Now showing items 1-20 of 97

    • Antimagic labelings of caterpillars 

      Lozano Boixadors, Antoni; Mora Giné, Mercè; Seara Ojea, Carlos (2019-04-15)
      Open Access
      A k-antimagic labeling of a graph G is an injection from E(G) to {1,2, ..., |E(G)|+k} such that all vertex sums are pairwise distinct, where the vertex sum at vertex u is the sum of the labels assigned to edges incident ...
    • Apunts de Matemàtica Discreta 

      Mora Giné, Mercè (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012)
      Lecture notes
      Open Access
    • Àlgebra 1. Apunts 

      Aviñó Andrés, Albert; Mora Giné, Mercè; Seara Ojea, Carlos (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1997)
      Lecture notes
      Open Access
    • Àlgebra 2. Apunts 

      Aviñó Andrés, Albert; Mora Giné, Mercè; Seara Ojea, Carlos (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1998)
      Lecture notes
      Open Access
    • Boundary-type sets and product operators in graphs 

      Cáceres, Jose; Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Pelayo Melero, Ignacio Manuel; Puertas González, María Luz (2010)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
    • Caterpillars are antimagic 

      Lozano Boixadors, Antoni; Mora Giné, Mercè; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Tey Carrera, Joaquín (2021-01-21)
      Open Access
      An antimagic labeling of a graph G is a bijection from the set of edges E(G) to {1,2,…,|E(G)|}, such that all vertex sums are pairwise distinct, where the vertex sum at vertex u is the sum of the labels assigned to the ...
    • Coloración de grafos por vecindades diferentes. 

      Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Pelayo Melero, Ignacio Manuel; Alcom, Liliana; Gutierrez, Marisa (2017-07-07)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      En este trabajo de nimos las coloraciones de un grafo que lo resuelven por vecindad. Notamos NL ( G ) al cardinal m nimo de una de estas coloraciones consideradas del grafo G . Estudiamos propiedades generales de estas ...
    • Completion and decomposition of hypergraphs into dominating sets of graphs 

      Martí Farré, Jaume; Mora Giné, Mercè; Ruiz Muñoz, José Luis (2015-11)
      Open Access
      The collection of the vertex dominating sets of a graph defines a hypergraph on the set of vertices of the graph. However, there are hypergraphs H that are not the collection of the vertex dominating sets of any graph. ...
    • Dimensión métrica y dimensión métrica tolerante en grafos MOP. 

      Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio; Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Maureso Sánchez, Montserrat; Mora Giné, Mercè; Tejel Altarriba, Francisco Javier (2023)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      En este trabajo estudiamos la dimensión métrica y la dimensión métrica tolerante en grafos periplanos maximales. Concretamente, damos cotas ajustadas de ambos parámetros y caracterizamos los grafos que alcanzan las cotas ...
    • Distance 2-domination in prisms of graphs 

      Hurtado Díaz, Fernando Alfredo; Mora Giné, Mercè; Rivera Campo, Eduardo; Zuazua Vega, Rita Esther (2017-01-01)
      Open Access
      A set of vertices D of a graph G is a distance 2-dominating set of G if the distance between each vertex u ¿ ( V ( G ) - D ) and D is at most two. Let ¿ 2 ( G ) denote the size of a smallest distance 2 -dominating set of ...
    • Dominating 2- broadcast in graphs: complexity, bounds and extremal graphs 

      Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Pelayo Melero, Ignacio Manuel; Cáceres, José; Puertas, M. Luz (2017-10-16)
      Research report
      Open Access
      Limited dominating broadcasts were proposed as a variant of dominating broadcasts, where the broadcast function is upper bounded. As a natural extension of domination, we consider dominating 2-broadcasts along with the ...
    • Dominating 2-broadcast in graphs: complexity, bounds and extremal graphs 

      Cáceres, José; Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Pelayo Melero, Ignacio Manuel; Puertas González, María Luz (2018-04-20)
      Open Access
      Limited dominating broadcasts were proposed as a variant of dominating broadcasts, where the broadcast function is upper bounded. As a natural extension of domination, we consider dominating 2-broadcasts along with the ...
    • Elaboració d’un pla de tutories per a la FIB 

      Mora Giné, Mercè; Castell Ariño, Núria; Fernández Ruzafa, José; Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón; Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín; Martínez Parra, Conrado; Nonell i Torrent, Ramon; Raventós Pagès, Ruth; Rius Carrasco, Roser (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2013-02-08)
      Conference report / Conference lecture
      Open Access
      La majoria d'estudiants que accedeixen a la universitat, i en concret a la FIB, no són conscients del que comporta cursar una carrera universitària. Els estudis universitaris requereixen molta dedicació. Sovint els ...
    • Elimination properties for minimal dominating sets of graphs 

      Martí Farré, Jaume; Mora Giné, Mercè; Puertas González, María Luz; Ruiz Muñoz, José Luis (2020-01-01)
      Open Access
      A dominating set of a graph is a vertex subset such that every vertexnot in the subset is adjacent to at least one in the subset. In this paper westudy whenever there exists a new dominating set contained (respectively, ...
    • Extremal graph theory for metric dimension and diameter 

      Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Wood, David (2010-02-22)
      Open Access
      A set of vertices S resolves a connected graph G if every vertex is uniquely determined by its vector of distances to the vertices in S. The metric dimension of G is the minimum cardinality of a resolving set of G. Let ...
    • Extremal graph theory for metric dimension and diameter 

      Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Pelayo Melero, Ignacio Manuel; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Wood, David (2010)
      Open Access
    • Fitting a two-joint orthogonal chain to a point set 

      Díaz-Báñez, José Miguel; López, Mario A.; Mora Giné, Mercè; Seara Ojea, Carlos; Ventura, Inmaculada (2011-04)
      Open Access
      We study the problem of fitting a two-joint orthogonal polygonal chain to a set S of n points in the plane, where the objective function is to minimize the maximum orthogonal distance from S to the chain. We show that this ...
    • Fonaments de la matemàtica. Resums, exercicis i problemes 

      Martí Farré, Jaume; Mora Giné, Mercè; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014)
      Problem statement, exercise
      Open Access
    • General bounds on limited broadcast domination 

      Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Pelayo Melero, Ignacio Manuel; Puertas, Maria Luz; Cáceres, José (2016-09-19)
      Research report
      Open Access
      Limited dominating broadcasts were proposed as a variant of dominating broadcasts, where the broadcast function is upper bounded by a constant k . The minimum cost of such a dominating broadcast is the k -broadcast dominating ...
    • General bounds on limited broadcast domination 

      Hernando Martín, María del Carmen; Mora Giné, Mercè; Pelayo Melero, Ignacio Manuel; Cáceres, José; Puertas, M. Luz (Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2018-10-26)
      Open Access
      Dominating broadcasting is a domination-type structure that models a transmission antenna network. In this paper, we study a limited version of this structure, that was proposed as a common framework for both broadcast and ...