Browsing by Author "Turró Calvet, Mateu"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
A classification for the redistributive effects of investments in transport infrastructure
Penyalver, Domingo; Turró Calvet, Mateu (2018-12)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe efficiency of major transport projects in terms of resources should be always a critical factor in decision-making. The method traditionally used to evaluate the socioeconomic profitability of investments in transport ... -
A closer look at funding and financing innovation
Turró Calvet, Mateu (2011-03)
Open AccessThese are difficult times for urban public transport (UPT), in particular for the most developed economies. The financial crisis is still hurting many countries, but even in those showing signs of recovery, it has left a ... -
Assessing the fairness of a Project Financing Formula on successive generations
Penyalver, Domingo; Turró Calvet, Mateu (2017-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyMajor transport projects are appraised mostly through cost-benefit analysis. In practice, though, decision-making takes into account many other aspects that are more. or less political. When properly defined, they may be ... -
Economic trends and transport specialisation
Turró Calvet, Mateu (ECMT, 1993)
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El Banc Europeu d'Inversions a Catalunya
Turró Calvet, Mateu; Alario, Joan (Edicions 62, 2002)
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Els reptes del front portuari de l'Euroregió de l'Arc Mediterrani
Turró Calvet, Mateu; Saurí Marchán, Sergi; Cabutí Borrell, Nil (2014-11)
Open AccessL’Euroregió de l’Arc Mediterrani (EURAM) inclou uns territoris que tenen unes vinculacions socials, econòmiques i culturals molt fortes i de llarga tradició. Aquestes relacions han permès la seva progressiva consolidació ... -
Exploring the Quality-of-life Satisfaction in the Historical Fabrics of Iran Through Machine Learning Models
Mirzakhani, Arman; Turró Calvet, Mateu; Behzadfar, Mostafa (Centre de Politica de Sol i Valoracions, CPSV / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, 2022-02-28)
Open AccessEls centres històrics de les ciutats sovint queden fora del procés de desenvolupament urbà, especialment quan el creixement de la població és molt ràpid. Per tant, s’enfronten a greus dificultats que afecten la qualitat ... -
Financements du type partenariat public-privé en faveur des infrastructures européenes: le rôle de la Banque Européene d'Investissement
Turró Calvet, Mateu (Presses de l'École nationale des ponts et chaussées, 2000)
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Financing perspectives for trans-European transport networks
Turró Calvet, Mateu (Euromoney Yearbooks, 2006)
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Infraestructuras en una época de crisis
Turró Calvet, Mateu (2013-11)
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Intergenerational perception of the utility of major transport projects
Penyalver, Domingo; Turró Calvet, Mateu; Zavala Rojas, Diana (Elsevier, 2018-10)
Open AccessA basic question for the assessment of the fairness of a project financing formula on successive generations is to determine what is the most appropriate method to group the affected individuals over the years. The ... -
La evaluación de proyectos de inversión en transporte por parte de las instituciones financieras internacionales: la experiencia del Banco Europeo de Inversiones
Turró Calvet, Mateu (2010-12)
Open AccessEl artículo explica por qué las instituciones financieras internacionales llevan a cabo una evaluación económica de los proyectos que les son propuestos para su financiación y los criterios que utilizan, en particular ... -
Les connexions de Catalunya amb l'exterior: una mirada prospectiva a les infraestructures de transport
Turró Calvet, Mateu (Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, 2014-07)
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Open AccessEl Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat organitza un cicle de tres jornades de treball i de reflexió amb l’objectiu principal d’identificar i analitzar quines són les condicions territorials que afavoreixen l’activitat ... -
Les enjeux financiers de la rénovation des médinas
Turró Calvet, Mateu; Rodríguez Villaescusa, Eduard (L'Harmattan, 2010)
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Matching funding, mobility, and spatial equity objectives in a networkwide road pricing model: case of Catalonia, Spain
Pons Rigat, Aleix; Saurí Marchán, Sergi; Turró Calvet, Mateu (2017-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyA review of the pricing and funding model for interurban roads in Catalonia, Spain, is timely because of the forthcoming finalization of toll concessions and the decrease in road taxes. This paper proposes a comprehensive ... -
Mejorando el project appraisal. Aportaciones a la evaluación de nuevas líneas de alta velocidad
Sánchez Borrás, Marta; Robusté Antón, Francesc; Turró Calvet, Mateu (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers de Camins Canals i Ports de Barcelona, 2011-11-16)
Conference lecture
Open AccessLa presente investigación presenta la colaboración entre el CENIT y Renfe, que ha consistido en la elaboración de una metodología específica para la evaluación económica y social de la Alta Velocidad (AV) ferroviaria, con ... -
RAILPAG: Railway Project Appraisal Guidelines
Turró Calvet, Mateu (European Commission. EU Publications, 2004)
Open AccessThe RAILPAG (Railway Project Appraisal Guidelines) aim at providing a common framework for the appraisal of railway projects across the EU. They are the result of a similar harmonisation exercise as that carried out under ... -
Reflexions a partir del llibre blanc de les infraestructures de l’Euram
Turró Calvet, Mateu (Institut d'Economia i Empresa Ignasi Villalonga, 2010)
Part of book or chapter of book
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Risk analysis, risk management and implementacion performance in transport infrastructure projects
Aymerich, Mario; Turró Calvet, Mateu (McGraw-Hill, 2011)
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The infrastructure investment needs and financing challenge of European ports
de Langen, Peter; Turró Calvet, Mateu; Fontanet, Martina; Caballé, Jordi (2018)
Restricted access - publisher's policyA study to investigate the future investment needs of European ports, as well as the past ability of ports to benefit from the different EU financial instruments.