de l'Aigua, 2007)
Conference report
Open AccessL’objectiu principal del present projecte és l’obtenció d’un simulador, basat en un model estructurat, que permeti optimitzar les condicions del procés de compostatge de llots de depuradora, així com predir-ne ... -
Efficient dynamic simulation of pH in processes associated to biofiltration of volatile inorganic pollutants
Baquerizo, Guillermo; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Illa Alibés, Josep; Bonilla Blancas, W.C.; Gonzalez Sanchez, A; Revah, Sergio (2010)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThis work proposes a generic methodology to include the pH as a state variable in mathematical models of bioreactors. An ordinary differential equation for pH is stated and introduced into the general model structure of a ... -
Electroactive biofilm adapted to a high nitrogen loads and electricity generation in a microbial fuel cell fed with pig slurries
Sotres Fernandez, Ana; Cerrillo Moreno, Míriam; Guivernau Ribalta, Miriam; Prenafeta Boldú, Francesc Xavier; Magrí Aloy, Albert; Illa Alibés, Josep; Bonmatí Blasi, August; Viñas Canals, Marc (2012)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - author's decisionIn the present study, the anodic biofilm of two MFC reactors (MFC-1 and MFC-2) working at high ammonium loading rates were characterized in electrochemical and microbial terms. -
Eliminación biológica de nitrógeno de la fracción líquida de purines de cerdo - modelización del proceso
Magrí Aloy, Albert; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2008)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - author's decisionLa eliminación biológica de nitrógeno mediante la combinación de los procesos de nitrificación y desnitrificación se presenta como potencial alternativa de tratamiento en situaciones donde exista un excedente de nitrógeno ... -
End and by-products from livestock manure processing - general types, chemical composition, fertilising quality and feasibility for marketing
Foged, Henning; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier; Bonmatí Blasi, August; Palatsi Civit, Jordi; Magrí Aloy, Albert (2012-03-29)
Research report
Open AccessTechnical Report No. III concerning “Manure Processing Activities in Europe” to the European Commission, Directorate-General Environment. Project reference: ENV.B.1/ETU/2010/0007. Publicat el 20.03.2012 a: http://ec.euro ...