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MUNOZ ENGLISH ARCHITECT • • Contact miquel.alexandr.munoz@gmail.com • Phone number • Date of Birth 05 - 06 - 1992 ABOUT Through my study program I focused in building technology as well as design and calculation of structures. My professional experience has allowed me to participate in design oriented projects. I am passionate, a team player, competitive, ambitious and tireless. SKILLS Adobe Photoshop • • • • • • 0 0 AutoCAD • • • • • • 0 0 Microstation • • • • • • • • 3D Studio Max • • • • 0 0 0 0 SAP 2000 • • • • • 0 0 0 CYPE • • • 0 0 0 0 0 lllustator • • • • • • 0 0 In Design • • • • 0 0 0 0 Grasshopper • • • • 0 0 0 0 ---------------------- ENGLISH SPANISH CATALAN LANGUAGES • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 WORK EXPERIENCE Intern at Ware Malcomb Architecture: • June 2015 - September 2015 in San Diego, California. • June 2014 - September 2014 in San Diego, California. • June 2013 - September 2013 in San Diego, California. • June 2012 - September 2012 in San Diego, California. • June 2011 - September 2011 in San Diego, California. Tasks: Directly interacting with clients and vendors. Taking part in most phases on different projects such as schematic design, design development, construction administration, programming and construction documents. Also on-site tasks such as field verifying and walkthroughs as well as reports derived of these tasks. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND • 2015 Exchange program in TUDelft - Architecture Engineering Msc. • 2010-2015 Currently in 5" year of Architecture studies (6 year program) at ETSAV-UPC Barcelona Tech, Superior Technical School of Architecture of Valles . OTHER ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES • 2010-2015 Elected member of the ETSAV school board. Elected member of the student council. Member of the academics board of the ETSA V. • 2013-2015 Collaboration with professor PhD Dionis Boixader on the applications of Processing to mathematics in architecture. • 2010-2015 Representative member of ETSAV in CREARQ (Representative Council of Architecture Students)( National level). • 2012 Collaboration with chair professor PhD Antonio Millan on the applications of Space Syntax to urban analysis . • 2009-2010 Architecture summer program at the New School of Architecture and Design (NSAD). San Diego, California (USA) . - 2 - LUNCHBOX Intervening in an area like Ciutat Meridiana requires sensitivity to the boundary conditions. Ciutat Meridia- na belongs to Barcelona yet at the same time it’s not part or connected to it. The “lunchbox” project aims to identi- fy and enhance the boundary condi- tions Ciutat Meridiana off ers. First act on the physical, urban and visual conditions that currently don’t provide any benefi t to the neighbor- hood and make them areas of eco- nomic, social and landscape promo- tion. This new condition of free, now free and productive spaces, allowing new opportunities and improve- ments in diff erent aspects. At the lo- cal level they can generate new jobs, own production resources, recovery of spaces and improvements in fl ows within the neighborhood. Territoria- lly, the project allows a change of the stigma of Ciutat Meridiana, a busi- ness model based on the relationship with Barcelona and the metropolitan area and the contribution to a sustai- nable production system and the in- tegration of this new landscape into a metropolitan system of open spaces. Second we act on the socioeconomic TAP PCH, ETSAV. 