This documentation file was generated on 2022-07-19 by Joy Goodman-Deane Last updated 2023-04-14 by Joy Goodman-Deane. GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: DIGNITY Digital Exclusion Dataset - Germany 2. Authorship: Name: Joy Goodman-Deane Institution: University of Cambridge Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-8166-1705 Name: Jakob Kluge Institution: IZT - Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-9703-6901 Name: Sam Waller Institution: University of Cambridge Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-5999-3930 Name: Elisabet Roca Bosch Institution: UPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya) Email: ORCID: 0000-0001-9432-0029 DESCRIPTION ----------- 1. Dataset language: English 2. Abstract: This dataset contains data from a population-representative survey examining various factors relating to digital exclusion (particularly digital mobility exclusion). The survey was conducted with 1010 adult participants in Germany in 2020. This dataset is part of a series of 5 datasets which used the same questionnaire (translated into different languages) in different countries in Europe. 3. Keywords: Inclusive design, digital inclusion, digital literacy, the digital gap 4. Date of data collection (single date or date range): 2020-07-01 - 2020-09-07 5. Date of dataset publication: 2022-05-10 6. Funding sources: Funding agency: European Research Council Project number: 875542 7. Geographic location/s of data collection: Germany (whole country) ACCESS INFORMATION ------------------ 1. Creative Commons License of the dataset: CC0 2. Dataset DOI: [This information will be filled in by the UPCommons team after validating data.] 3. Related publication: Goodman-Deane, J., Kluge, J., Roca Bosch, E., Nesterova, N., Bradley, M., Waller, S., Hoeke, L., Clarkson, P.J. (2022). Towards inclusive digital mobility services: A population perspective. Interacting with Computers. Forthcoming. Goodman-Deane, J. & Waller, S. (2022). D1.2 Benchmark of factors affecting use of digital products and surveys across Europe. DIGNITY project deliverable D1.2. (accessed: July 2022). Goodman-Deane, J., Kluge, J., Roca Bosch, E., Nesterova, N., Bradley, M., Clarkson, P.J. (2021). Digital mobility services: A population perspective. In: Proceedings of British HCI 2021. London, UK. 19-21 July 2021. DOI: 10.14236/ewic/HCI2021.15 Goodman-Deane, J., Kluge, J., Roca Bosch, E., Nesterova, N., Bradley, M., Waller, S., Hoeke, L., Clarkson, P.J. (2022). Towards inclusive digital mobility services: A population perspective. Interacting with Computers. Forthcoming. 4. Link to related datasets: [The other 4 DIGNITY datasets should be added here once we have the DOIs/URLs] Engineering Design Centre (2021). UK Digital Exclusion Survey Dataset [computer file]. SPARK: The Rail Knowledge Hub. VERSIONING AND PROVENANCE ------------------------- 1. Last modification date: 2023-04-14 Modification from previous version (dated 2022-04-06): Addition of Excel version of dataset, English showcards and printing instructions for vision chart. Removal of an open text field from the BASIC version of the dataset that was previously left in erroneously. 2. Was data derived from another source?: No 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection-generation of data: The survey covered technology access, technology use (both in general and for travel), limitations in travel, attitudes towards technology, basic digital interface competence, capabilities (sensory, motor and cognitive) and demographics. Most of these were examined using multiple-choice self-report questions with the exception of digital interface competence which was assessed using a simplified paper prototyping method. The questionnaire was originally written in English (see ENGLISH questionnaire.pdf). It was then translated into German by professional translators. Examples of services and products in the questionnaire were also adjusted at this point to ones commonly used in Germany. The translated version was then translated back into English and checked by the survey creators before adjustments were made the the translations were finalised. The questionnaires were all administered in face-to-face interviews lasting around 20 minutes. Face-to-face interviews were used to enable the inclusion of people with internet access and with low digital competence. This gives a better picture of digital mobility exclusion in the population. The survey was conducted by forsa, a German independent market and opinion research institute. It used the ADM face-to-face sampling system ( to obtain a population-representative sample of 1010 adults across Germany. Ethical approval was obtained from the University of Cambridge Engineering Department ethics committee. More details can be found in (Goodman-Deane et al, 2021; Goodman-Deane et al, 2022; Goodman-Deane and Waller, 2022). 2. Methods for processing the data: The RAW version of the dataset was generated from the collected data by renaming the variables to be consistent across the set of datasets. In addition, a weighting variable was calculated taking age, gender and region into account. The BASIC version of the dataset was generated from the RAW version by running a series of syntax files. These have been combined into the syntax file GERMANY combined syntax.sps. The questionnaire used routing so not all the respondents were asked all questions. The syntaxes created variables that are consistent across all respondents based on their answers to the routing questions as well as the final questions. The responses on the digital interface competence tests were categorised into Correct and Incorrect, and a variable was created with the total number correct. In some cases, Missing values were processed in different ways based on what a Missing value was likely to mean for that question. Variables marking specific groups that may be at risk of digital mobility exclusion (e.g. older people, rural inhabitants, people with low income) were also created. The (small number of) open text variables were removed from the versions of the dataset on this repository in case they contained any potentially identifying information. The Excel version of the dataset was generated by exporting the BASIC version, omitting the redundant and dummy variables (that were at the end of the SPSS file) and adding weighted frequency counts for each variable. More information on the structure of the Excel version and how to create derived variables and weighted frequency counts is included in a 'Read Me' tab in the Excel file. 3. Instrument- or software- specific information needed to interpret the data: The dataset was processed in SPSS v28, but other versions can be used to open it as well as other software that can read SPSS files. An Excel version of the dataset has been added to the repository entry to allow users who are more familiar with Excel to interpret the data more easily. 