Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Active testing search for point cloud matching 

      Amável Pinheiro, Miguel; Sznitman, Raphael; Serradell, Eduard; Kybic, Jan; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc; Fua, Pascal (Springer, 2013)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      We present a general approach for solving the point-cloud matching problem for the case of mildly nonlinear transformations. Our method quickly finds a coarse approximation of the solution by exploring a reduced set of ...
    • Combining geometric and appearance priors for robust homography estimation 

      Serradell, Eduard; Özuysa, Mustafa; Lepetit, Vincent; Fua, Pascal; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc (Springer, 2010)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Abstract. The homography between pairs of images are typically computed from the correspondence of keypoints, which are established by using image descriptors. When these descriptors are not reliable, either because of ...
    • Non-rigid graph registration using active testing search 

      Serradell, Eduard; Amável Pinheiro, Miguel; Sznitman, Raphael; Kybic, Jan; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc; Fua, Pascal (2015)
      Open Access
      We present a new approach for matching sets of branching curvilinear structures that form graphs embedded in R^2 or R^3 and may be subject to deformations. Unlike earlier methods, ours does not rely on local appearance ...
    • Robust elastic 2D/3D geometric graph matching 

      Serradell, Eduard; Kybic, J.; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc; Fua, Pascal (2012)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      We present an algorithm for geometric matching of graphs embedded in 2D or 3D space. It is applicable for registering any graph-like structures appearing in biomedical images, such as blood vessels, pulmonary bronchi, ...
    • Robust non-rigid registration of 2D and 3D graphs 

      Serradell, Eduard; Glowacki, Przemyslaw; Jan, Kybic; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc; Fua, Pascal (2012)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      We present a new approach to matching graphs embedded in R2 or R3. Unlike earlier methods, our approach does not rely on the similarity of local appearance features, does not require an initial alignment, can handle partial ...
    • Simultaneous correspondence and non-rigid 3D reconstruction of the coronary tree from single X-ray images 

      Serradell, Eduard; Romero, Adriana; Leta, Ruben; Gatta, Carlo; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc (2011)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      We present a novel approach to simultaneously reconstruct the 3D structure of a non-rigid coronary tree and estimate point correspondences between an input X-ray image and a reference 3D shape. At the core of our approach ...
    • Simultaneous pose, focal length and 2D-to-3D correspondences from noisy observations 

      Peñate Sanchez, Adrián; Serradell, Eduard; Andrade-Cetto, Juan; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc (2013)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Simultaneously recovering the camera pose and correspondences between a set of 2D-image and 3D-model points is a difficult problem, especially when the 2D-3D matches cannot be established based on appearance only. The ...