2014, Ciutat Meridiana, Barcelona. Tutors: Xavier Vancells, Claudi Aguiló, Marta Serra. and cultural conditions of the neigh- borhood and therefore promoting employment and education oppor- tunities through a proposal that fo- cuses on a business model that inclu- des food production, processing and distribution. The specifi c strategies are: acting on the open spaces of the stream, using semi-urban gaps, un- 01 - 3 - developed spaces of unused road reserves and existing agricultural tissues and turning them into land for crops in conjunction with the formation of an agricultural coo- perative give capability and means agricultural production. We we also propose a transformation of the industrial landscape with two intensities of intervention. On the one hand we reprogram two wa- rehouses and the interstitial space between them and promote them as the epicenter of activity and place of confl uence between the parties and stakeholders. On the other hand we act on public spa- ce in anticipation of a progressive linkage of the current industrial fa- bric to the new center of activity. Finally we propose the formation of a cooperative “lunchbox” loca- ted in this production center to develop lunch boxes that will then be distributed to points of interest in Barcelona. - 4 - ROAD TERRACESPASSABLE NATURAL SPACE WATER STREAMRE-NATURALIZED AREA RE-NATURALIZED AREA ENLARGEMENT OF PEDESTRIAN AREA ACTIVITY NODE RESIDENCIAL SPACE FREE SPACE BETWEEN BLOCKS RESIDENCIAL SPACE PUBLIC SPACE RE-NATURALIZED FREE SPACE PASSABLE NATURAL SPACETERRACES AND NEW URBAN CONNECTIONS RELATIONS IN THE FREE SPACES We incorporate irrigation ditches and a water storage system supplied by mechanical pumps that distribute from wells to the higher points of the agricultural terrraces. We generate new connections that answer to the agricultural and activity node necessities. The irrigation ditches help control the water runoff and terrein erosion 85%$16<67(06/,1.('72352'8&7,9($5($6 352'8&7,9( &(17(5 ,WVHUYHVDVDFHQWUDO QRGHWRVWUXFWXUHWKH LQGXVWULDOUHVLGHQWLDODQG DJULFXOWXUDOV\VWHPV EHWZHHQWKHP - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - URBAN ACUPUNCTURE TAP PUD, ETSAV.2013, La Floresta, Barcelona. Tutors: Coque Claret, Roger Tudó, Dani Calatayud. 02 1st AXIS - 11 - 36% 20%%%%% 18% 46% POPULATION AGE SOCIAL PROFILES MOBILITY TIME 16%%% 34%%%%%% 30% +45 -18 18% 22% STUDENTS UNEMPLOYED 18-45 TYPE 1 ACTUAL SITUATION EDUCATION LEVEL TYPE 2 TYPE 3 HIGHT OF THE BUILDINGS 2 FLOORS 1 FLOOR 3 FLOORS 4 FLOORS SPORT ECONOMY WORK 41% 12% 24% TYPE 3 10 MIN 5 MIN BUILT ENVIRONMENT FOREST PRIVATE GROUND ROADS NONE 57% 12% TYPE 2 31% TYPE 1 805 HECTARS 51,3% 342 HECTARS 425 HECTARS 40,6% RETIRED WORKING 18%%%%%% 27%%%%%% 33%%%%%% 17%%%%%% NONE SECONDARY SCHOOL UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL STATE OF CONSERVATION DEFICIENT GOOD BAD IN RUIN 4,4% 3,7% 25% 44% 29% 22% 5% + 10 MIN + 10 MIN 10 MIN WEEK DAYS WEEKEND NONE 5 MIN 24% 0% 38% 40% 60% 46% 15% 10% 5% BARCELONA SANT CUGAT VALLÈS CONNECTION CONNECTION ROAD VALLVIDETRA ARRABASADA CONNECTION ROAD VALLVIDETRA ARRABASADA PUBLIC COST-EFFECTIVE LIMITED COST- EFFECTIVE PUBLIC LIMITEDFREE PRIVATE UNLIMITED L4L3 EXPENSIVE PRIVATE UNLIMITED MODERATE EXPENSE UNLIMITED PRIVATE INTERNAL MOVEMENT EXTERNAL TRIPS 17% 3% BARCELONA SANT CUGAT VALLÈS CONNECTION LOCAL CONNECTION IN LA FLORESTA SPACIAL DISTRIBUTION 2nd AXIS SOCIAL DATA INFOGRAPHIC - 12 - 1- Intervention in the crossing of the Vallvidrie- ra road with the aim of improving the mobility. 2- Introducing a parking lot next to the sports facilitie and the train station 3- Changing the section of the street. Enhan- cing priority on bike and pedestrian mobility. 4- Construction of a new walkway that decrea- ses distance to the train station. 5- Fixing and improving the features of the walkway for being used by more users. ANALYSIS 1ST AXIS - 13 - 1- Reactivate the use and the activities in the old casino. 2- Improve the walkway to be used by disabled people. 3- Rethink the train station entrances to be able to connect it to the public spaceces. 4-5-6 Create public activities where the parking lot is today. Build a space for recreation and entertainment for all ages. Replace the parking along the road in a way it doesn’t bother the relation between shops-pedestrians-houses-services. 7- Move the location of the trash containers and set the road to be used for cars but also for pedestrians and bikers. ANALYSIS 2ND AXIS - 14 - DEVELOPMENT OF THE 1ST PHASE INTERVENTION 1 ISOMETRIC VIEW SECTION DETAIL FLOOR PLAN DETAIL STAIR GENERAL SECTION AND FLOOR PLANINTERVENTION SITE PLAN - 15 - DEVELOPMENT OF THE 1ST PHASE INTERVENTION 2 NEW ROAD SECTION SCHEME OF USES NEW INTERVENTION GENERAL SITE PLAN Pedestrian+bike+car use Pedestrian use Car parking+pedestrian use Creative kids’ play area Sports area with special pavement. Concrete limit between areas FLOOR PLAN DETAIL - 16 - HUF BUILDING Building Technology, TU Delft. 