Browsing by Author "López Garello, Carlos María"
Now showing items 1-20 of 48
3d numerical model of a confined fracture tests in concrete
Montenegro, O.; Sfer, D.; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (CIMNE, 2013)
Conference report
Open AccessThe paper deals with the numerical simulation of a confined fracture test in concrete. The test is part of the experimental work carried out at ETSECCPB-UPC in order to elucidate the existence of a second mode of fracture ... -
3D numerical model of a confined fracture tests in concrete
Montenegro, Oscar Ivan; Sfer, Domingo; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (2013)
Conference report
Open AccessThe paper deals with the numerical simulation of a confined fracture test in concrete. The test is part of the experimental work carried out at ETSECCPB-UPC in order to elucidate the existence of a second mode of fracture ... -
3D zero-thickness interface model for fracture of cement-based materials with chemical degradation
Martínez Estévez, Ariadna; Liaudat, Joaquín; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (2022-03)
Open AccessIn the framework of the Finite Element Method, zero-thickness interface elements have been widely used to model fracturing processes in quasi-brittle materials in a broad variety of problems. In particular, interface ... -
3D-Mesomechanical analysis of cracking and spalling of concrete subject to high temperatures
Pérez Carreras, Adrià; Rodríguez, Mariana; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (CIMNE, 2013)
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper, an existing meso-structural model for concrete which had been applied to the study of the mechanical effects of high temperatures in 2D, is extended to 3D, and to more complex coupled thermo-mechanical ... -
3D-mesomechanical analysis of external sulfate attack in concrete
Pérez Carreras, Adrià; Riera Bayo, Celia; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (2017)
Conference report
Open AccessThe present study focuses on degradation of concrete by external sulfate attack. The numerical model developed by the MECMAT/UPC group, incorporates coupled C-M analysis using a meso-mechanical approach with discrete ... -
3D-Mesomechanical analysis of external sulfate attack in concrete
Pérez, A.; Riera Bayo, Celia; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (CIMNE, 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessThe present study focuses on degradation of concrete by external sulfate attack. The numerical model developed by the MECMAT/UPC group, incorporates coupled C-M analysis using a meso-mechanical approach with discrete ... -
Análisis 2D y 3D de la fractura del hormigón por ataque sulfático externo
López Garello, Carlos María; Vélez, A.; Carol, Ignacio; Pérez Carreras, Adrià; Idiart, Andrés (Grupo Español de Fractura, 2019)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEl hormigón puede degradarse debido a diferentes formas de ataques químicos. Este artículo se centra en uno de ellos, el ataque sulfático externo. Un modelo de difusión-reacción se ha combinado en un contexto acoplado a ... -
Análisis del hormigón en modo mixto de fractura utilizando un modelo meso-estructural con elementos junta.
López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio; Carol, Ignacio (2010)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEn este trabajo se presentan resultados de la simulación numérica de algunos ensayos experimentales sobre muestras de hormigón sometidas a carga biaxial que combina tracción y corte [1]. Para ello se emplea una modelización ... -
Análisis mecomecánico de la fisuración del hormigón sometido a la acción de altas temperaturas
Rodríguez, Mariana; Pérez, Adrià; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria (CIMNE), 2014)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyUn modelo meso estructural 2D empleado inicialmente en el análisis mecánico del hormigón bajo altas temperaturas, es extendido en este trabajo a un análisis 3D y a un análisis termo-mecánico acoplado más complejo. El ... -
Análisis meso-mecánico del hormigón bajo la acción de procesos expansivos internos.
Campos, A.; López Garello, Carlos María; Aguado de Cea, Antonio (2010)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEs conocido que la existencia de procesos expansivos en el hormigón inducidos por reacciones químicas, puede provocar una considerable degradación de sus propiedades mecánicas. Este comportamiento puede ser la respuesta a ... -
Análisis mesoestructural de la fisuración en procesos expansivos del hormigón
Campos, A.; López Garello, Carlos María; Aguado de Cea, Antonio (2011)
Restricted access - publisher's policyLos procesos reactivos, tales como la reacción álcali-árido, las reacciones de oxidación de sulfuros, el ataque sulfático extemo e interno, etc., provocan en general cambios de volumen diferencial en la estructura interna ... -
Análisis mesomecánico del hormigón bajo cargas que generan cambios de dirección de fisuración
Puiggrós Parayre, Luis Javier; López Garello, Carlos María; Rodríguez, Mariana; Carol, Ignacio (2015)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyPara contrastar y comparar el comportamiento de modelos constitutivos del hormigón que tienen en cuenta la anisotropía inducida por fisuración y daño, con frecuencia se ha empleado un test teórico en el cual se impone un ... -
Análisis numérico de la influencia de la fisuración en el comportamiento de una presa de hormigón
Campos, A.; López Garello, Carlos María; Aguado de Cea, Antonio (2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper introduces a 2D simulation of a cross section of the block 13-14 of Mequinenza Dam, which presents pronounced and uncommon remaining displacements. Joint elements have been included in to the model with a nonlinear ... -
ASR expansions at the level of a single glass-cement paste interface: experimental results and proposal of a reaction-expansion mechanism
Liaudat, Joaquín; Carol, Ignacio; López Garello, Carlos María; Leemann, Andreas (Elsevier, 2019-09)
Open AccessA new experimental methodology for studying ASR expansions at the level of a single aggregate-cementitious matrix interface is proposed. For this methodology, small sandwich-like specimens, with cement paste or mortar on ... -
ASR expansions in concrete under triaxial confinement
Liaudat, Joaquín; Carol, Ignacio; López Garello, Carlos María; Saouma, Victor E. (2018-02)
Open AccessIt is well known that the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) expansion in concrete is influenced by the stress state of the material. However, the extent and nature of this influence is not completely understood due to the ... -
Computational modeling of external sulfate attack in concrete at the meso-level
Idiart Castellano, Andrés Enrique; Carol, Ignacio; López Garello, Carlos María; Murcia Vela, Juan (2009)
Conference report
Restricted access - author's decisionThis paper presents recent work by the authors along the domain of coupled chemo-mechanical problems in concrete. External sulfate attack is analyzed from a mesoscale point of view, in which the main heterogeneities of ... -
Coupled C-M meso-scale model for ASR expansion in concrete
Liaudat, Joaquín; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (CRC Press/Balkema, 2018)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyAs part of an ongoing development, this paper presents a brief description of a new Chemo-Mechanical (C-M) model for the expansions due to Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in concrete. This model has been formulated at the ... -
Diffusion-reaction model for alkali-silica reaction in concrete
Liaudat, Joaquín; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (CIMNE, 2013)
Conference report
Open AccessA new diffusion-reaction model for the potentially deleterious Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) process in concrete is presented. The model involves three coupled diffusion processes, two in-goingand one out-goingfrom the ... -
Diffusion-reaction model for the internal sulfate attack in concrete
Campos, A.; López Garello, Carlos María; Aguado de Cea, Antonio (2016-01)
Open AccessIn the analysis of the behavior of concrete structures affected by expansive problems, it is often necessary to use kinetics models of the reactions involved to assess and predict the magnitude, distribution, and evolution ... -
Diffusion-reaction modelling of the degradation of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine
Martínez Estévez, Ariadna; Liaudat, Joaquín; López Garello, Carlos María; Carol, Ignacio (2017)
Conference report
Open AccessThe essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction ...