Perspectivas Urbanas / Urban Perspectives

Napoli (Italy), july 11th-14th, 2007

Centro Congressi Università “Federico II”, via Partenope 18, Napoli. Local Organizer: Dipartimento di Urbanistica, Università “Federico II”.

The conference’s main theme, the risk, is not just a concern for the hosting city, but more generally a challenging issue to planning theorists and practitioners.

As a concept, risk includes different meanings and dimensions, such as natural risk, security, human risk on the environment, conflicts and social marginality in peripheral areas. In this perspective, it is to be connected to the more “classic” issue of uncertainty as a basic dimension of planning practice, rising new questions on contemporary metropolitan government all over Europe. Studies on this matter – such as Beck’s and Giddens’s in the field of social sciences – open a new theoretical framework where the relation between planning and ethics becomes a key-issue, in a planning perspective based on shared values such as trust, cooperation and mutual care.

Abstract submission deadline: Febuary 28, 2007.

Starting from December 1st, the call for abstracts and all other information about the forthcoming Aesop Conference and related PhD workshop are available on the Conference’s official web site,