2015, Rotterdam. Tutors: Pierre Jennen, Paddy Tomesen, Gilbert Koskamp. This studio focused on the reinterpretation of an existing concrete and steel building in Rotterdam with wood construction techniques. There- fore the structure, shell and interiors were done with wood. Environ- mentally and energetically effi cient strategies were required to be part of the project. 03 The project seeks to generate a new mixed used building through wood construction. The proposal aims to produce new intermediate spaces through a double skin that also acts as a thermal cushion and at the same time solves the connections in the building. This solution allows the possi- bility of partitions and a more fl exible usage of every fl oor. The project also proposes a greenhouse roof that will enable this space to be used as a productive and leisure area. - 17 - CLIMATE STRATEGIES The climatic strategies of the building can be summarized in the impact of two passive elements of the buil- ding and one active system. The greenhouse and the polycarbonate façade generate intermediate spaces that are semi-climatized and act as a thermal cushions between the inside and outside. The possibility of orientating the openable polycarbonate panels along with the IR superfi cial treatment allow to diff use a part of solar radiation in the summer and let most of it go through in the winter. This system also allows for the intermediate space to be highly ventilated during the summer and to some extent airtight during the winter. On the roof space the southern oriented roof panels are opaque and protect this space from the majority of the solar radiation in the summer, these panels also have solar panels that perform best with the angle and orientation of the roof. The active system is located in the interior spaces and consists of a dry system radiant fl oor that can work for heating and cooling. Its performance is optimal due to the large surface and fl oor to fl oor ceiling height. The building is very well insulated and foresees a heat recovery system. This allows the building to be almost passive when it has a high occupancy. - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - LIVABLE COMUNITIES TAP PTA, ETSAV. 2015, Av. Meridiana, Barcelona. Tutors: Silvia Musquera, Maria Magda Mària, Helena Coch, Pablo Garrido. 04 GENERAL SITE PLAN GROUND FLOOR PLAN - 21 - FLOOR -1 SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR USES SCHEME AXONOMETRY 1 AXONOMETRY 2 FOURTH TO SIXTH FLOORS - 22 - INDIVIDUAL MODULE APARTMENT MODULE DOUBLE ROOM MODULE - 23 - DUPLEX MODULE DUPLEX SECTION - 24 - - 25 - SUN RADIATION AND VENTILATION STATEGIES CONSTRUCTIVE SECTION - 26 - Section 2-3 of terrain Section 1-3 of terrain Section 1-2 of terrain SITE PLAN GENERAL SECTION BUILDING THE DESIGNED Construction IX, ETSAV.2015, Barcelona. Tutors: Victor Seguí, Jaime Prous, Alex Gautier. 05 - 27 - According to the geotechnical study, we see that the water level is in the area 6m (be- tween 5.8 and 6 m). Although in rainy season the water level could reach heights of up to 3m below esting because from 3 to 8 m the terrain is sand and gravel. Therefore we recommend caution with the rise in the water level. We also observe how the surface layer (3 - 0 m) is made of anthropological acumulations and waste that can’t be used for any type of foundation. The next layer that is important is from 3 to 8 m approx. It’s made up of sand, gravel, mud ... From 8 m clay has relatively little expansion. The groundwater obliges us to adopt appropriate methods. Which brings us to a foun- dation choice by deep piles and retaining walls. This method will allow us to prevent water to enter the building while supporting the building and minimizing settlements. The screen walls and piles end up in T stratum between Ta and Tb, will not reach Tc in any case. The stratum Q off ers good performance for screens, has a high enough grip, although the lower layer T, which off ers higher performance, better support while supportting the edge of the screen and piles. TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN COMERCIAL FLOOR - 28 - 1. Glued laminated timber board type KLH (25cm thick). 