Now showing items 1-20 of 72

    • A dehydration process for ovine hide to obtain a new collagenous material 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Sorolla, Silvia; Casas Solé, Concepció; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2014-04-09)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The aim of the present work is to develop a dehydration process for ovine hide to obtain a new collagenous material for use in the leather industry. What is obtained through this new process is a dry and very porous ...
    • Análisis del ciclo de vida de un cuero vegetal hidrofugado 

      Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Baquero Armans, Grau; Casas, Concepció; Sorolla, Sílvia; Ollé Otero, Lluís (2018)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar ambientalmente un nuevo proceso de curtido vegetal para obtener un cuero hidrofugado con el proceso de curtido vegetal convencional. La comparación comprende el análisis de aguas ...
    • Análisis del ciclo de vida de un proceso de curtición para la obtención de cueros biodegradables mediante recursos naturales sostenibles procedentes de los residuos de la explotación forestal del pino 

      Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Conde, Mireia; Baquero Armans, Grau; Combalia Cendra, Felip; Ollé Otero, Lluís (2018)
      Conference report
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      Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación para obtener un nuevo tanino a partir de los residuos de la explotación del pino que tenga alta capacidad de curtición de la piel. Después de haber realizado un ...
    • Application of highly carboxylate resins in aqueous emulsion for leather coating avoiding the use of isopropyl alcohol 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Baquero Armans, Grau; Solé, Mercè; Cuadros Domènech, Rosa Maria; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2016-08-15)
      Open Access
      Today, the first stages of the finishing processes of buffed cattle hides or full loose grain – known as impregnation – are largely carried out with acrylic resins and penetrating agents (typically, a mixture of surfactants ...
    • Aqueous finishing with polycarbodiimide cross-linked binders 

      Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Ollé Otero, Lluís; Borràs Fillat, Maria Dolors; Cobos, Mireia; Jericó, Albert; Solé, Oriol (2010-06-17)
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      In the current economic climate leather factories need to redesign their processes to add value to their production in order to increase their competitiveness. In this respect, the use of a cross-linker opens up opportunities ...
    • Aqueous finishing with polyisocyanate cross-linked binders 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Cobos, Mireia; Solé, Oriol; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2009-11)
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      Due to increasingly stringent environmental legislation the leather industry has to produce eco-friendly articles. At the same time, it needs to manufacture fashionable and high-quality articles in order to increase ...
    • Behavior of leather as a protective heat barrier and fire resistant material 

      Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Borràs Fillat, Maria Dolors; Soler Solé, Jaume; Herrero, Vicente; Jorge Sánchez, Juan; Ollé Otero, Lluís (2010-02-11)
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      Leather is a natural material with many applications: automotive, domestic upholstery, buildings, aviation, maritime, personal safety, etc. For each of these sectors, fire behavior is a field of particular interest. ...
    • Biodegradation of leather tanned with inorganic salts 

      Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Jorba, Montse; Font Vallès, Joaquim; Shendrik, Alexander; Ollé Otero, Lluís (2011-04-14)
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      This paper aims to evaluate the physical, chemical and biological processes associated with the deterioration of leather tanned with inorganic salts. The samples of leather were exposed during eight months to outdoor ...
    • Biodegradation of wet-white leather 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Jorba Rafart, Montse; Font Vallès, Joaquim; Shendrik, Alexander; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2011)
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      This paper deals with the study of the physical, chemical and biological processes associated with the deterioration of wet-white leather. The samples of leather were exposed for eight months to outdoor weathering and ...
    • Characterization of the volatile organic compounds by hs-spme-cg-ms in the leather sector 

      Cuadros Domènech, Rosa Maria; Ollé Otero, Lluís; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Font Vallès, Joaquim (2013-11)
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      Current European legislation demands a reduction in the amount of voltaile organic compounds (VOCs) used in industrial processes. The presence of these compounds in the leather industry arises from the chemicals used in ...
    • Comparación de cuatro sistemas de precurtición wet-white 

      Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Combalia Cendra, Felip; Ollé Otero, Lluís; Makárova, Anna (2006-04)
      Open Access
      La curtición al cromo es un proceso con un fuerte impacto ambiental, por una parte debido a que contamina de forma importante las aguas residuales y por otra a la dificultad de eliminar los residuos sólidos que contienen ...
    • Comparación del envejecimiento debido a la exposición a un ambiente tropical artificial y exposición directa a la intemperie 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Cobos, Mireia; Font Vallès, Joaquim; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2010-05-07)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      El cuero para tapicería de automóvil puede ser sometido a condiciones ambientales extremas produciendo su envejecimiento prematuro. Los factores más importantes en la degradación del cuero durante su exposición ambiental ...
    • Comparison of IUP 16 and Microscopic Hot Table Methods for Shrinkage Temperature Determination 

      Font Vallès, Joaquim; Espejo, Jenifer; Cuadros, Sara; Reyes, Maria Reyes; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Buti Papiol, Salvador (2010-04-15)
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      In the leather industry, shrinkage temperature (Ts) is determined by the IUP 16 method. However, only microanalytical techniques like the Microscopic Hot Table (MHT) method are appropriate for the Ts of leather objects of ...
    • Comparison of the weathering variables on both chrome-tanned and wet-white leather ageing 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Jorba, Montse; Castell, Joan Carles; Font Vallès, Joaquim; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2011)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      Leather is a natural material that can be used in different environments and often under aggressive environmental conditions that may cause premature ageing. The most important factors influencing the degradation of leather ...
    • Comparison of weathering variables on chrome-tanned and wet-white leather ageing 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Jorba, Montse; Castell, Joan Carles; Font Vallès, Joaquim; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2012-02-08)
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      Leather is a natural material that can be used in different environments and often under aggressive environmental conditions that may cause premature ageing. The most important factors influencing the degradation of leather ...
    • Comparisonof the effect of the tropical test on both chrome-tanned and wet-white upholstery leather 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Jorba Rafart, Montse; Font Vallès, Joaquim; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2011)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Automotive upholstery leather can undergo extreme environmental conditions that may cause premature ageing. Leather is strongly affected by three main environmental parameters: temperature,relative humidity and UV radiation. ...
    • Curtición vegetal con extracto de semilla de uva 

      Ramon Arcal, Salvador; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Font Vallès, Joaquim; Ollé Otero, Lluís (Publicació Electrònica en CD-ROM, 2012)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la viabilidad de usar el extracto de semilla de uva procedente de subproductos de la industria vinícola, como fuente sostenible y renovable de taninos para curtir pieles vacunas ...
    • Desarrollo de nanocompuestos con efecto autolimpiante para cuero y téxtil 

      Casas, Concepció; Bou Serra, Jordi; Ollé Otero, Lluís; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2016)
      Conference report
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      El objetivo principal de este trabajo es desarrollar nuevos sistemas nanotecnológicos multifuncionales para aplicar en los procesos de la industria del cuero y del textil para asientos de espacios y vehículos públicos. ...
    • Desarrollo de productos a partir de Caesalpinia spinosa 

      Bacardit Dalmases, Anna; Díaz, Jorge; Casas, Concepció; Ollé Otero, Lluís (2017-01-02)
      Open Access
      En estudios anteriores se han desarrollado modificaciones químicas y físicas para obtener una tara modificada con un mayor porcentaje de taninos y con una mejor capacidad de penetración y fijación en cuero mediante una ...
    • Design of a prototype to produce a new collagen material by dehydration 

      Ollé Otero, Lluís; Sorolla, Silvia; Casas, Concepció; Bacardit Dalmases, Anna (2014-01-07)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The aim of the present work is to develop a prototype to produce a new collagenous material by dehydration for use in the leather industry. What is obtained through this new process is a dry and very porous collagenous ...