4. Instruments, calibration and standards information: The survey used the questionnaire described in "GERMANY questionnaire.pdf". The showcards used in the survey are available as "GERMANY showcards.pdf" and "vision test chart.pdf". 5. Environmental or experimental conditions: The surveys were conducted in participants' houses. 6. Quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: The survey was performed by forsa, a German independent market and opinion research institute, using trained interviewers. FILE OVERVIEW -------------- [All files in the dataset should be listed here. Filenames should include the extension (.csv, .pdf, etc.)] 1. Explain the file naming convention, if applicable: File names starting with "GERMANY" are used for files that are specific to the German survey. The files with names starting with "ENGLISH" are the original version of the questionnaire and showcards in English. Version numbers (e.g. v08) are included in some file names. These refers to the versions of the files in the researchers' records and are included to prevent older versions being uploaded by mistake. 2. File List: [Repeat the structure for every file. Include directory/folders structure, if applicable.] Filename: GERMANY RAW weighted with new variable names v02 anonymised.sav Short description: The raw version of the dataset after the variable names have been standardised across datasets and variable and value labels tidied up and put into English Filename: GERMANY BASIC weighted processed dataset v08 anonymised.sav Short description: The version of the dataset after further basic processing Filename: GERMANY combined syntax.sps Short description: Syntax for creating the BASIC version of the dataset from the RAW version Filename: GERMANY BASIC anonymized v08.xlsx Short description: The BASIC version of the dataset in Excel format Filename: GERMANY RAW v02 anonymised codebook.pdf Short description: Codebook for the RAW version of the dataset Filename: GERMANY BASIC v08 anonymised codebook.pdf Short description: Codebook for the BASIC version of the dataset Filename: ENGLISH questionnaire.pdf Short description: The English language original version of the questionnaire Filename: GERMANY questionnaire.pdf Short description: The German language version of the questionnaire Filename: ENGLISH showcards.pdf Short description: The English language original version of the showcards used in the survey Filename: GERMANY showcards.pdf Short description: The (German language) showcards used in the survey. Note that the maps and locations on showcards G and H were adjusted to use locations local to the survey. Filename: vision test chart with printing instructions.pdf Short description: The vision test chart used in the survey, with printing instructions in English 3. Relationship between files: The German version of the questionnaire is a translation of the English one. The RAW dataset was produced by using the German version of the questionnaire and the accompanying showcards and vision test chart with the survey participants. The syntax file can be used to generate the BASIC dataset from the RAW dataset. The Excel dataset is generated by exporting the BASIC dataset from SPSS. The codebooks describe the contents of the RAW and BASIC datasets. 4. File format: SPSS, Excel and pdf files. TABULAR DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION --------------------------------- This section should be created for each file or dataset that requires explanation of variables (typically, tabular data). All variables should be described. Include the measurement units.] File 1: 1. File name: GERMANY RAW weighted with new variable names v02 anonymised.sav 2. Number of rows and columns: 1010 rows (i.e. respondents), 130 columns (i.e. variables) 3. Variable list: The full variable list is given in the file GERMANY RAW v02 anonymised codebook.pdf 4. Missing data codes: Missing data codes were not defined in the raw version of the dataset. Please see the basic version for missing data codes. 5. Specialized formats or abbreviations used: N/A File 2: 1. File name: GERMANY BASIC weighted processed dataset v08 anonymised.sav 2. Number of rows and columns: 1010 rows (i.e. respondents), 218 columns (i.e. variables) 3. Variable list: The full variable list is given in the file GERMANY BASIC v08 anonymised codebook.pdf 4. Missing data codes: -99 always represents missing data. In addition, some other codes are used on particular variables to indicate missing for particular reasons. The missing data codes are listed for each variable in the file GERMANY BASIC v08 codebook.pdf. Code or symbol: -99 Definition: Missing 5. Specialized formats or abbreviations used: File 3: 1. File name: GERMANY BASIC anonymized v08.xlsx 2. Number of rows and columns: 1030 rows (1010 respondents plus 20 rows with variable names, frequency counts, etc), 156 columns (i.e. 154 variables plus 2 columns of headers) 3. Variable list: The full variable list can be found in the file GERMANY BASIC v08 anonymised codebook.pdf 4. Missing data codes: All missing data has a value of -1 Code or symbol: -1 Definition: Missing 5. Specialized formats or abbreviations used: MORE INFORMATION ---------------- [Include any other information about the dataset not reflected in the template that you consider relevant]