1NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF NON-LINEAR LARGE-STRAIN CONSOLIDATION AND FILLING A. HUERTA and A. RODRIGUEZ Departamento de Matematica Aplicada m, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona Salgado 31, 08034 Barcelona, Spain Abstract-Finite strain consolidation and filling of soft sediments at high water level is a challenging problem because of its highly non-linear physical and mathematical aspects. Several numerical schemes designed for this problem are presented as well as simple numerical improvements for a better handling ·.of the extremely high variations of the material properties with depth . The numerical algorithms developed ., are robust and verify convergence of the iterative schemes instead of the more classical approaches based t,-00 choosing time increments 'sufficiently' small and assuming convergence at every step. · · · A set of computer programs has been developed to predict magnitude and rate oflarge-strain self-weight :. ·one-dimensional and pseudo bi-dimensional (i.e. one-dimensional deformation, bi-dimensional flux) Jt·consolidation during and after deposition, that is, coupling filling and consolidation phenomena. The ".·actual life of the deposit can be numerically simulated combining filling periods and quiescent periods ',_ where surcharges ( or capping) can exist. Consequently, they are a basic technique for the design of disposal ' ponds. INTRODUCTION "'rediction of densification magnitudes and rates ajor concern in the disposal of fine grained H mineral wastes, such as mine tailings, a red mud, oil sand sludge, dredged materials, . 'e primary issues center around predicting the ependent capacity of a given disposal area-as s.ultimate storage capacity and useful life-and · e-rate improvement of material properties for ·tion purposes. Intrinsic to both issues is the of consolidation and the associated material . .. · of computer programs has been developed i-e'dict magnitude and rate of large-strain self- ) consolidation during and after deposition, is; coupling filling and consolidation phenom- T:_he actual life of the deposit can be numerically ... ~ted combining filling periods and quiescent ods. · .~e to the loose nature of the sedimented )it (solid contents ranging from less than 10% p· 30% ), the ensuing vertical settlements are ,Ilrextremely large and beyond the range that can ~,l!dled by classical small-strain consolidation . ?~s; accordingly non-linear finite deformation ~1.s must be developed. Since the physical and . _h~tnatical aspects of this problem are highly ~g-1_near, the numerical algorithms developed t1~Y. convergence of the iterative schemes instead . .. more classical approaches based on choosing increments 'sufficiently' small and assuming r~_ence at every step. This procedure precludes ,,,);:.~real aberrations that appear with other o·aches and increases accuracy in the first half of the consolidation process. It should be noted that due to the alternation between periods of filling and quiescent consolidation good accuracy at the first or middle stages of consolidation is needed, because the results obtained after a cycle are the initial conditions for the following one. This is not the case of classical consolidation analyses concerned mostly with the · final stages of consolidation. The next section contains a brief background of finite-strain theory and a discussion of the material relationships employed. This is · followed by a statement of the numerical problem together with the pertinent algorithms studied and developed. Next a couple of one-dimensional examples and the bi-dimensional extension of the problem are presented. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The theory presented here is patterned after the early work by Gibson et al. [l],. and several modifications that are described in (2-7] among others. Two standard formulations for the consoli- dation equation are employed in finite-strain theory, depending upon whether the void ratio, e, see for instance [I, 2, 4, 5, 8), or the excess pore-water press- ure, u, see (3, 9], is selected as the dependent variable. The approach adopted here uses excess over hydro- static pore-water pressure, u, as the dependent vari- able. The one-dimensional consolidation equation obtained is [3]: (1) Huerta, A. and Rodríguez-Ferran, A., Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Large-Strain Consolidation and Filling, Computers and Structures, Vol. 44, Issue 5, pp. 905-919, 1992 2in