2. Rolled steel profi le of rectangular section 155 x 15 mm 3. UPN 280 steel profi le. 4. Ø30mm steel pin 1 unit every 20 cm 5. Caulking mortar without retraction. 6. Ø20mm steel connector 2 units every 20cm. 7. Wall rebar. Longitudinal and transverse electro-welded mesh 150 x 150 mm. Upper reinforcement wall with rebar box 182 x 300 mm with longitudinal reinforcement 3Ø12mm superior / inferior 3Ø12mm / skin 2Ø12mm / Ø8mm stirrup every 20 cm. 8. Granular sub-base median diameter selected gravel. 9. Electro-welded mesh steel grid 15 x 15 cm. 10. Sub-pressure slab. 30 cm thick. Doesn’t have structural function and allows a continuity plane to achieve watertightness to face the possible variation of the water table. 11. Hydrophilic cord. 12. Interior waterproofi ng impermeable sheet. 13. Base 10 cm poor concrete. 1. Pilar of LVL wood Kerto - S type . 10 x 40cm 2. LVL wooden clip Kerto – S type 20x10x40 cm 50 cm each. 3. Connecting plate for wood – concrete made of rectangular profi les welded to the pillar section and anchored with steel pins. 4. Ø30 mm steel pin. 5. Caulking mortar without retraction. 6. Steel connectors between steel plate and concrete girder Ø20 mm. 7. Pile cap type reinforcement for transmitting pillar loads to the beams. 8. Reinforced concrete girder 60x30 cm. ELEVATOR PIT DETAIL TRANSITION WOOD-CONCRETE WALL DETAIL SHORING OF WOOD PILLAR DETAIL - 29 - LEVEL CHANGE IN WAFFLE SLAB DETAIL LEVEL CHANGE IN WAFFLE SLAB DETAIL FLOOR PLAN OF WAFFLE SLAB - DISPOSITION OF NEGATIVE STEEL REINFORCEMENT AND SHEAR REINFORCEMENT REBAR FLOOR PLAN OF WAFFLE SLAB - DISPOSITION OF WAFFLE FORMS RING BEAM CONNECTION TO PILE WALL DETAIL 1.Reinforced ring beam of waffl e slab. Hook because of the chan- ge of level of the waffl e slab. Upper longitudinal rebar 3 Ø 12mm. / Lower longitudinal rebar 5 or 12mm. / Transverse reinforce- ment Ø 8mm stirrup every 20 cm. / skin reinforcement 4Ø8 mm linked by stirrup. 2.Expansion Joint of waffl e slab. Styrofoam fi ller. 3.Connector working mainly under shear stress. Steel bar ancho- red to the slabs’ ring beams through Ø40mm steel connectors and Ø20mm with helical stirrup with 5cm step. 4.Reinforced ring beam of waffl e slab. Upper longitudinal rebar 3 Ø 12mm. / Lower longitudinal rebar 3 Ø 12mm. / Transverse reinforcement Ø 8mm stirrup every 20 cm. 1. S500 upper cross steel bar reinforcement 2 Ø 12 mm. 2. S500 upper longitudinal steel bar rein- forcement 2 Ø 12 mm. 3. Separator for steel rebar. 4. steel rebar mesh 15 x 15 cm. 5. S500 lower longitudinal steel rebar 2 Ø 12 mm. 6. S500 lower cross steel rebar 2 Ø 12 mm. 7. Ring beam with piled wall steel reinfor- cement. 8. Ring beam for pile wall. - 30 - ROOF RAIN WATER DRAINAGE DISTRIBUTION AND LAYOUT OF WATER COLLEC- - 31 - COLD AND HOT WATER BUILDING NE- ELECTRIC NETWORK SCHEME AND - 32 - ROOF SECTION DETAILS TYPICAL FLOOR SECTION DETAILS 1ST FLOOR SECTION DETAILS GROUND FLOOR SECTION DETAILS - 33 - - 34 - SINGULAR STRUCTURES Estructures Singulars, ETSAV.2013. Tutors: Josep Gomez, Xavi Gimferrer. 06 This project’s goal was to explore the structure of a building that personally fascinated us from a structural point of view. I chose the unbuilt NAPP Laboratories of Richard Rogers, Cambridge, 1979. In this project I analyzed the viability of building this building and calculated and dimensioned the structure to match the original design. This was done with 2d and 3d analysis of the structure with diff erent load cases combining hand and computer assisted calculations. STRUCTURE AXONOMETRY - 35 - MAIN FRAME SECONDARY JOIST STRUCTURE DEFORMATION UNDER HYPOTHESIS ELU 1 = PP+SC+US+SNOW APPLIED FORCES AXIAL FORCES UNDER ELU 1 - 36 - DEFORMATION IN SECONDARY JOISTS STRESS IN SECONDARY JOISTS DEFORMATION OF END AND MIDDLE MAIN FRAMES AXIAL STRESS OF THE MAIN FRAME UNDER ELU 5 HYPOTHESIS - 37 - AXIAL STRESS OF MIDDLE AND END FRAMES UNDER ELU 5 HYPOTHESIS LATERAL MAX