which the material coordinate z is given by r· da' z(a) = Jo I+ e 0 (a ')' (2) where a is the initial vertical (Lagrangian) coordinate, e0 is the initial void ratio, k is the coefficient of permeability, y •. is the unit weight of water, t is time, and u' and h O 2 3 4 5 ave been used: 100 x 106 kg/year (initial filling), Time (years) 3_00 x 106 kg/year (second and third cycles) and (b) 200 _x 106 kg/year (last cycle); (see Fig. 7a). · .. . . . . ,cons0li:. Figure 7 presents the height variations with time Fig. 7. (a) Sequence of fillmg periods and quiescent es. dation phases. (b) Comparison between different s~heJllof for different numerical schemes. It compares the during the simulation of the prediction of the containJlle linear and non-linear schemes with a time-step of 10 requirements and useful life. 70.1 0.2 0 .3 0 .4 0.5 0 .6 0 7 0 .8 0.9 1.0, _ 1.00 0 . 1 0 .2 0 .3 0.4 0 .5 .0.6· 0.7 0.8 I ~ 0 . 1 0 . '==10 .~ 0.9 _--,0 . 1 0 . 1 0 .9 ,. --- ~ - i0.7~l'/~o, o?Jo, :: r~: :: :: 0, 06~1/;,,, . . ~ A 06 0.6 1(9 ~ 0.6 h. 1i o.5 ~~ 0 _5 o.5 o.511111/ / J' . ,/"" o.5 o ' i 0.4 / ~ -6 -10 .4 0 .4UIIIIYf I /' n!'>_. -10 .4 '' ''~[11f ~"' . 0 '.~~ I I:'. ::_j? B,, :'. o . 2 o .3 o .4 o.5 ·o .6 o . 1 o.8 0.0 1.c? o ·0 .1 0 .2 · o .3 o .4 0 .11 o .6 o. 1 o .8 0 .0 1.0 : .: 0 ~:;=• 1' '( 0 ~' 'i' j;:~ ' --0 .2 -0 .7 O' ---. o.Z __- ____. _ --Jo .s ~ -3 ::i II! f/~ ---io _ ~= ::11111~ f/ ,L tCl 0 0 .1 0.2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 0.6 0.7 10.8 I0.91 1.0 t = 3 months t = 6 months t = 12 months ,,o ,, ,, ,, o, ,., ,, o, ,., o.s ",, ,,~ ~ o_c:..·-' ."""-o"°'.2 _=--0 .~-~ o-.4 __ 0::-.~~ o~._s ~o_ .1 __ 0_.8 - - - r.,c- ~ ~-=--=--==- ----==- = 09 09 . "// 0 .8 0.8 ~ 0.8 0.7 1.00 0 . 1 0.2 0 .3 0 .4 0.5 0.6 0 .7 0 .8 0.9 1.01.0 ----------------=I0 .9 9 ~9-,.____,9 0 .8 0 .7 ~05~\\\ ~ ~/.~~ - Jo5 o.J\ ~. ~ J:: 0.6 - --,Q .!I :g g ol\ \ \ ~--:- IIJ:: :: \-\. ' ~ -~~::: ~ ........_ 0 .2 0 .21-\ \. ------ -10.2 ~9 9 -=:IQ . I 0.1 I- \ "-. --1 0. I 9.2 0.4 >~?----.7 ?·3 0 .1 p.1 0 0 . 0 0 . Q 0 .1 0 .2 o .3 0.4 o .5 o .6 o .7 o .e 0.9 1.0 o 0. 1 0 .2 o .3 o .4 o .5 o .e o.7 o .e o .9 1:0 o 0 .1 0 .2 0 . 3 o .4 o .s o .6 0.1 o .s o.9 1.a t =c;?, mon\l,s t = 6 months t = 12 monttis \l;, g~-'2 ~ ~~-~m~te ~w_a~t !~~µt·f( fiiA~}hVJ~J~ i@.Ub?'tdiitfiD\iti); ,l_iikti;i.JttJ,) ( =.~ 1,'.i t~ ~J ~ JM1-~~ ,~;{JP.QPt;ijS:I·_AA~iii;::~ {-1:2. mp1;ithS: ~f- -r~dial _ @rgc-sthlill <~~blls,;,Jidaiion .. 8The extremely high variations of the void ratio -&~)coefficient of permeability in the upper area of , ,,,._·.d osit must be accurately captured; the pro- . ffie ep d · h ' · h ',t~, ed multiple no e per time-step tee mque 1s muc P-~ ffici·ent for filling analysis than the classical one :moree . :Ed(ie teehruque. n.'(J) Since the physic~) and mat~ematical as~ects ( the problem are highly non-Jmear, non-lmear R./ . h ds rather than the classical linearization :met o ;''" hod should be employed; the latter does not met . 1 . l . ;'i-· re convergence, may imp y uneconom1ca t1me- assu 1 . h "d . r.;• 5 and in genera , overestimates t e vo1 ratio step ' · I d h ( h' thus underestimatmg set~ ement an strengt t 1s ·::-,· ·mportant for reclamation purposes). 15 t4) A second order non-linea~ method (Newto°:- Raph~on) is necessary to ~scertam ~onvergence, this :'"tovides a robust and efficient algonthm; however , a ~ood initial approximation of the solution and a first ·[~ration with the 'fixed-point iterative method' are ~so recommended. '.(~) The bi-dimensional extension ampl ifies the non~Iinear aspects, however the 'split-step method ' allows a ready generalization of the one-dimens ional techniques, and successful results are also obtained ~ith'·the developed non-linear algorithm. REFERENCES J. R. E. Gibson, G . L. England and M . H. L. Husse y, The · theory of one-dimensional consolidation of saturated ·clays, I. Finite nonlinear consolidation of thin homo- . geneous layers. Geotechnique 17, 261-273 (1967). '2:, J. L. Monte and R . J . Krizek , One-dimensional · . · ~thematical model for large-strain consolidation . Geotechnique 26, 495-510 (1976). 3. F . Somogyi , Analysis and prediction of phosphatic clay consolidation: implementation package . Technical report ; Florida Phosphatic ··cla y Research Project , Lakeland, FL (1979) . 4. R. L. Schifffman, Finite iind infinitesimal strain consol- idation . J. Geotech. Engng Div., ASCE 106, 203-20 7 (1980). 5. R . E. Gibs on, R . L. Schiffman and K. W. 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