DEFORMATION IN WIND CONDITIONS CHECKUP OF % OF TOTAL ACCEPTABLE STRESS - 38 - MAX SHEAR FORCES ON CONCRETE SLAB - DIRECTION 1-1 - RESULTS IN METRIC TONS ( T ) MAX BENDING MOMENTS FORCES ON CONCRETE SLAB - DIRECTION 1-1 - RESULTS IN METERS PER METRIC TONS ( mT ) - 39 - The building studied is the Casal de Santa Magdalena. It is an eighteenth century building built with the stones of the ruined castle of Corbera de Llobregat from the S. IX. It is a building has wall structure system. It’s three sto- ries high and rectangular. It has had a roof rehabilitation intervention with a wooden deck system in 2012. The building currently has no use but it is planned future use is as public facilities. The building has cracks in the direction of the east faca- de. Cracks, separated by tensile forces appear in areas such as the inner wall openings of doors and windows. The cracks pass through the entire width of the walls and are relatively uniform in their entirety and are found in three of the four walls perpendicular to the facade. Downstairs the structural system changes to barrel vaults in the direction parallel to the front and no symptoms of disease, cracks appear, only in the fi rst and second fl oor, with a higher concentration of cracks in the second. ANALYSIS AND REHABILI- TATION OF STRUCTURES Anàlisis i Consolidació d’Es- tructures Existents, ETSAV. 2015, Corbera de Lobregat, Barcelona. Tutors: Jordi Payola.07 PICTURE OF EAST RACADE LONGITUDINAL SECTION LONGITUDINAL SECTION PICTURES OF THE CRACKS AND PATHOLOGY - 40 - The pathology can be caused by a num- ber of factors that contribute to cracks of these. The factors are the lack of bra- ce between the front and perpendicular walls (this becomes visible in the vertical groove in the junction between the inner wall and the facade), a large number of voids near the facade prevent a solidary behavior between the two walls which reinforces the lack of brace between them and fi nally inhomogeneity and again the openings appropriate decent of the loads and assists in generating push in the outer direction. All these factors contribute to the loss of an equilibrium state of the wall and a gradual shift of the fi nal stretch of the perpendicular walls outward. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND CAUSES OF PATHOLOGY SECOND FLOOR PLAN INTERIOR ELEVATION 1 LACK OF BRACIND BETWEEN FACA- DE, INTERIOR WALLS AND FLOORS INTERIOR ELEVATION 2 GREAT NUMBER OF OPENINGS HORIZONTAL LOAD COMPONENT AND LITTLE HOMOGENEITY INTERIOR ELEVATION 3 OUTWARD MOVEMENT - 41 - The proposed intervention consists of two interventions. The fi rst is a system for transmitting horizontal loads in the walls perpendicular to the facade. This proce- dure involves inserting two concrete dice into the wall and make them work toge- ther with connectors and attach these with two steel cables in order to transmit the horizontal component of the loads to the wall, to a more uniform indoor and continues part of the wall that can withs- tand these eff orts. The second intervention is the introduc- tion of a cable from the facade to the parallel interior wall, thus able to avoid possible pathologies related to the lack of brace and wind actions withstood by the façade and at the same time join the faça- de to an inner wall that does not suff er lateral forces nor is exposed to the outside elements. INTERVENTION PROPOSAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION 1 WITH INTERVENTION PROPOSAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION 2 WITH INTERVENTION PROPOSAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION 3 WITH INTERVENTION PROPOSAL DETAIL AXONOMETRY DETAIL OF INTERVENTION - 42 - MISCELLANEOUS08 TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHIES NAI BUILDING,W ROTTERDAM ERASMUS MC, ROTTERDAM ANECHOIC CHAMBER, TU DELFT ERASMUS MC EXTERIOR, ROTTERDAM GLOW FESTIVAL, EINDHOVEN AMSTERDAM CANAL - 43 - ERASMUS BRIDGE, ROTTERDAM EERSTE KAMER DER STATEN-GENERAAL, DEN HAA- SCHEVENINGSE PIER, DEN HAAG MEKELWEG 5 BUILDING, DELFT NIEUWE KERK, DELFT ROUNDABOUT, DEN HAAG - 44 - URBANISM 8 - PROPOSAL VIEW DRAWNGS - 45 - URBANISM 8 - PROPOSAL VIEW